Early Releases are High Quality Fakes

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another lame dodge. the stats i was referring to were yours. you know, like i did a few times already. you ignore it each time.

nightwing is cool, i respect him, but his one video does not necessarily represent all unauthorised pairs. it is just one example. and as i've already agreed with you, there are grades of quality, but at least i correctly noted this takes place both in authorised and unauthorised pairs. another point you ignored.

as for the suggestion that buying unauthorised pairs is giving money to criminals, well this is at least an interesting subject matter. let's look at what crime is being done here and what harm is created by it. let's then compare that to the harm authorised pairs create, with the exploitation of foreign cheap labour with long working hours and poor industrial conditions. nike is arguably on par, if not worse, than the criminals who organise grey market products.

don't get me wrong, i defend nike for the efforts they have made since the later 90's to curb worker exploitation, and i continue to give them my money. it is just you can't use this ethical argument here. besides, the crims would be out of business if nike's business model wanted to put the effort into it. and hey they still make a billion on jb each year anyway, so what's the difference? it kind of puts substance behind the claims that they are either wilfully letting crims get to their product or are in direct partnership with them.

Originally Posted by eltouha

sure, wiki is a true academic resource.


there's a lot of assumptions coming from your end, tre. at first you agreed when someone claimed the only people arguing against you have a lot at stake in these. i pointed out that is false. you ignored it.

on this page it is claimed that the only people arguing counter to you are those who have pairs in their collection. sir charles also proved that false. another point conveniently ignored by yourself.

don't play high road, dude. you're spinning **** here as much as anyone.

Did you take the time to view the citations? Maybe if you had you would have seen the sources citated I would say they are pretty damn credible.



What assumptions are coming from my end? So the New York Times has no credibility and neither does the International Anti Counterfeiting Coalition? MIT? Riiiiiiight.

Where did I claim the only people arguing against me have a lot at stake in these? Go ahead quote that find my comment and quote me. The only person I addressed was Ninjahood who made this comment

Originally Posted by ninjahood

if i was a asian worker at da factory making extra pairs with da same materials WITHOUT PERMISSION

it STILL doesn't make what i make variants..it makes that UNAUTHORIZED.

This comment doesn't make any sense:
on this page it is claimed that the only people arguing counter to you are those who have pairs in their collection. sir charles also proved that false. another point conveniently ignored by yourself.

NONE I REPEAT NONE of that matters. I don't care if someone has a full collection of these early release shoes that doesn't make them legit.

So far no one advocating that these early release pairs are legit has presented ANY REAL evidence showing these shoe are legit (which they aren't) or provided any proof that they are coming from Nike factories (which wouldn't matter anyway because fakes can come from the same factories). Also, the fact that anyone believes that a factory can't make a replica shoe with the same materials as the real deal is mind blowing

Your right, I've clearly been dodging your questions.

let's then compare that to the harm authorised pairs create, with the exploitation of foreign cheap labour with long working hours and poor industrial conditions. nike is arguably on par, if not worse, than the criminals who organise grey market products

First off, your assuming that Nike is exploiting cheap foreign labour in poor industrial conditions. I'm not saying these factories are a dream to work at but if Nike wasn't doing business in these countries it would be waaaaaaay worse for their economy. And Nike is on par if not worse than the criminals? Thats a pretty bold statement.

besides, the crims would be out of business if nike's business model wanted to put the effort into it. and hey they still make a billion on jb each year anyway, so what's the difference? it kind of puts substance behind the claims that they are either wilfully letting crims get to their product or are in direct partnership with them.

