East Coast NTers...First an Earthquake, now a Hurricane? Vol. Irene

Originally Posted by kilojules64

FX is playing Me Myself and Irene

Awesome movie
Originally Posted by YuraS718

Originally Posted by kilojules64

FX is playing Me Myself and Irene

Awesome movie
"She's baking a loaf of bread and I think its sour dough".

Winds should be a STEADY 50-60mph by the time it hits NYC, not gusts.
Gov. of CT told everyone get off the roads by sundown.

ppl are goin ham right now.
The reason NYC making a big deal out of this is because Bloomberg really dropped the ball during the blizzard, now he wants to take every precaution necessary in order to be safe. Don't blame him, after all the ridicule he got back in December/January.
Originally Posted by Jello B Afro

Mr Marcus wrote:
like i said earlier......NC getting hit the hardest...virginia might get a lil flooding......nyc is straight....hurricanes don't last that damn long....yall shook fools just getting rain n a little wind
quiet dummy

Looks at avy and screen name

On the real. Everyone stay safe.
Originally Posted by trethousandgt

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by CruThik3

The overreacting to this hurricane is ridiculous.

Tell me about it last night I seen a guy fill up about 10 gas containers like we were going to war and everything was scarce
Listen, for people in flood prone areas its pretty serious.  Also, 75mph winds with 100 mph wind gusts is no joke, we're not talking about 75mph winds for maybe an hour, we're talking 18 hours worth of it and over 10 inches of rain.  There have been storms in the past year that were maybe 30 minutes to an hour and caused substantial damage (trees down, power outages etc.)  around nyc imagine what this thing is gonna do.  God willing it won't be that bad but taking something like this lightly is dumb.  I'm not saying you have to run around like a chicken with your head cut off but its better to be over prepared than under.

The news coverage and all the presumed "overreacting" can get tiresome, but it's better to overreact
than be under prepared.  I happens all the time in TX, people downplay the severity and end up in trouble.

Don't know why people can't sit still for a day, instead they wind up stranded on the hoods of their cars and need rescuing
I would do it (about car on last page that I am too lazy to quote)
They probably didn't have time to buy a car cover.
Wind is going to blow dirt and sticks little rocks everywhere, even if it's just a tropical storm. They just don't want scratches, it's not like they chained their car to a great oak or something
If it gets that bad, that plastic isn't going to do much, it will probably
end up getting ripped off by the wind and debris
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

If it gets that bad, that plastic isn't going to do much, it will probably
end up getting ripped off by the wind and debris

^ Yeah their execution was not exactly on point

I was thinking he meant it wasn't necessary to wrap your car at all.

The funniest thing to me is seeing the hipsters in my neighborhood coming home with 10 bags of groceries and then chaining their fixed gears to the sign posts o_O
You think the storm is going to be that serious that you need 200 dollars worth of organic canned soup but you are going to leave your 1000$ bike outside?
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