Dwight Howard might be the biggest clown in the NBA....

LOL #+* is wrong with you guys.

Basketball is a business. You don't mix personal feelings with business...

Let's be real Stan is not coaching them towards a championship so why is he there? At least this proves that Dwight actually does want to stay in Orlando.
Originally Posted by AG 47

So is Shaq still a bitter old hater for dissing Dwight?
He sure is.
He probably thinks Dwight is copying him by trying to get Stan fired. 
Dwight is funny. This creates such an awkward situation. They have to see each other every day. Why would anyone want to coach dude? Seriously? Coaches have it so bad man.

Dwight, remember he wanted The Cross to be the NBA Logo? Haha
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

LOL #+* is wrong with you guys.

Basketball is a business. You don't mix personal feelings with business...

Let's be real Stan is not coaching them towards a championship so why is he there? At least this proves that Dwight actually does want to stay in Orlando.

He's not coaching them towards a championship because the roster sucks. That team isn't championship material no matter who the coach is. And no, this doesn't really prove anything about what Dwight wants to do.
MoonMan818 wrote:
LOL #+* is wrong with you guys.

Basketball is a business. You don't mix personal feelings with business...

Let's be real Stan is not coaching them towards a championship so why is he there? At least this proves that Dwight actually does want to stay in Orlando.

If Dwight wore a silver suit this wouldnt be an issue

Players who under perform get shipped out with the quickness. "Its Business" is what there told to explain to their families.

So why is it a problem when the player fires the organization (Cavaliers) or the coach (SVG)?

Dudes just not used to the slaves running the ship....O

Originally Posted by JD617

Originally Posted by MoonMan818

LOL #+* is wrong with you guys.

Basketball is a business. You don't mix personal feelings with business...

Let's be real Stan is not coaching them towards a championship so why is he there? At least this proves that Dwight actually does want to stay in Orlando.

He's not coaching them towards a championship because the roster sucks. That team isn't championship material no matter who the coach is. And no, this doesn't really prove anything about what Dwight wants to do.
If he didn't care about what the Magic did, he would have told them to trade me, don't sign the mini extension, blah blah blah.

Unless he plans to completely decimate a franchise before he leaves, this shows he has interests in the team by wanting changes to be made.

I also feel his pain, I would hate to play for a naggy old lady.
Dwight's this, Dwight's that blah blah blah, but this falls on Otis Smith. This guy is definitely one of the worst GM's in recent memory.
Originally Posted by CP1708

That vid is hilarious. 

TNT going to be LIVE tonight man. 

They should do everything they can to re-inact the video with Shaq and Chuck.  Could you imagine? 

Big Shaq is gonna have a field day with this.
Originally Posted by PMatic

"It’s 12:02 right now. If they want to fire me at 12:05, I’ll go home and find something to do. I’ll have a good day."
"The only thing I'm uncomfortable with is $*%@+%+%."
"It's not a matter of being committed to me. It's a matter of being committed to the team and trying to do everything you can to help the team win games. That's all I'm concerned with,"


SVG is that dude.
Dwight could change his mind 15 more times by next year. No one really knows what Dwight wants. I'm not sure Dwight himself knows what he wants.
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

LOL #+* is wrong with you guys.

Basketball is a business. You don't mix personal feelings with business...

Let's be real Stan is not coaching them towards a championship so why is he there? At least this proves that Dwight actually does want to stay in Orlando.

Are you serious?
   This doesnt prove $@!*. Maybe he just doesnt like SVG because he doesn't give him the star treatment he thinks he deserves. Doesn't mean he actually wants to stay there. Dude is a clown.

If he really wanted to stay in Orlando, guess what, he would've signed the extension LAST OFFSEASON. Not drag this stupid drama into this season.
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

LOL #$@ is wrong with you guys.

Basketball is a business. You don't mix personal feelings with business...

Let's be real Stan is not coaching them towards a championship so why is he there? At least this proves that Dwight actually does want to stay in Orlando.

They can't bring ANYONE in that's going to coach that squad to championship.
The way Dwight came and put his arm around stan, it looked like he was trying to suppress anymore information from leaking out. Dude looked mad suspicious and disingenuous.
When Dwight put his arm around SVG- it looked so awkward between the two.

You can tell SVG wasn't havin it, he was like "you guys done with me?" and bounced right after dwight put his arm around him....
Originally Posted by cartune

Players who under perform get shipped out with the quickness. "Its Business" is what there told to explain to their families.

So why is it a problem when the player fires the organization (Cavaliers) or the coach (SVG)?

Dudes just not used to the slaves running the ship....O


slaves? why would slaves run the ship when there is someone in charge of running the ship already (GM)?
and why are you trying to compare the players to slaves?
Originally Posted by Zyzz

i hope he tears is ACL, MCL, everything associated with the knee. im just so sick of him.
Did Dwight sleep with your girl or something? How does this man get under your skin THAT much?
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