Yea, because its just that easy. Try reading this article http://www.wweek.com/portland/article-18528-nikeleaks.html And if you would like to complain about the articles I post thats on you, you think I'm really going to give you personal phone numbers to reps at Nike to prove a point on a message board?:lol: First and foremost Nike does combat these criminals and spend a lot of time money and effort doing so. Well your probably thinking, why don't they just start making footwear in the US? Issues with making footwear in the United States goes back a long time ago. Nike manufactured in the USA, Japan, and Korea. Japan had the best quality with the least defective returns, followed by Korea and then the USA which had the worst quality and highest returns for defective product. They also had a lot of problems with the Unions here and people faking workmans comp claims which forced them to move production overseas. Now, if Nike were to pull out of third world countries and manufacture their sneakers in the United States you would be paying 5 or 600 bucks for a pair of Lebron's, and although a lot of dudes into sneakers might pay it the majority of the general public wouldn't. Americans as a whole are extremely cost conscious. Not to mention if all the foreign companies left these third world countries their economies would be far worse off. Also, you believe that just the brands themselves are to blame? You don't think that oppressive governments have anything to do with it? Criminals?
Anyone dumb enough to buy from Air Randy or Marquee Sole deserves what they get. There isn't one store globally that still has a full size run of Concords, yet Marqueesole does! They also have XI Bred's for less than MSRP!

Honestly, if you want to delude yourselves into thinking these fakes are legit, please feel free to send your funds to me. I'll give half of it to a worthy charity, spend 10% on buying similar fakes, and pocket the rest. It would be a better use of funds than enriching these frauds.
Anyone dumb enough to buy from Air Randy or Marquee Sole deserves what they get. There isn't one store globally that still has a full size run of Concords, yet Marqueesole does! They also have XI Bred's for less than MSRP!

Honestly, if you want to delude yourselves into thinking these fakes are legit, please feel free to send your funds to me. I'll give half of it to a worthy charity, spend 10% on buying similar fakes, and pocket the rest. It would be a better use of funds than enriching these frauds.
fakes =/= grey markets

i seen da new fake XI's...no carbon fiber. google "perfect XI" and they still dont compare to early release pair..you sippin that kool-aid

and BTW, da prices you saw are for grade school sizes, reading is achieving...
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Anyone dumb enough to buy from Air Randy or Marquee Sole deserves what they get. There isn't one store globally that still has a full size run of Concords, yet Marqueesole does! They also have XI Bred's for less than MSRP!

Honestly, if you want to delude yourselves into thinking these fakes are legit, please feel free to send your funds to me. I'll give half of it to a worthy charity, spend 10% on buying similar fakes, and pocket the rest. It would be a better use of funds than enriching these frauds.

Your right, I've clearly been dodging your questions.


First off, your assuming that Nike is exploiting cheap foreign labour in poor industrial conditions. I'm not saying these factories are a dream to work at but if Nike wasn't doing business in these countries it would be waaaaaaay worse for their economy. And Nike is on par if not worse than the criminals? Thats a pretty bold statement.
I see you fail to see the difference between legal and harmful. Just because something is illegal, it doesn't necessarily make it bad. Nor do all legal activity are good for society or individuals. Often they coincide, but they do not in many cases. The only really substantive way to discuss a harm is directly, and not ASSUME the relevant laws are just.
This is not a bold statement at all. It's pretty uncontroversial outside of the sneaker community.

Yea, because its just that easy. Try reading this article http://www.wweek.com/portland/article-18528-nikeleaks.html And if you would like to complain about the articles I post thats on you, you think I'm really going to give you personal phone numbers to reps at Nike to prove a point on a message board?:lol: First and foremost Nike does combat these criminals and spend a lot of time money and effort doing so. Well your probably thinking, why don't they just start making footwear in the US? Issues with making footwear in the United States goes back a long time ago. Nike manufactured in the USA, Japan, and Korea. Japan had the best quality with the least defective returns, followed by Korea and then the USA which had the worst quality and highest returns for defective product. They also had a lot of problems with the Unions here and people faking workmans comp claims which forced them to move production overseas. Now, if Nike were to pull out of third world countries and manufacture their sneakers in the United States you would be paying 5 or 600 bucks for a pair of Lebron's, and although a lot of dudes into sneakers might pay it the majority of the general public wouldn't. Americans as a whole are extremely cost conscious. Not to mention if all the foreign companies left these third world countries their economies would be far worse off. Also, you believe that just the brands themselves are to blame? You don't think that oppressive governments have anything to do with it? Criminals?

