Early Releases are High Quality Fakes

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my question is bout those mystery restocks some websites have...like those Space Jams that restocked, i missed the explanation
my question is bout those mystery restocks some websites have...like those Space Jams that restocked, i missed the explanation

we came to the conclusion that they were made sometime during the Concord production.

but then again, no one knows.

pretty much, they were produced 1-2 years after the initial 2009 production
Reading comprehension 101
And whats crazy is, I don't even own a pair of these so called "fakes"

I just hate when people parade around acting like they know some ****, when they don't.

If someone as making tylenol caplets during off hours in the lab, brought them home and gave them to their kids, what are they giving their kids? Is it not tylenol? Is it some kind of fake tylenol because they didn't buy it from the store? It came right from the lab and there's no receipt from CVS, so it must be some fake medicine.... Oh yeah.. Thats what it is...

Like, its getting redundant with you guys. Common sense is rare these days cotdamn.


Im certain you know much more about counterfeits than the New York Times, MIT, and all the other sources I've cited.


Bruh, I'm not about to read a NY Times article about counterfeiting. They're sneakers. The **** ain't that deep.

Some things are just common sense man. If its THAT much of a deal to you where you have to read articles, do research, and find out through countless message boards to find out if a shoe is legit to buy then its obvious that you shouldn't be buying them.

And by definition of counterfeit according to the wiki ling YOU posted, a pair made in the factory by the workers with the same materials still doesn't make them fake. It makes them unauthorized.

Counterfeit products have a fake company logos and brands. - Wikipedia

A counterfeit Jordan would be a pair of


You can argue Patent/trademark infringement, but that makes them unauthorized more than flat out "fake".
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^^ actually those would be a knock off, not counterfeit. (which is not da same thing)
Did you take the time to view the citations? Maybe if you had you would have seen the sources citated I would say they are pretty damn credible.



What assumptions are coming from my end? So the New York Times has no credibility and neither does the International Anti Counterfeiting Coalition? MIT? Riiiiiiight.

Where did I claim the only people arguing against me have a lot at stake in these? Go ahead quote that find my comment and quote me. The only person I addressed was Ninjahood who made this comment
This comment doesn't make any sense:
NONE I REPEAT NONE of that matters. I don't care if someone has a full collection of these early release shoes that doesn't make them legit.

So far no one advocating that these early release pairs are legit has presented ANY REAL evidence showing these shoe are legit (which they aren't) or provided any proof that they are coming from Nike factories (which wouldn't matter anyway because fakes can come from the same factories). Also, the fact that anyone believes that a factory can't make a replica shoe with the same materials as the real deal is mind blowing
Ignorance is convenient. Let me know when you pull those carrots out of your ears. I outlined just three specific examples of bs coming from you. I called them assumptions out of courtesy.
Additionally, prime is right in discounting your "sources".
The NYTimes or some academic has nothing to say about what a sneaker head thinks about his hobby.
Also what journalist or writer would legitimise what is in essence an illegal activity?
Bruh, I'm not about to read a NY Times article about counterfeiting. They're sneakers. The **** ain't that deep.

Some things are just common sense man. If its THAT much of a deal to you where you have to read articles, do research, and find out through countless message boards to find out if a shoe is legit to buy then its obvious that you shouldn't be buying them.

And by definition of counterfeit according to the wiki ling YOU posted, a pair made in the factory by the workers with the same materials still doesn't make them fake. It makes them unauthorized.
A counterfeit Jordan would be a pair of


You can argue Patent/trademark infringement, but that makes them unauthorized more than flat out "fake".

Lol not that deep? Lmao! Wow that comment alone is enough for you to no longer be acknowledged for this discussion. Obviously you have no idea where the funds for these fakes goes and how it effects people's lives
Additionally, prime is right in discounting your "sources".
The NYTimes or some academic has nothing to say about what a sneaker head thinks about his hobby.
Also what journalist or writer would legitimise what is in essence an illegal activity?

Word cause the iacc are journalists right? Lmao this is exactly what I'm talking about with these comments the level of ignorance is high. Why don't you go figure out who exactly they are and then you can answer that question yourself
Ignorance is convenient. Let me know when you pull those carrots out of your ears. I outlined just three specific examples of bs coming from you. I called them assumptions out of courtesy.

Right. Addressed everything you outlined, but by all means keep repeating yourself I'm sure eventually you will sound like you know what your talking about
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So your telling me that if I stich together a shirt with the same materials as gucci and throw gucci logo on there that makes it gucci .....No it's just a high quality fake sorta like what happen with comic books and trading cards
Reading comprehension 101
And whats crazy is, I don't even own a pair of these so called "fakes"

I just hate when people parade around acting like they know some ****, when they don't.

