DUNE (new film incoming, love the book, also loved the multiple Lynch versions)

Looks good. Hopefully this spin-off hits the mark and provides further world building.

kinda off topic, but are there any sci-fi franchises that are universally accepted right now? I get that "universally accepted" is probably impossible right now :lol: Maybe CBM's can fall under this category, but even Marvel movies have fallen off...if this show lands, can Dune really be the next big thing in terms of sci-fi franchises for the next decade or so?

trying to engage in convos...not sure how I even see this myself at the moment, but in terms of big franchises none of them are really delivering (Star Wars, Marvel, Star Trek, etc...).
Not too recent but both Blade Runner movies were great but not box office hits. I think there's also an anime but I haven't watched it.
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