Yes, the brand is ENTIRELY to blame. The brand is in control of its manufacturing policy. It is responsible for the consequences of this policy. This includes the exploitation of workers who are employed by subcontractors, and this also includes the prevalence of the theft of their materials and intellectual property. They are also responsible for the method of distribution which only artificially inflates the hype around their product, which in turn creates a thirst which results in their consumers being hurt trying to buy or wear their products. NIKE is entirely responsible for all of this.

Don't give me that rubbish about pairs costing $500+ if made locally. The price of production would move from something like $5/pair to something like $20/pair. Considering how hard they slog us, the consumer, with ridiculous prices, this will make very little difference to their bottom line. This doesn't even consider the savings in logistics and overseeing if they produced locally. They will still make an obscene profit, they just choose to make a bit more at the price of the above consequences.

They can produce locally, they mainly choose not to. A couple of months back i bought two nike shirts at the only outlet in Sydney, and found to my massive and pleasant surprise that they were made in australia. Never thought i'd see the day where i would buy australian made nike products, which are of outstanding quality and at a discount, but it did happen.

I have no idea whether you are just a rabid fan or a nike public relations employee. i really don't care either way. your incessant attempts to generate sympathy and loyalty to this brand is transparent. this brand, who doesn't care enough about locals to employ them, and doesn't care enough about consumers to prevent violence related to their products. now you tell me, what the hell do i need to be loyal to them for? what do i owe them? what has nike done for you lately, seriously, besides kicking you in the teeth over and over again, yet you and i keep forking over money to this greedy machine for nostalgia's sake. If anything, they owe us for keeping them profitable.

again i ask, what do we owe to nike?

until you can answer this, their "authorisation" will remain meaningless to myself and many others. if we can get a quality unauthorised pair when resellers or lack of availability prevent us from buying their products at retail, then we will continue to go to the alternative supplier. IF the quality is on point, then it makes no damn difference.
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I see you fail to see the difference between legal and harmful. Just because something is illegal, it doesn't necessarily make it bad. Nor do all legal activity are good for society or individuals. Often they coincide, but they do not in many cases. The only really substantive way to discuss a harm is directly, and not ASSUME the relevant laws are just.
This is not a bold statement at all. It's pretty uncontroversial outside of the sneaker community

You made a very bold statement with no factual basis. Do you know how it is to work in a factory run by criminals? Do you know how it is to work in a factory for Nike? Probably not. BTW no one said all legal activity is good for society but guess what? Nike is held accountable when they do something wrong. What HR department rep are you running to when an organized crime element is your boss? :lol:

Yes, the brand is ENTIRELY to blame. The brand is in control of its manufacturing policy. It is responsible for the consequences of this policy. This includes the exploitation of workers who are employed by subcontractors, and this also includes the prevalence of the theft of their materials and intellectual property. They are also responsible for the method of distribution which only artificially inflates the hype around their product, which in turn creates a thirst which results in their consumers being hurt trying to buy or wear their products. NIKE is entirely responsible for all of this.

Wow, gets even better. Forget free will right? Nike is entirely responsible for morons killing eachother over the product? Funny, I love sneakers more so than most but its never crossed my mind to kill someone over a pair of shoes. So according to YOU, Nike is responsible for mentally/morally ill individuals that hurt others for their product. RIGHT. Based on your ideology next time someones car jacked for a Mercedes we should blame Mercedes for making highly desirable cars that are so expensive right? If that Mercedes didn't look so good and wasn't so expensive and they weren't easier to attain no one would get car jacked for them. Good argument :stoneface:

Don't give me that rubbish about pairs costing $500+ if made locally. The price of production would move from something like $5/pair to something like $20/pair. Considering how hard they slog us, the consumer, with ridiculous prices, this will make very little difference to their bottom line. This doesn't even consider the savings in logistics and overseeing if they produced locally. They will still make an obscene profit, they just choose to make a bit more at the price of the above consequences.