If someone as making tylenol caplets during off hours in the lab, brought them home and gave them to their kids, what are they giving their kids? Is it not tylenol? Is it some kind of fake tylenol because they didn't buy it from the store? It came right from the lab and there's no receipt from CVS, so it must be some fake medicine.... Oh yeah.. Thats what it is...

Like, its getting redundant with you guys. Common sense is rare these days cotdamn.


Im certain you know much more about counterfeits than the New York Times, MIT, and all the other sources I've cited.


Bruh, I'm not about to read a NY Times article about counterfeiting. They're sneakers. The **** ain't that deep.

Some things are just common sense man. If its THAT much of a deal to you where you have to read articles, do research, and find out through countless message boards to find out if a shoe is legit to buy then its obvious that you shouldn't be buying them.

And by definition of counterfeit according to the wiki ling YOU posted, a pair made in the factory by the workers with the same materials still doesn't make them fake. It makes them unauthorized.

Counterfeit products have a fake company logos and brands. - Wikipedia

A counterfeit Jordan would be a pair of


You can argue Patent/trademark infringement, but that makes them unauthorized more than flat out "fake".

I thought counterfeit products mimic the products they are copying. Logo and all. Rolex for example from a gas station, lol. You know it's not real, not made by Rolex but made to portray a authentic watch. They don't use the same materials and aren't made by the same people.
Reading comprehension 101
And whats crazy is, I don't even own a pair of these so called "fakes"

I just hate when people parade around acting like they know some ****, when they don't.

If someone as making tylenol caplets during off hours in the lab, brought them home and gave them to their kids, what are they giving their kids? Is it not tylenol? Is it some kind of fake tylenol because they didn't buy it from the store? It came right from the lab and there's no receipt from CVS, so it must be some fake medicine.... Oh yeah.. Thats what it is...

Like, its getting redundant with you guys. Common sense is rare these days cotdamn.


Im certain you know much more about counterfeits than the New York Times, MIT, and all the other sources I've cited.


Bruh, I'm not about to read a NY Times article about counterfeiting. They're sneakers. The **** ain't that deep.

Some things are just common sense man. If its THAT much of a deal to you where you have to read articles, do research, and find out through countless message boards to find out if a shoe is legit to buy then its obvious that you shouldn't be buying them.

And by definition of counterfeit according to the wiki ling YOU posted, a pair made in the factory by the workers with the same materials still doesn't make them fake. It makes them unauthorized.

Counterfeit products have a fake company logos and brands. - Wikipedia

A counterfeit Jordan would be a pair of


You can argue Patent/trademark infringement, but that makes them unauthorized more than flat out "fake".

I thought counterfeit products mimic the products they are copying. Logo and all. Rolex for example from a gas station, lol. You know it's not real, not made by Rolex but made to portray a authentic watch. They don't use the same materials and aren't made by the same people.

It could be that too. But if a worker hand makes the inner movements of a rolex, with rolex's tools, in a rolex factory, and puts them in a submariner body made of solid gold, and stamps it with a rolex seal does that not make it a rolex? Just because they made it during non Rolex authorized hours of business, that makes it a fake rolex?

I'm sorry, but I know 100% of you would take that watch and not think twice about it. Don't lie to yourselves

I never said if some random dude was ordering materials wholesale from overseas making them in his basement, that they were legit.

Take my words for what they are. I think you guys are coming at me thinking I own a pair of these shoes. I'm just keeping it 100 on both sides of this argument.

If the **** is fake, then its fake.

But fake is a term being thrown around loosely nowadays, and there needs to be clarification on whats real and whats fake. Cause a lot of cats are coming up with hundreds of reasons as to why anything that doesn't come with a Nike/FNL/Footlocker receipt is fake.

I'm just trying to keep it 100, cause I don't play favorites. I'm not about to mob up with a bunch of blind sighted cats slandering something they aren't even sure on.

But I'm not about to cosign fakes either. I know what I believe is real, and I know what I think is fake.

Theres cats who think B-Grades are fake. How could I cosign a bunch of cats who don't know what B-Grades are? :lol:
It could be that too. But if a worker hand makes the inner movements of a rolex, with rolex's tools, in a rolex factory, and puts them in a submariner body made of solid gold, and stamps it with a rolex seal does that not make it a rolex? Just because they made it during non Rolex authorized hours of business, that makes it a fake rolex?

I'm sorry, but I know 100% of you would take that watch and not think twice about it. Don't lie to yourselves

I never said if some random dude was ordering materials wholesale from overseas making them in his basement, that they were legit.

