East Coast NTers...First an Earthquake, now a Hurricane? Vol. Irene

I'm gonna try to sleep through this mofo.
no mets games sat and dun., but then again, they haven't used citi field all year

i hear that train service will stop tomorrow at 12 p.m, can anyone confirm?
I work at a supermarket. There was a line at 6 am to get in, when my store opens. there was no more water left, literally..by about 11. Well there was some vitamin water lol.
 Thread looking like August 28th 2005 
Prepare for the worst...pray for the best but dont take this stuff lightly
I work at a CVS and today was literally the busiest I've seen since I started working here. Batteries that usually never sell out were gone. I gotta go to work tomorrow
Hopefully something happens early on and the MTA has to be closed at like 8 or 9AM so I have an excuse of not going to work.
Originally Posted by Supremacy

I work at a CVS and today was literally the busiest I've seen since I started working here. Batteries that usually never sell out were gone. I gotta go to work tomorrow
Hopefully something happens early on and the MTA has to be closed at like 8 or 9AM so I have an excuse of not going to work.

I'll probably be calling out right now. There is no way for me to get home tomorrow from work. Best Buy didn't close down during the blizzard  or the day after and apparently it was a busy day too. I called out because there was no way for me to get there. How and why people drove through all that snow to buy stuff still puzzles me.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Yeah, saying you love a destructive force of nature like a hurricane is a lame attempt at sounding cool for living through some.

Is like saying I love it when

Volcanoes erupt
Earhquakes tear apart cities
Tsunamis swipe coasts clean.
What a dumb assumption to make. Nature is beautiful to many people, even in its destructive forms. Personally I enjoy seeing nature in its most powerful state, not trying to sound cool at all. Sure I hope nothing bad happens to anyone but lets not forget WE decided to inhabit coastal areas, not the other way around. And I don't believe she said "I love when hurricanes tear cities apart", she just said she loves hurricanes. Some of the smartest people in the world make careers out of studying earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. Guess they just do it to be cool right?
They made us leave campus at ODU so I came out petersburg to kick it with shorty out VSU...I am currently faded as hell (had to pull a hey mr lol) and waiting on the storm but I dont even think that it will be that bad...so not a single damn will be given...


but seriously be safe NT...

Originally Posted by FOG

I wish nothing but the best for all the East Coast NTers who may potentially be affected... Can't even imagine if I had to evacuate my home.

This.  Hopefully, everyone stays safe, and don't try to be heroes if you can evacuate to a more safe place.  Watched a documentary on hurricane Katrina and some dudes thought they could outlast the hurricane until the water started filling up their house and they realized they had nowhere to go.  I still wanna move out to NY in the next few years, so, those of you staying, hold down the fort
just came from food shopping ... you would have thought it was Armageddon ... i live in BK, worst case scenario a tree falls on my car ... i tried to find a spot that was cool ... but who knows ...

i spent $50 on groceries ... if the power goes out i'll go to sleep and read during the day since there will be plenty of sunlight ... closed windows for the rain ...

for people who live low to the ground or own homes ... yall should worry about flooding ... but after last weeks storm ... i can't expect anything worse ... that was the WORST I'VE SEEN in my 28 years
I don't even know why my job is even staying open tomorrow. That place is NOT built for hurricanes.

I'm about to just be like f it and call out.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Regardless of how strong the storm will be when it hits NYC, damage will be moderate to potentially severe.

Speeds have dipped from 115 yesterday down to 100-105 at least....still very high, probably be in the 90s area by the time its around NY.

the city is about to be nuts.
Originally Posted by ElCatfisho

Originally Posted by THE QBZ

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

wouldn't a battery powered light source be more effective (and safer) than charcoal/lighter fluid?

bigger concern is the flooding as opposed to the wind, but this storm is HUGE and with the slow movement.....flooding will be an issue.
the charoal and light fluid is for cooking,hot water ...forgot to post get a good flashlight.

Its also crazy how people come together during these things especially when it comes to watching each others back...well that was my experience where i was at

i hope you don't mean that you are supposed to burn the charcoal indoors... that is easy carbon monoxide poisoning. 

No sir ...you gonna have to take it outside that where the " community coming together "came into play in my other post.

Not  joking bout them condoms ....when Ike hit houston we had a WHOLE lot of Ike babies 9 monthws later.....the light were off for two weeks what else was there to do QFT
Just heard the LIRR is shut down tomorrow starting at 12 noon... so that ends my NYC visits
!%#+ gets real when you are a homeowner - Hope this blows by without damages to my crib - homeowners insurance FTW
Originally Posted by scshift

Just heard the LIRR is shut down tomorrow starting at 12 noon... so that ends my NYC visits

Actually all subways, bridges and tunnels in NYC are shutting down at noon! 
At least that's what I just heard on the news!
You can't find a flashlight in my neighborhood at all 
, people are playing it safe to the extreme.
unless you're in some sort of civil service position, you gotta be a real +%#%$** to expect your employees to come into work late tomorrow and sunday

Btw wayyyyy too many people i know that have decided to stay behind.. they don't believe it'll be a problem, so they've decided to wait it out.
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