:lol: Its just that simple right? Make them here for 10 dollars more a pair right? I won't even knock you for thinking like that because I thought the same thing and have argued with others about it until I started actually learning the ins and outs. You just can't make a highly technological basketball shoe in the United States for as cheap as you believe a company could. You can do simple stuff like vulcanized shoes but once you start dealing with high tech stuff you just can't do it in the USA. The costs would be through the roof. If you noticed in the 90's into the early 2000's Converse All Stars were made in the USA but their "tech" shoes like the Aero Jam, Rodmans, All Star 2000's etc. were made overseas. Theres good reason for that. Try looking up a few brands that sell Made In The USA shoes or boots. See what the prices are. Their usually in the 180-400+ range (and keep in mind this isn't for a highly technical basketball shoe) which would cost more to make.

They can produce locally, they mainly choose not to. A couple of months back i bought two nike shirts at the only outlet in Sydney, and found to my massive and pleasant surprise that they were made in australia. Never thought i'd see the day where i would buy australian made nike products, which are of outstanding quality and at a discount, but it did happen.

:lol: Once again, your comparing a T SHIRT, to a basketball shoe thats like comparing a Car to bicycle.

I have no idea whether you are just a rabid fan or a nike public relations employee. i really don't care either way. your incessant attempts to generate sympathy and loyalty to this brand is transparent. this brand, who doesn't care enough about locals to employ them, and doesn't care enough about consumers to prevent violence related to their products. now you tell me, what the hell do i need to be loyal to them for? what do i owe them? what has nike done for you lately, seriously, besides kicking you in the teeth over and over again, yet you and i keep forking over money to this greedy machine for nostalgia's sake. If anything, they owe us for keeping them profitable.again i ask, what do we owe to nike?

You don't owe Nike anything, no one does. However, do you realize what forum your posting on? They don't care enough to prevent violence? Really? Last time I checked all these hyped releases have been online only. But oh thats right they don't care :lol: To be quite honest I could care less about you being loyal to them. However, why are you on a forum called Niketalk? To come in here and promote grey market shoes? To only whine and complain about Nike? If you have that much of a gripe with them don't buy their products that simple. No one needs to be loyal to any brand. Matter of fact, I really can tell you don't have any idea who I am because I've called Nike out many of times both on the forums and in person.

until you can answer this, their "authorisation" will remain meaningless to myself and many others. if we can get a quality unauthorised pair when resellers or lack of availability prevent us from buying their products at retail, then we will continue to go to the alternative supplier. IF the quality is on point, then it makes no damn difference.

Once again another flawed statement. And the broken record keeps going on. The quality isn't on point with these shoes and it goes way further than authorization. If there weren't major differences no one would be able to tell the difference BUT THERE ARE and they've been pointed out by SEVERAL people. At the end of the day if someone wants to choose to buy fake **** by all means more power to you its your money, we live in a free country do whatever you want, but don't try to sugar coat fake **** by calling it grey market and not fake your just flat out lying and I'm telling you when it becomes common knowledge the way it was with earlier fakes people are going to sit here and deny they ever said otherwise.

On that note though I'm done, I've dedicated enough time and energy to this post. If you support calling grey market shoes "real" then thats your OPINION. Don't try to pass it off as fact because you have none. And since I'm not going to start name dropping people that don't have any part of this discussion for the sake of an argument on a forum I'll say my OPINION is their fake. Happy now?

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if more pairs was available at release day and have major restocks without announcing it then I am sure people wouldnt resort to these other options but until then let people do whatever they want to do. no need to MAD
Anyone dumb enough to buy from Air Randy or Marquee Sole deserves what they get. There isn't one store globally that still has a full size run of Concords, yet Marqueesole does! They also have XI Bred's for less than MSRP!