Take my words for what they are. I think you guys are coming at me thinking I own a pair of these shoes. I'm just keeping it 100 on both sides of this argument.

If the **** is fake, then its fake.

But fake is a term being thrown around loosely nowadays, and there needs to be clarification on whats real and whats fake. Cause a lot of cats are coming up with hundreds of reasons as to why anything that doesn't come with a Nike/FNL/Footlocker receipt is fake.

I'm just trying to keep it 100, cause I don't play favorites. I'm not about to mob up with a bunch of blind sighted cats slandering something they aren't even sure on.

But I'm not about to cosign fakes either. I know what I believe is real, and I know what I think is fake.

Theres cats who think B-Grades are fake. How could I cosign a bunch of cats who don't know what B-Grades are? :lol:

And heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere we go again. First off theres no proof these are made in the same factories but for arguments sake lets say they are.

You point out " But if a worker hand makes the inner movements of a rolex, with rolex's tools, in a rolex factory, and puts them in a submariner body made of solid gold, and stamps it with a rolex seal does that not make it a rolex? Just because they made it during non Rolex authorized hours of business, that makes it a fake rolex?" And this is where your argument is flawed. These early release pairs do not have all the same materials. They use different glues, different insoles, different heights, and shoddy stitching etc. A legit Rolex would never leave the factory with a band that is lets say a different size and width compared to others of the same style. Rolex wouldn't substitute some of the materials for the same model of watch. THAT HOWEVER, IS EXACTLY HOW THESE EARLY RELEASE AKA FAKES ARE MADE. THEY DO NOT USE ALL THE SAME MATERIALS. B GRADES USUALLY HAVE ONE MAYBE TWO DEFECTS EITHER STITCHING OR COLOR ISSUES BUT NOT A COMBINATION OF THE WRONG HEIGHT, A THIN INSOLE, A FLAT PLASTIC LIKE AIR UNIT, AND NASTY SMELLING GLUE THATS NOT USED IN OTHER NIKE PRODUCTS. THEIR FAKE GET OVER IT.
:lol: Big bold text. I guess its getting serious now.

These sneakers are real life to you bruh. Citing newspapers etc etc.

So glue is what we're basing this on now?

Its been said how many times that the quality of glue and stitching means how much? Dawg, I've wen't to footlocker and copped countless kicks with glue defects. Thats what we're basing authentics on now?

A legit Rolex would never leave the factory with a band that is lets say a different size and width compared to others of the same style.

Do you know what a B-Grade is? Like honestly, do you know what it is?

A B-Grade is a factory model that has construction defects. i.e. A Rolex with a band that is a different size compared to the others of the same style. Thats a ******g defect is it not? A pair of Jordan XII's with a Jumpman stitched too high on the tongue is a factory defect, a B-GRADE product that has been shipped out. Does that make those kicks fake? Have you heard of quality control?

Have I not said countless times in this thread that if they aren't made from the same materials in the same factory by the same workers they are fake?

What the **** are you arguing on about right now? Read what I'm saying COMPLETELY before you assume that I'm aboard the "fake" bandwagon.

YOU don't know what they're made out of. Are YOU over there inspecting the factories? No you aren't, so you're going based off of what you READ and what you HEAR. Neither one of us know whats good. At least I'm keeping it straight by saying we don't know for sure, but IF they are made with the same materials by the workers in the factories, then they are the same.

You hear me?


You're parading around talking out your *** like you know whats going on over there. You sit here and talk about it like since because you read a couple articles and have a hunch, then you know whats going on. NONE of us know whats going on.

So whether they're fake or not, if you don't ******g deal with the websites you don't got **** to worry about.

Your jimmies have been rustled cause you're taking this **** too seriously.

Don't worry about the next man and where he orders his shoes. Worry about yours. If you have to do all of this research on the matter, you SHOULN'T even be ordering from the site. Period.

But don't go around telling people some **** is fake when you don't know for fact that they are. Cause you don't. No matter how much you beat your chest claiming they are, none of us know what the hell is going on over there and who's making what. You're fueled by speculation and what you THINK is fake.

I'm not about to tell them they're fake, and I'm not about to tell them they're real. I'm going to tell them to gamble their chances and whatever it is, they paid for it. If you want to be safe, then buy what footlocker has on the shelves, or pay what Flightclub is charging. Cause a lot of people have these "fakes" in their closet from ebay/ISS and don't even know it. They think their **** is legit cause the site they ordered from seemed "legit", but the seller ordered them early. Irony.

