East Coast NTers...First an Earthquake, now a Hurricane? Vol. Irene


im suppose to be moving on campus at UMD this sunday. 

RIP to me i suppose 
Regardless of how strong the storm will be when it hits NYC, damage will be moderate to potentially severe.

Speeds have dipped from 115 yesterday down to 100-105 at least....still very high, probably be in the 90s area by the time its around NY.
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by ksteezy

So will the Giants still have a chance of tearing a new one on Sanchez?
sadly no, they canceled all major sporting event

They actually going to push the kick-off time from 7pm, to 2pm.

I just did some SERIOUS grocery shopping, went to drop some stuff off at my grandma's house, gonna go check my moms out when she get home from work. Besides that, as long as the power don't go out , my weekend is gonna consist of breaking out the blu-rays I have yet to see.

nah not really...i just always been a fan of thunderstorms. so a hurricane is a big thunderstorm to me. i do hope no one is hurt though.

-sidenote insurance policies for these states ny, sc, nc, md, va, dc etc...are all on freeze until this passes.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

So will the Giants still have a chance of tearing a new one on Sanchez?
I thought you were better than that....

Game is on at 2PM, so Sanchez and the Jets can show why it should be called JetLife Stadium, and not even MetLife
Originally Posted by NuJerzLoyalty

Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by ksteezy

So will the Giants still have a chance of tearing a new one on Sanchez?
sadly no, they canceled all major sporting event

They actually going to push the kick-off time from 7pm, to 2pm.

I just did some SERIOUS grocery shopping, went to drop some stuff off at my grandma's house, gonna go check my moms out when she get home from work. Besides that, as long as the power don't go out , my weekend is gonna consist of breaking out the blu-rays I have yet to see.


man they really pushed up the game
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Yeah, saying you love a destructive force of nature like a hurricane is a lame attempt at sounding cool for living through some.

Is like saying I love it when

Volcanoes erupt
Earhquakes tear apart cities
Tsunamis swipe coasts clean.


Some +#$% i'd expect to hear from a (******ed) dude...

Anyway you folks in the line of fire stay safe.
Damn. I live on Coney Island Ave and Brighton Beach right in the midst of zone A, which was ordered for mandatory evacuation.

Unless its somehow upgraded to category 3 I'm not evacuating #+#$. Gallons of water and food are copped, flashlights and radios on deck
I wish nothing but the best for all the East Coast NTers who may potentially be affected... Can't even imagine if I had to evacuate my home.
Originally Posted by gllahone84

My people all along the east coast be safe, my prayers are going out to everyone. I'm in nc, 704 doesn't look we're gonna get anything, could be wrong. After seeing those pics, it looks like NYC could get hit hard. I talked to my aunt just now in Astoria and she said they're prepared for the worst possible scenario. This could get ugly...
Son. i'm from Hickory (828) - I moved to NY about a year ago. Thought I was leaving the Hurricane Maddness behind. Guess not.

Time to stock up on booze and

I honestly feel stuck.  I'm like what the heck am I supposed to be doing?  I don't want to spend tons of money on back up supplies when I'm already losing money that would've been made on the weekend.  Homies in Coney Island left today to go to PA. 

Is the MTA shutdown for sure or are they deciding tomorrow AM?  This +*@ is crazy.  I feel anxious. 
Just got back from the Supermarkets and man are they packed. Took me 20 minutes to get a spot in the parking lot. People in Philly aren't playing either. I waited 25 min at the deli for some damn Turkey Breast. Bought a bunch of snacks and junk food to last me 2 days since I won't be going anywhere.

Good luck and stay safe to all my peoples in NY.
I live in nyc and my job just told us they will pay for our cab rides for tomorrow since MTA is shutting down after noon. Told them I wasn't coming in either way. Been through enough hurricanes in Florida and if I know NYC is not prepared if this one hits hard.
at the owner thinking a few bucks is worth my safety...
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