Honestly, if you want to delude yourselves into thinking these fakes are legit, please feel free to send your funds to me. I'll give half of it to a worthy charity, spend 10% on buying similar fakes, and pocket the rest. It would be a better use of funds than enriching these frauds.

i wish we had a source like one of the damn guys who runs the factory or sites and just spills everything out.

too bad that will never happen but i wish it did :smh:
Zyzz I've wanted this forever. Like a special on dateline or something .... Wishful thinking

You made a very bold statement with no factual basis. Do you know how it is to work in a factory run by criminals? Do you know how it is to work in a factory for Nike? Probably not. BTW no one said all legal activity is good for society but guess what? Nike is held accountable when they do something wrong. What HR department rep are you running to when an organized crime element is your boss? :lol:
Wow, gets even better. Forget free will right? Nike is entirely responsible for morons killing eachother over the product? Funny, I love sneakers more so than most but its never crossed my mind to kill someone over a pair of shoes. So according to YOU, Nike is responsible for mentally/morally ill individuals that hurt others for their product. RIGHT. Based on your ideology next time someones car jacked for a Mercedes we should blame Mercedes for making highly desirable cars that are so expensive right? If that Mercedes didn't look so good and wasn't so expensive and they weren't easier to attain no one would get car jacked for them. Good argument :stoneface:

they intentionally hype up release, they are responsible for the consequences.

lol at "facts". you think by saying this it somehow adds substance to what you are saying. pathetic.

:lol: Its just that simple right? Make them here for 10 dollars more a pair right? I won't even knock you for thinking like that because I thought the same thing and have argued with others about it until I started actually learning the ins and outs. You just can't make a highly technological basketball shoe in the United States for as cheap as you believe a company could. You can do simple stuff like vulcanized shoes but once you start dealing with high tech stuff you just can't do it in the USA. The costs would be through the roof. If you noticed in the 90's into the early 2000's Converse All Stars were made in the USA but their "tech" shoes like the Aero Jam, Rodmans, All Star 2000's etc. were made overseas. Theres good reason for that. Try looking up a few brands that sell Made In The USA shoes or boots. See what the prices are. Their usually in the 180-400+ range (and keep in mind this isn't for a highly technical basketball shoe) which would cost more to make.
you know where you can stick this corporatist porpaganda. again you fail to even respond.

:lol: Once again, your comparing a T SHIRT, to a basketball shoe thats like comparing a Car to bicycle.
My point stands, whether you ignore it or not.

You don't owe Nike anything, no one does. However, do you realize what forum your posting on? They don't care enough to prevent violence? Really? Last time I checked all these hyped releases have been online only. But oh thats right they don't care :lol: To be quite honest I could care less about you being loyal to them. However, why are you on a forum called Niketalk? To come in here and promote grey market shoes? To only whine and complain about Nike? If you have that much of a gripe with them don't buy their products that simple. No one needs to be loyal to any brand. Matter of fact, I really can tell you don't have any idea who I am because I've called Nike out many of times both on the forums and in person.

i'm glad you "could care less", it means you care some. But do you care enough to actually address the subject? the name of this forum is irrelevant.

your grasp of the english language is terrible.

Once again another flawed statement. And the broken record keeps going on. The quality isn't on point with these shoes and it goes way further than authorization. If there weren't major differences no one would be able to tell the difference BUT THERE ARE and they've been pointed out by SEVERAL people.

Selective bias at work again. You made this claim several times and i pointed out a few times how it is false.

At the end of the day if someone wants to choose to buy fake **** by all means more power to you its your money, we live in a free country do whatever you want, but don't try to sugar coat fake **** by calling it grey market and not fake your just flat out lying and I'm telling you when it becomes common knowledge the way it was with earlier fakes people are going to sit here and deny they ever said otherwise.

i don't live in your country.
these shoes are not fake.

why don't you stop broadcasting your ignorance. you only make yourself look foolish.