What the hell is a "high quality" fake? A "high quality" b-grade? The heck? So its made from premium materials, the same **** the real ones are made out of, but since they aren't authorized, they're fake shoes? What, they're imaginary now? You have a pair of Spacejams from 2009 bought from footlocker, and he has a pair from the "Early release" site, but they got the same materials, same box, same quality, same carbon fiber, same jumpman, same colors, same everything. But since his pair can't be traced back like yours, his shoes are "fake" or "inferior" to yours? Its the same damn thing.

I could understand if the patent leather was flimsy, or the carbon fiber was fake. Or even if the shoe fell apart. But this shoe is made exactly the same as yours, with the same ****, "allegedly" in the same place? Its the same damn **** fam. Ain't nothing fake about that at all. It's UNAUTHORIZED.

And I'm done typing these ******g paragraphs. Today is my off work. I'm not about to spend it going back and forth with you.

You win.
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:lol: Big bold text. I guess its getting serious now.

These sneakers are real life to you bruh. Citing newspapers etc etc.

So glue is what we're basing this on now?

Its been said how many times that the quality of glue and stitching means how much? Dawg, I've wen't to footlocker and copped countless kicks with glue defects. Thats what we're basing authentics on now?
Do you know what a B-Grade is? Like honestly, do you know what it is?

A B-Grade is a factory model that has construction defects. i.e. A Rolex with a band that is a different size compared to the others of the same style. Thats a ******g defect is it not? A pair of Jordan XII's with a Jumpman stitched too high on the tongue is a factory defect, a B-GRADE product that has been shipped out. Does that make those kicks fake? Have you heard of quality control?

Have I not said countless times in this thread that if they aren't made from the same materials in the same factory by the same workers they are fake?

What the **** are you arguing on about right now? Read what I'm saying COMPLETELY before you assume that I'm aboard the "fake" bandwagon.

YOU don't know what they're made out of. Are YOU over there inspecting the factories? No you aren't, so you're going based off of what you READ and what you HEAR. Neither one of us know whats good. At least I'm keeping it straight by saying we don't know for sure, but IF they are made with the same materials by the workers in the factories, then they are the same.

You hear me?


You're parading around talking out your *** like you know whats going on over there. You sit here and talk about it like since because you read a couple articles and have a hunch, then you know whats going on. NONE of us know whats going on.

So whether they're fake or not, if you don't ******g deal with the websites you don't got **** to worry about.

Your jimmies have been rustled cause you're taking this **** too seriously.

Don't worry about the next man and where he orders his shoes. Worry about yours. If you have to do all of this research on the matter, you SHOULN'T even be ordering from the site. Period.

But don't go around telling people some **** is fake when you don't know for fact that they are. Cause you don't. No matter how much you beat your chest claiming they are, none of us know what the hell is going on over there and who's making what. You're fueled by speculation and what you THINK is fake.

I'm not about to tell them they're fake, and I'm not about to tell them they're real. I'm going to tell them to gamble their chances and whatever it is, they paid for it. If you want to be safe, then buy what footlocker has on the shelves, or pay what Flightclub is charging. Cause a lot of people have these "fakes" in their closet from ebay/ISS and don't even know it. They think their **** is legit cause the site they ordered from seemed "legit", but the seller ordered them early. Irony.

I could understand if the patent leather was flimsy, or the carbon fiber was fake. Or even if the shoe fell apart. But this shoe is made exactly the same as yours, with the same ****, "allegedly" in the same place? Its the same damn **** fam. Ain't nothing fake about that at all. It's UNAUTHORIZED.

And I'm done typing these ******g paragraphs. Today is my off work. I'm not about to spend it going back and forth with you.

You win.

Once again you hand pick certain things from what I type and ignore everything else. Why didn't you address the fake air unit's I brought up, how about the difference in height, the different insoles your a ******g joke seriously. You take ONE thing of 4 or 5 irregularities that were brought up and pound that ****.

And let me explain something to you, I do know whats going on over in Asia much more so than you will ever know. I'm in contact with several of the higher ups for all the major brands so find out who your dealing with before you start yapping off at the mouth about what I don't know.

And its a much deeper issue then you make it out to be, if you actually had a brain to realize how this entire thing really impacts people including yourself you would shut your mouth and stop pretending like you knew what you were talking about. The only reason I have to present proof is because I have people like yourself, anyone else with common sense doesn't need me to hold their hand through the explanation.

And this again
"Early release" site, but they got the same materials, same box, same quality, same carbon fiber, same jumpman, same colors, same everything. But since his pair can't be traced back like yours, his shoes are "fake" or "inferior" to yours? Its the same damn thing.

