Dumbing Down Society (Print And Read During Your Commute To Work)

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by juggy4805

 The jury is still out on the benefits of fluoridation of water.
But we already know the harmful side of water with flouride in it. You don't think that is enough evidence there?
Most fluoride toxicity cases occur when someone ingests such poisons or insecticides. It's one of the reasons people child-proof their homes. When someone (typically a child) swallows fluoride, it hits­ the stomach and forms hydrofluoric acid, which can irritate and corrode the stomach lining. Once the gastrointestinal (GI) tract absorbs the fluoride, it causes, at the very least, bad stomachaches and diarrhea. It can cause serious GI problems and sometimes even seizures at doses of above 3 mg/kg. At doses of 5 to 10 grams for an adult, or 500 mg for a child, fluoride poisoning can damage major organs and cause death.

But that's not the kind of fluoride poisoning people are talking about when they discuss fluoridating water. They're talking about a less immediate form of fluoride toxicity that can result from drinking over-fluoridated water over a significant period of time -- like years. In this type of fluoride poisoning, the most commonly reported effects are dental and skeletal fluorosis -- conditions that weaken the teeth and bones, ironically.

The thing is, our drinking water already has fluoride in it, even without adding a thing. In drinking water, you'll find naturally occurring fluoride in amounts ranging from 0.05 parts per million (ppm, or mg/L) and 14 ppm [source: Bender]. The EPA set the highest safe amount at 4 ppm, so that upper-level 14 ppm is considered dangerous. The reason some states and countries add fluoride is because the low end of natural occurrence -- that 0.05 ppm -- is considered to be too low to help strengthen teeth. About 60 percent of U.S. cities fluoridate public drinking water to achieve levels of about 1 ppm. According to the American Dental Association, the optimal dose varies from 0.7 ppm to 1.2 ppm [source: ADA]. The U.S. National Academy of Sciences even recommends a daily intake of 1.5 mg to 4 mg a day [source: Drugs.com] to support healthy teeth and bones.

Dangerous fluoride levels are not prevalent in the US. However if you fear you may be in an area with high fluoride levels ask the water company to test.

I don't know, I am just skeptical of that site. There is some good info those articles. That Illuminati mess is BS to me though.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by juggy4805

 The jury is still out on the benefits of fluoridation of water.
But we already know the harmful side of water with flouride in it. You don't think that is enough evidence there?
Most fluoride toxicity cases occur when someone ingests such poisons or insecticides. It's one of the reasons people child-proof their homes. When someone (typically a child) swallows fluoride, it hits­ the stomach and forms hydrofluoric acid, which can irritate and corrode the stomach lining. Once the gastrointestinal (GI) tract absorbs the fluoride, it causes, at the very least, bad stomachaches and diarrhea. It can cause serious GI problems and sometimes even seizures at doses of above 3 mg/kg. At doses of 5 to 10 grams for an adult, or 500 mg for a child, fluoride poisoning can damage major organs and cause death.

But that's not the kind of fluoride poisoning people are talking about when they discuss fluoridating water. They're talking about a less immediate form of fluoride toxicity that can result from drinking over-fluoridated water over a significant period of time -- like years. In this type of fluoride poisoning, the most commonly reported effects are dental and skeletal fluorosis -- conditions that weaken the teeth and bones, ironically.

The thing is, our drinking water already has fluoride in it, even without adding a thing. In drinking water, you'll find naturally occurring fluoride in amounts ranging from 0.05 parts per million (ppm, or mg/L) and 14 ppm [source: Bender]. The EPA set the highest safe amount at 4 ppm, so that upper-level 14 ppm is considered dangerous. The reason some states and countries add fluoride is because the low end of natural occurrence -- that 0.05 ppm -- is considered to be too low to help strengthen teeth. About 60 percent of U.S. cities fluoridate public drinking water to achieve levels of about 1 ppm. According to the American Dental Association, the optimal dose varies from 0.7 ppm to 1.2 ppm [source: ADA]. The U.S. National Academy of Sciences even recommends a daily intake of 1.5 mg to 4 mg a day [source: Drugs.com] to support healthy teeth and bones.

Dangerous fluoride levels are not prevalent in the US. However if you fear you may be in an area with high fluoride levels ask the water company to test.

I don't know, I am just skeptical of that site. There is some good info those articles. That Illuminati mess is BS to me though.
Originally Posted by notes32

Very interesting read. If this is all true, what is the point of dumbing down society?
So we don't all uprise like they did in Egypt. That's the
only way this country can be taken back. We should have
acted after what has been called 9/11. Instead, were so
dumb we let an idiot failed businessman talk us into a very
profitable war. Profitable for billionares that is, not you.
Billionares laugh at how dumb we are.
Originally Posted by notes32

Very interesting read. If this is all true, what is the point of dumbing down society?
So we don't all uprise like they did in Egypt. That's the
only way this country can be taken back. We should have
acted after what has been called 9/11. Instead, were so
dumb we let an idiot failed businessman talk us into a very
profitable war. Profitable for billionares that is, not you.
Billionares laugh at how dumb we are.
Originally Posted by Brondiesel

The double standards on NT

Dont tell me most of yall didn't know this stuff?
Where does the double standard exist?