On that note though I'm done, I've dedicated enough time and energy to this post. If you support calling grey market shoes "real" then thats your OPINION. Don't try to pass it off as fact because you have none. And since I'm not going to start name dropping people that don't have any part of this discussion for the sake of an argument on a forum I'll say my OPINION is their fake. Happy now?


this cuts both ways, as long as you keep it as an opinion of yours, we'd all get along just fine. if you review all of my posts, i have never used the word "fact" like that.

when holding an internet discussion, it would help in future if you would simply read what you are replying to.
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Anyone dumb enough to buy from Air Randy or Marquee Sole deserves what they get. There isn't one store globally that still has a full size run of Concords, yet Marqueesole does! They also have XI Bred's for less than MSRP!

Honestly, if you want to delude yourselves into thinking these fakes are legit, please feel free to send your funds to me. I'll give half of it to a worthy charity, spend 10% on buying similar fakes, and pocket the rest. It would be a better use of funds than enriching these frauds.
I agree with what you said, but they don't have Breds for less than MSRP. Different sizes, different prices. Although they very, incredibly likely sell fakes, I doubt they'd be dumb enough to screw up the ruse on that.

Those Concords have some ridiculously blue tinted soles.
not to rekindle the firestorm

but had someone buy some early release bugs and to compare them at their local shoe spot who received their shipment of retail bugs 8

he compared them both ....so me im thinking yea they are gonna be off.....to my dismay....every detail was indentical...smell of leather and shoe glue both consistent

the details....even under the sole the stitching was the same...he said the only difference was his did not come with a retro card...

im pretty sure the argument firestorm will blaze this thread again lol

asked him where he got it...i named every early release site and suspect we all know about...and it was none of them

him: "my connect is good"

very interesting but im still copping retail 

1 all my stores know me and hold my size on every jordan so whether i come at 1130 or 530 my shoes on ice

2. i have only paid over retail on 3 shoes in my entire collection...retail or bust

my thoughts 
the only thing i dont get is why anyone would pay way over retail for a shoe that is questionable and if you have no plans of ever selling them and they are "grey" market and you dont care then wear them with pride cuz there isnt a big difference and nobody is gunna yank them off of your feet to inspect them so go for it if you like to spend extra $ for shoes that may or may not be legit but honestly id rather see someone with grey market shoes than obviously fake ones (plastic carbon fiber and such)
the only thing i dont get is why anyone would pay way over retail for a shoe that is questionable and if you have no plans of ever selling them and they are "grey" market and you dont care then wear them with pride cuz there isnt a big difference and nobody is gunna yank them off of your feet to inspect them so go for it if you like to spend extra $ for shoes that may or may not be legit but honestly id rather see someone with grey market shoes than obviously fake ones (plastic carbon fiber and such)

How about neither.
the only thing i dont get is why anyone would pay way over retail for a shoe that is questionable and if you have no plans of ever selling them and they are "grey" market and you dont care then wear them with pride cuz there isnt a big difference and nobody is gunna yank them off of your feet to inspect them so go for it if you like to spend extra $ for shoes that may or may not be legit but honestly id rather see someone with grey market shoes than obviously fake ones (plastic carbon fiber and such)
celebs and dope dealers love paying extra to be exclusive for a few weeks or months even...i go in local shoe spots and they might show a jordan early so they can instantly sell out ...i seen dudes offer the shoe employees 250-300 for a shoe early... im like what happen when everyone and their mama have them on retail date...then how exclusive are you...you gonna stop wearing them?

i rather come up on a couple qs or limited joints....yotr 7's still turns heads in my little town.....the royals...etc etc

but to each is their own i guess 
the only thing i dont get is why anyone would pay way over retail for a shoe that is questionable and if you have no plans of ever selling them and they are "grey" market and you dont care then wear them with pride cuz there isnt a big difference and nobody is gunna yank them off of your feet to inspect them so go for it if you like to spend extra $ for shoes that may or may not be legit but honestly id rather see someone with grey market shoes than obviously fake ones (plastic carbon fiber and such)

fair question.
i would never pay over retail for anything. i was dying for the db9's and could have copped that first week inthe early 300's, but refused. i still cut myself for missing the pair, but i don't regret not paying that much. shoes which are going to be worn to death are only worth so much, whether they will ever drop again or not. they're just shoes.

