Dumb things you've heard people say

Originally Posted by UptownsDotNetStacky

V4 engines

I hear this all the time
Originally Posted by marion706

Well he didnt actually say it but one time this manager at footlocker
went on a sneaker forum and started ragging on this fly kid
his thread backfired then he tried to say it was his friends account.


In my 10th grade world history class my teacher asked the class what are two major religions in Japan during the time we were studying
one person said buddhism and this one girl said samsung.

EVERYONE in our class looked at her like 

One of the stupidest things I have ever heard
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Both times were at the barber shop
Barber: That's a goose outside isn't?

Chick: No I think that's a geese

Barber: So whats the difference between a goose and a geese.

Chick: Geese are bigger

Barber: Oh ok never knew that

My boy was talking bout joining the navy and him buying a kinect before he leaves.
Me:how you gonna play with your kinect if youre going to be stationed overseas?
Him:nah im not going overseas im going to Japan.
Me: orly face*. So japan isnt overseas? i didnt know that. Busts out laughing*
Me and my boys stay clowning him for this. This was like 2 weeks ago. Lmao smh
Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

this girl was in my car and she told me the the "wavy" stuff coming from the streets on a hot day was "the reflection from the sky"

Shes kinda right though...
two of the dumbest statements I've ever heard....

"I don't believe in seat belts" and "I'm not racist but I ain't no N...."
Originally Posted by theone218

In my 10th grade world history class my teacher asked the class what are two major religions in Japan during the time we were studying
one person said buddhism and this one girl said samsung.

EVERYONE in our class looked at her like 

One of the stupidest things I have ever heard
Girl: Tryna kill one bird with two stones
Me: You mean two birds with one stone?
Girl: Yea thats what I said
Me: Riiiiiiight

Me and my boy have the same name and girls always ask if we're brothers
i was in atlanta
girl: turn to the news i heard it was tanks somewhere out here.


girl: im serious 

me: thats georgia in russia

girl: no its somewhere here in georgia

me: *turns to news*

girl: oh you was right
- In 9th grade, a student in my class inquired about what happens after we die, and said to my English teacher, "Ayo, miss, I heard when you 'bout to die, and look up at the sky and say, 'god' you go to heaven. That's true?"

- A few weeks ago at work, a woman approached me and asked, "Where are your helmets?"

I walked her over to where we hold all our helmets, and she said, "Yeah, I saw those, but those are all children's helmets. There are no adult helmets; that makes no sense."

I work at Toys 'R' Us.
In high school we were reading "the ministers black veil" and we had to answer questions about the text.

This girl raises her hand and asks "umm what color was the veil again??" Smh
LMAO. im a waiter and today these 2 guys were ordering and one goes to me "do you have arugula cheese?" so im just like 
  and then his boy goes "arugula isn't a cheese you ******" hhahaha i was cracking up for a solid fifteen minutes. dude thought goat cheese was arugula cheese
hahah so happy that this thread was made.
Back when I worked at Kid's Footlocker in HS:

Coworker: I need to lose some weight; I think I'm gonna go sit in the sauna and sweat it off.
Me: That's not how it works, you're not burning fat you're just losing water weight so when you drink water you'll gain it all back.
Coworker: Oh, well I'll just drink Pepsi then!

*For NT'ers that have been around awhile, that coworker was ShortyPop

Just recently one of my friend's was like, "I think it's cool that Virginia Tech's stadium is so loud because the sound echos off of the mountains."


I was like dude, the mountains are several miles away and sound takes about 5 seconds to travel a mile. And there like 20 other reasons why that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard
He had the nerve to actually try and argue with me too.
Co-worker: I think my dad has Alzheimer's Disease.
Girl: What the hell is that?
Co-worker: Loss of brain function, memory, dementia?
Girl: You mean when they forget ^$ all the time?
Co-worker: yeap. pretty much :/
Girl: The hell did you get Alzheimer's? I'm pretty sure it's pronounced "OLD TIMERS"
In gym one time, before we were about to play ball, this one Hispanic dude wanted to tell the class that Puetro Ricans make the best basketball players in the world.

My reaction went from:
, to
, to
, back to

I wanted to slap him so hard, that he would apologize immediately after impact.
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Co-worker: I think my dad has Alzheimer's Disease.
Girl: What the hell is that?
Co-worker: Loss of brain function, memory, dementia?
Girl: You mean when they forget &#^$ all the time?
Co-worker: yeap. pretty much :/
Girl: The hell did you get Alzheimer's? I'm pretty sure it's pronounced "OLD TIMERS"

"That dude driving a Lamborghini probably has the smallest penis in the city." (replace Lamborghini with any nice car)

Such a salty comment. Besides, even if the guy had the smallest penis in the city, he could still steal the hater's chick for a week, give her the business the entire week and send her back to her man with a milk mustache and the salty dude couldn't do anything about it.
Originally Posted by scshift

"That dude driving a Lamborghini probably has the smallest penis in the city." (replace Lamborghini with any nice car)

Such a salty comment. Besides, even if the guy had the smallest penis in the city, he could still steal the hater's chick for a week, give her the business the entire week and send her back to her man with a milk mustache and the salty dude couldn't do anything about it.

sounds like you got a small **** my man
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