East Coast NTers...First an Earthquake, now a Hurricane? Vol. Irene

As someone who has dealt with hurricanes most of his life in FL its ALWAYS better to be prepared than not. Have enough to get by without power for a few days.. Water, canned goods, batteries, etc. Be aware of trees near your house that could be damaging to your home or cars if you have.

Hopefully it misses but don't underestimate the power of hurricanes just because you don't get them often, they can come through quick and leave a wake of destruction
Originally Posted by Big J 33

As someone who has dealt with hurricanes most of his life in FL its ALWAYS better to be prepared than not. Have enough to get by without power for a few days.. Water, canned goods, batteries, etc. Be aware of trees near your house that could be damaging to your home or cars if you have.

Hopefully it misses but don't underestimate the power of hurricanes just because you don't get them often, they can come through quick and leave a wake of destruction
huge tree infront of my crib ;(
The Earthquake barely caused any damage. and although Irene will do damage other places experience hurricanes all the time, we should be alright
I don't know what insurance you have but yes most companies provide protection from named hurricanes..let's hope it's not to bad and insurance won't be needed
People love to live in danger zones.

90% of places where people live should not even have homes. Everyone should be in Wyoming or Montana or Colorado.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by Big J 33

As someone who has dealt with hurricanes most of his life in FL its ALWAYS better to be prepared than not. Have enough to get by without power for a few days.. Water, canned goods, batteries, etc. Be aware of trees near your house that could be damaging to your home or cars if you have.

Hopefully it misses but don't underestimate the power of hurricanes just because you don't get them often, they can come through quick and leave a wake of destruction
huge tree infront of my crib ;(

me too fambs
Originally Posted by BRaTZ DoS

Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by Big J 33

As someone who has dealt with hurricanes most of his life in FL its ALWAYS better to be prepared than not. Have enough to get by without power for a few days.. Water, canned goods, batteries, etc. Be aware of trees near your house that could be damaging to your home or cars if you have.

Hopefully it misses but don't underestimate the power of hurricanes just because you don't get them often, they can come through quick and leave a wake of destruction
huge tree infront of my crib ;(

me too fambs

That's my real concern...trees being uprooted and smashing my car/house.
times like this im glad i rent my place and don't own a home yet. Im in the middle of CT so it looks like its comen right for us
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

People love to live in danger zones.

90% of places where people live should not even have homes. Everyone should be in Wyoming or Montana or Colorado.

watch them use this as an excuse to delay my Touchpad even further
1 car garage ftl.... and my dad took it... ummm.. damn.. im scared my car is gonna get flooded and carried away... or a tree will fall on it....


imagine the scratches this leaves


they saying they got evacution plans.... im taking all my kicks packing them in my car and im driving far far far awayyy.....
This hurricane is being hugely exaggerated. Any time they say something like "This will either be a Category 3 disaster or just a tropical storm" you know things won't be that bad. Same way that when NYC weathermen say it'll snow 2-7 inches, it's usually 2 or less. It's very rarely the worst case scenario. The North East is the master of panic.
we never know.. with all the weird things happening.... i think im gonna approach this hurricane serious..
I'm suppose to be going to the Yankee game in Baltimore Saturday afternoon and then a bachelor party Saturday night.  This is the wrong weekend for this hurricane to be happening.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

This hurricane is being hugely exaggerated. Any time they say something like "This will either be a Category 3 disaster or just a tropical storm" you know things won't be that bad. Same way that when NYC weathermen say it'll snow 2-7 inches, it's usually 2 or less. It's very rarely the worst case scenario. The North East is the master of panic.

i'm no weather man, but i doubt its being hugely exaggerated.. i felt an earthquake a couple days ago, that's more than enough for me to believe something big is in store. Major evacuations + Weather center stated this might be the worst weather the east has ever seen.. goes silent for a moment, than ends off saying.. Stay safe Everyone
I hope y'all make it out okay NT fam', and fellow East Coast'ers...
Glad I live in Dallas, Texas... 
How does this make people babies? I mean the earthquake !%#@ and people getting all bent out of shape over that, I get it was exaggerated. People are just trying to be prepared to something that could cause major damage in an area that doesn't usually get this type of weather. Better safe than sorry as many have said before. Plus, with Brooklyn and Queens probably getting the better brunt of it along with LI and there being a ton of trees in both boroughs, people should be worried and take precautions.
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