i share the smh at people who cop early for rep or whatever. makes no sense.
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the only thing i dont get is why anyone would pay way over retail for a shoe that is questionable and if you have no plans of ever selling them and they are "grey" market and you dont care then wear them with pride cuz there isnt a big difference and nobody is gunna yank them off of your feet to inspect them so go for it if you like to spend extra $ for shoes that may or may not be legit but honestly id rather see someone with grey market shoes than obviously fake ones (plastic carbon fiber and such)

because people dont know better

they see a shoe that doesnt release for a month or two and see the price tag and think its legit

if you see red toro IV for $150 shipped a few months in advance, would you trust it?

the sites arent stupid, they put high prices to fool people regardless if the shoes are authentic or not
Wonder if changes will be made to the Fire Red Nubuck 4s.

Friend of mind paid $470 for them, and apparently they don't release till October...
because people dont know better

they see a shoe that doesnt release for a month or two and see the price tag and think its legit

if you see red toro IV for $150 shipped a few months in advance, would you trust it?

the sites arent stupid, they put high prices to fool people regardless if the shoes are authentic or not
somehow correct. but its not cheap to get those good early releases

as of right now, it still costs $300 to get a pair of toros from the supplier.

websites like air randy and those arent the same people from the grey market factories so they still pay a fair amount to get the shoes in.
As some of you know, I've worked in several NIKE Basketball categories (retail, sports marketing, and research and development).  I think I can shed some light on the discussion. 

Unauthorized shoes that are sold before the release date should not be called "early releases" because NIKE did not manufacture or distribute them.  Only NIKE has the ability to release product before launch dates, which are federal trade agreements.   An example of legitimate advance product (early releases) would be special make-ups like team bank colorways or player exclusives.  Also, there are no NIKE wholesalers because only approved retail accounts sell their products. 

There is nothing "gray" about the counterfeit shoes market.  Shoes produced without permission at NIKE factories with NIKE components are still considered counterfeit.  They are not covered under warranty because the quality cannot be controlled.  As several people have already pointed out, B-Grades are genuine NIKE products with cosmetic blemishes that will not affect the performance of the shoe. 

The person that said the previous picture was a knockoff (as opposed to a counterfeit) was entirely correct.  A counterfeit uses registered trademarks illegally - a knockoff just uses similar logos.

And any website that has full size runs of rare, "early release", or vintage shoes is obviously selling counterfeit merchandise.

Please do not support fakes.  They are part of a multi-billion dollar industry that funds organized crime and terrorism.
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As some of you know, I've worked in several NIKE Basketball categories (retail, sports marketing, and research and development).  I think I can shed some light on the discussion. 

Unauthorized shoes that are sold before the release date should not be called "early releases" because NIKE did not manufacture or distribute them.  Only NIKE has the ability to release product before launch dates, which are federal trade agreements.   An example of legitimate advance product (early releases) would be special make-ups like team bank colorways or player exclusives.  Also, there are no NIKE wholesalers because only approved retail accounts sell their products. 

There is nothing "gray" about the counterfeit shoes market.  Shoes produced without permission at NIKE factories with NIKE components are still considered counterfeit.  They are not covered under warranty because the quality cannot be controlled.  As several people have already pointed out, B-Grades are genuine NIKE products with cosmetic blemishes that will not affect the performance of the shoe. 

The person that said the previous picture was a knockoff (as opposed to a counterfeit) was entirely correct.  A counterfeit uses registered trademarks illegally - a knockoff just uses similar logos.

And any website that has full size runs of rare, "early release", or vintage shoes is obviously selling counterfeit merchandise.

Please do not support fakes.  They are part of a multi-billion dollar industry that funds organized crime and terrorism.
we gonna agree to disagree then, because if it came out da same factory with da same materials without permisson and da

only thing that makes em different is a green light over at beaverton then thats not counterfeit to me, thats fraud and corruption, but not fake.
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