Dumb things you've heard people say

for all the gamers in here where players are each assigned a color
my friend just recently realized that
the reference of OJ = orange juice = player who is the color orange in the game
Originally Posted by MrYoungMoney

Hmmm things like when people say "Hella'".
Reason being thet don't use it correctly.
"It's hella' hot"!

Translation: It is hell of hot?
Doesn't make sense!

i think you're the dumb one
awhile ago i ordered just milkshakes from a drive thru at jack in the box at night. the lady over the speaker asked if i wanted ketchup.
 said no. got to the window, paid, got my milkshakes, and she threw in a "so thats a no on the ketchup?". politely said no and drove the hell out of there. 
another incident: buddy of mine goes, "he's always driving, man. he's like a.... driving man."
[white guy]" Man I'm glad I came back in town man. I missed ya'll man ya'll my N_'s[/white guy]



i'm brown btw
i was at six flags marine world one year, and my friend and i were walking away from a ride.

we see a group of kids holding a portable fold up park map, but didn't know where they were on the map.

one of the kids said "where's the 'you are here' sh*t on this map?"

my friend and i looked at each other and laughed for a good 3 minutes.
This thread got me cryinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

I'm actually at work right now

Dude goes

him: "when I leave out the parking deck...there's nobody there and the gate is up, what am I supposed to do?"

me: "Drive out"

him: "oh...so what do I do with the ticket? Do I just throw it away?"

me: "-_-"
Originally Posted by therenegade23

Originally Posted by ill steelo

I'm at mcdonalds and I ask the lady for a half dozen nuggets. And she says "You can either get 4, six, or ten."

So I say "I can get six, but I can't get a half dozen?" And she says "Yes" with an attitude.
I never get ppl say half dozen, when six is easier and faster to say

THats what I was thinking...why not just say "6 peice nuggets"

And Maybe when she said you can get either 4, six, or ten, she was being nice ( letting you know how they're avaiable for purchase just in case she thought that you thought only 4 peice nuggets were available). Seems like you were the one with the attitude trying to test her intelligence
The teachers with 5k post count on NT that correct NTers grammar on here that they call english when english isnt even my 1st language  what that about? dont read it? Vol. Go outside correct your lifes not my grammar on NT
Originally Posted by BEASTmode22

iwas at a sf giants game and dude behind me looks at his phone and says" what the hell, i have no service! arent we at att park?!!
can't lie i prob would have said the same thing smh
hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS wrote:
therenegade23 wrote:
ill steelo wrote:
I'm at mcdonalds and I ask the lady for a half dozen nuggets. And she says "You can either get 4, six, or ten."

So I say "I can get six, but I can't get a half dozen?" And she says "Yes" with an attitude. 

I never get ppl say half dozen, when six is easier and faster to say

THats what I was thinking...why not just say "6 peice nuggets" 

And Maybe when she said you can get either 4, six, or ten, she was being nice ( letting you know how they're avaiable for purchase just in case she thought that you thought only 4 peice nuggets were available). Seems like you were the one with the attitude trying to test her intelligence

why would he think only 4 piece nuggets were available? he didnt ask for a 4 piece 
Originally Posted by Supremacy

I work part time at CVS and this one time I was scanning items:

Customer takes out a coupon and goes, "hey, I have coupon but it's expired, will you guys still take it?"
happens almost everyday my man. Some managers don't care. When i'm working at the register, i dungivvafuu; i still give it to them....
One day I hit up blockbuster video with my white homie.we walk by a Malcolm X DVD with the big X on the front and he runs up to it and says "yo look let's rent the X-files.I used to love this show"after I gave him the dumbest look ever he figures he could fix it up by saying "yeah you know what I'm tripping,X-files hasn't come on in years.it'll probably be wack now"
one of my friends thought that there was a bridge stretching from Alaska to Hawaii.... 

to give you a reference point on how smart she is, i could imagine her doing this -

Originally Posted by 81KB

One day I hit up blockbuster video with my white homie.we walk by a Malcolm X DVD with the big X on the front and he runs up to it and says "yo look let's rent the X-files.I used to love this show"after I gave him the dumbest look ever he figures he could fix it up by saying "yeah you know what I'm tripping,X-files hasn't come on in years.it'll probably be wack now"

 I can't believe that.
"It's more _____." Instead of saying it's ____er.

Example: "It's more hot today "
instead of "it's hotter today".

For whatever reason, that annoys me.

I also hate sports cliches and even though I don't feel like listing them all, here's one: "The Kobe Bryants of the league." Really? There's more than one now?
My friend tried to convince some other people and I the pyramids were made by the aliens and the theory kept spreading to each friend and by the end of the conversation he had convinced several others.
My friends are morons by the way
Lady in front of me : "Let me get a Large coke with a small straw".

Everybody in line and behind the counter was like

She was  pissed
Originally Posted by therenegade23

Originally Posted by ill steelo

I'm at mcdonalds and I ask the lady for a half dozen nuggets. And she says "You can either get 4, six, or ten."

So I say "I can get six, but I can't get a half dozen?" And she says "Yes" with an attitude.
I never get ppl say half dozen, when six is easier and faster to say
Well I go to Krispy Kreme alot. so i'm used to saying half dozen instead of six
While at work:

Guy: "Yuh Im here to see my son Darius"

Me: "Ok, what's his last name? I'll look it up"

Guy: "Uh I dont know his last name, he got his mama last name"

District 9, yeah. Well you know, I did this film called Alien Nation. I sort of ghost wrote it. It was produced by my wife at the time, Gail Hurd. And District 9 obviously borrowed pretty heavily from the ideas of Alien Nation.. but then goes much farther – and almost in the way Avatar does.. You come into the film with one perspective of the aliens.. They’re hostile, and they’re kind of in our way, and we gotta deal with them and get them out of the way. And then you end up very sympathetic towards them at the end. And in a way, it’s a real triumph, because the aliens are so unsympathetic looking. They really did go pretty far in making them alien. Truly alien to us. Where the emotional affect is missing completely..
The whole thing

James Cameron's arrogance is sickening.
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