Dysfunctional mom, PISSING ME OFF!

I wish I could help, but my mom is the complete opposite. Never curses,always cleans, does the laundry, cooks every meal. If I could suggest anything, I would say have a 1 on 1 talk with her. Good Luck.
Originally Posted by mrgrapes85

Do you guys have problems with this?

My mom will cuss in front of my little sisters (six years old), i'll tell her to stop that, and then she'll scream and cuss me trying to justify it...

She'll sleep in hella late, not clean the house and say she's always too busy to clean...

nothing pisses me off more than my mom, trying to justify herself for the stupid things she does, sorry, just venting a little bit...

I love her to death, but just cause she's my mom doesn't mean she's always right!
my mom is an amazing woman and mother... truly the only person that simply cares* about my well being.. but she;s crazy as $%*%
those examples are damn near on point tho.. my mom works hard and has three very capable children.. but damn she dont cook or clean.. and somehow we're always to blame
she be stressed so, i see where comes from.. but i dont wanna hear it half the time. lol. im stressed too

EDIT: my mom is 49 (i'm the youngest 19)
Originally Posted by EZLN1

glad my mom aint like that....but I was on the bus today, and saw a prime example of what you are talking about
Mom and son get on bus, and she's already talking loud. They head towards the back of the bus, and even though I'm in the front, I can still hear her through all the people.....+$+$ this, N words flying, just super loud, rude, and obnoxious. About 15 minutes into the ride, she begins to mouth off at the people giving her the
, and the next thing I hear is" THIS IS AMERICA! I CAN SAY WHATEVER THE +$+$ I WANT TO! YOU'RE ABUSING ME AND MY CHILD", along with racist words about chinese people.
This was a grown %## woman, easily in her mid thirties, with a child around 7 years old. I got off the bus in disgust...this woman had no dignity, self-respect, or ounce of common courtesy towards the rest of humanity.
I can justify this behavior by children, but not by someone who is damn near 40, and seemingly goes out of her way to be a spectacle
SF Muni?
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