Don't knock when people find information out. Really isn't helping talking down to people because they didn't know something that you already knew. If anything that was more reason for you to present that info to us. We all are here to learn man.
Originally Posted by Brondiesel

The double standards on NT

Dont tell me most of yall didn't know this stuff?
Where does the double standard exist?

Don't knock when people find information out. Really isn't helping talking down to people because they didn't know something that you already knew. If anything that was more reason for you to present that info to us. We all are here to learn man.
Originally Posted by offbad

goddamnit are people still on this mercury is in my vaccine and is gonna give me autism %@!$+%@+?
What makes you so confident they're safe?
Originally Posted by offbad

goddamnit are people still on this mercury is in my vaccine and is gonna give me autism %@!$+%@+?
What makes you so confident they're safe?
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by offbad

goddamnit are people still on this mercury is in my vaccine and is gonna give me autism %@!$+%@+?
What makes you so confident they're safe?
I am interested in that answer as well.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by offbad

goddamnit are people still on this mercury is in my vaccine and is gonna give me autism %@!$+%@+?
What makes you so confident they're safe?
I am interested in that answer as well.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by offbad

goddamnit are people still on this mercury is in my vaccine and is gonna give me autism %@!$+%@+?
What makes you so confident they're safe?

They can still be unsafe yet not have any connection to autism.  That was an extremely faulty study that has done more harm than good over the years. That's not to say all vaccines are safe with no negative side effects.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by offbad

goddamnit are people still on this mercury is in my vaccine and is gonna give me autism %@!$+%@+?
What makes you so confident they're safe?

They can still be unsafe yet not have any connection to autism.  That was an extremely faulty study that has done more harm than good over the years. That's not to say all vaccines are safe with no negative side effects.
Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by notes32

Very interesting read. If this is all true, what is the point of dumbing down society?
So we don't all uprise like they did in Egypt. That's the
only way this country can be taken back. We should have
acted after what has been called 9/11. Instead, were so
dumb we let an idiot failed businessman talk us into a very
profitable war. Profitable for billionares that is, not you.
Billionares laugh at how dumb we are.
Yeah I pretty much agree with you.  I do believe that not even uprise could change the path America is going down at the moment.  Although, if an uprising were to happen in present day America, I am sure all hell would break loose.  Indeed it would all be for the better though
Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by notes32

Very interesting read. If this is all true, what is the point of dumbing down society?
So we don't all uprise like they did in Egypt. That's the
only way this country can be taken back. We should have
acted after what has been called 9/11. Instead, were so
dumb we let an idiot failed businessman talk us into a very
profitable war. Profitable for billionares that is, not you.
Billionares laugh at how dumb we are.
Yeah I pretty much agree with you.  I do believe that not even uprise could change the path America is going down at the moment.  Although, if an uprising were to happen in present day America, I am sure all hell would break loose.  Indeed it would all be for the better though
I was responding to some comments about public education in another thread, which were off-topic there, so I thought I'd start a new thread.

There's an excellent book, free at Scribd:

"The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America," by Charlotte Iserbyt.

It suggests, with over seven hundred pages of supporting documentation, that for about a century, American education has been hijacked by socialists, who have destroyed traditional academic education in favor of Pavlovian (i.e. behaviorist) conditioning methods, designed not to educate but to shape attitudes and opinions: in other words, to indoctrinate the young for the benefit of the socialist state. This is responsible for the decline in academic standards in this country and, in large part, for the lack of understanding by most people of the basic principles of liberty and constitutional government, and for their blind acceptance of whatever government commands.

Here are some examples, but I HIGHLY recommend you look at the book for yourself, which is stuffed full of page after page of revealing comments by the people who have created the modern education system.

From Pg. 46, quoted from "A New Definition of the Educated Man
I was responding to some comments about public education in another thread, which were off-topic there, so I thought I'd start a new thread.

There's an excellent book, free at Scribd:

"The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America," by Charlotte Iserbyt.

It suggests, with over seven hundred pages of supporting documentation, that for about a century, American education has been hijacked by socialists, who have destroyed traditional academic education in favor of Pavlovian (i.e. behaviorist) conditioning methods, designed not to educate but to shape attitudes and opinions: in other words, to indoctrinate the young for the benefit of the socialist state. This is responsible for the decline in academic standards in this country and, in large part, for the lack of understanding by most people of the basic principles of liberty and constitutional government, and for their blind acceptance of whatever government commands.

Here are some examples, but I HIGHLY recommend you look at the book for yourself, which is stuffed full of page after page of revealing comments by the people who have created the modern education system.

From Pg. 46, quoted from "A New Definition of the Educated Man
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