This is exactly what I'm talking about, I can measure your intelligence with the fact that you haven't read anything else. All your doing is repeating the same thing like a broken record. They don't have the same quality, they don't have all the same materials and they don't have the same everything. How many times does that have to be repeated before it sinks into that little brain of yours? :smh::lol:
:lol: I'm repeating the same thing because my point is not changing.

I'm not about to change my argument. I'm standing by my statements.

Buy a pair of these "fakes" then take them apart, and then take apart a pair of your shoes thats legit and show me the fake air units.

Show me. Don't tell me. Show me.

And I'm taking your "connections" with a grain of salt. I've been hearing people with so called "higher ups" for years now. Find a new way to prove your point. Every thread someone has a "connect" or "higher up" who knows whats going on with releases, restocks, upcoming shoes, whatever.

You haven't done anything but talk just as much as I have. You're SAYING **** bruh. Thats it. You're SAYING they have fake this, and fake that. But you ain't showing ****.

So you got all these higher connects and you got all of this info that only your eyes have seen, but I'm supposed to listen to you right? Why? Because you said your info is legit?

So your telling me that if I stich together a shirt with the same materials as gucci and throw gucci logo on there that makes it gucci .....No it's just a high quality fake sorta like what happen with comic books and trading cards
im still waiting to see a pair of fake kicks with real carbon fiber...
I could understand if the patent leather was flimsy, or the carbon fiber was fake. Or even if the shoe fell apart. But this shoe is made exactly the same as yours, with the same ****, "allegedly" in the same place? Its the same damn **** fam. Ain't nothing fake about that at all. It's UNAUTHORIZED.
im TIRED of tellin this ***** da same thing...
:lol: I'm repeating the same thing because my point is not changing.

I'm not about to change my argument. I'm standing by my statements.

You haven't done anything but talk just as much as I have. You're SAYING **** bruh. Thats it. You're SAYING they have fake this, and fake that. But you ain't showing ****.

So you got all these higher connects and you got all of this info that only your eyes have seen, but I'm supposed to listen to you right? Why? Because you said your info is legit?


Buy a pair of these "fakes" then take them apart, and then take apart a pair of your shoes thats legit and show me the fake air units.

Show me. Don't tell me. Show me.

This video takes care of that.

And I'm taking your "connections" with a grain of salt. I've been hearing people with so called "higher ups" for years now. Find a new way to prove your point. Every thread someone has a "connect" or "higher up" who knows whats going on with releases, restocks, upcoming shoes, whatever.

You know what, I don't even wanna be that dude, but if your questioning my connections then :lol: Lets put it this way if I wanted to call some of the designers for your favorite shoes, marketing directors or guys that are in charge of manufacturing and tell them how dumb you are I could. I see your join date is 2011, I'll give you a pass on that.
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but you posting that cool grey video and YOU NOT LISTENING TO WHAT HE'S SAYING...

but you posting that cool grey video and YOU NOT LISTENING TO WHAT HE'S SAYING...


As I have come to understand, these are all the factory slip ups that are tossed to the side during production. Which is true for all company productions, there is always going to be "wiggle room" for them to toss out the sloppy pairs. So the clean pairs can be sold out for retail.

Grey market = B-Grade
:lol: I'm repeating the same thing because my point is not changing.

I'm not about to change my argument. I'm standing by my statements.

You haven't done anything but talk just as much as I have. You're SAYING **** bruh. Thats it. You're SAYING they have fake this, and fake that. But you ain't showing ****.

So you got all these higher connects and you got all of this info that only your eyes have seen, but I'm supposed to listen to you right? Why? Because you said your info is legit?


Buy a pair of these "fakes" then take them apart, and then take apart a pair of your shoes thats legit and show me the fake air units.

Show me. Don't tell me. Show me.

This video takes care of that.

And I'm taking your "connections" with a grain of salt. I've been hearing people with so called "higher ups" for years now. Find a new way to prove your point. Every thread someone has a "connect" or "higher up" who knows whats going on with releases, restocks, upcoming shoes, whatever.

You know what, I don't even wanna be that dude, but if your questioning my connections then :lol: Lets put it this way if I wanted to call some of the designers for your favorite shoes, marketing directors or guys that are in charge of manufacturing and tell them how dumb you are I could. I see your join date is 2011, I'll give you a pass on that.

I joined NT december 2004.

3rd screen name.

And I'm supposed to know who you are or something? You think you're important or something, but as far as I'm concerned, you're not. Your word only goes as far as your screen name to me. Which I have never seen until this thread.

So there goes that.

Holla at me when you come with some real **** to back your word up with. You're all "he say she say". "I could do this, I could do that"
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