East Coast NTers...First an Earthquake, now a Hurricane? Vol. Irene

I don't understand how some of you guys are tying in the Earthquake to this hurricane
. They have nothing to do with each other. You think every time there's an earthquake in Cali, there's a hurricane a few days later? You guys watch too many movies
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I don't understand how some of you guys are tying in the Earthquake to this hurricane
. They have nothing to do with each other. You think every time there's an earthquake in Cali, there's a hurricane a few days later? You guys watch too many movies

Nobody in this thread ever said they have any relation to one another though....
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I don't understand how some of you guys are tying in the Earthquake to this hurricane
. They have nothing to do with each other. You think every time there's an earthquake in Cali, there's a hurricane a few days later? You guys watch too many movies

Nobody in this thread ever said they have any relation to one another though....

i'm no weather man, but i doubt its being hugely exaggerated.. i felt an earthquake a couple days ago, that's more than enough for me to believe something big is in store.

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I don't understand how some of you guys are tying in the Earthquake to this hurricane
. They have nothing to do with each other. You think every time there's an earthquake in Cali, there's a hurricane a few days later? You guys watch too many movies

Nobody in this thread ever said they have any relation to one another though....

i'm no weather man, but i doubt its being hugely exaggerated.. i felt an earthquake a couple days ago, that's more than enough for me to believe something big is in store.


I mean, that's what you got from dude's statement?
Not like...any 2012 hysteria? Oh, ok.
This is a pretty big deal, Category 3 is not some "light" hurricane. It will hit almost the entire East Coast and will cause a significant amount of damage,  there have already been MANDATORY evacuation issues as far as some parts in coastal New Jersey.

We will know over the next 24-36 hours about how the North East will be hit....best to stay prepared and keep your ears open.

I feel bad for those living in Long Island, or even worst areas like Far Rockawy, so many people live full time in those "summer" condo's
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

I mean, that's what you got from dude's statement?
Not like...any 2012 hysteria? Oh, ok.

Not really. He's basically more convinced that the hurricane will be as dangerous as predicted because there was a recent earthquake. If there wasn't, he wouldn't be as concerned.
My cousins and their families are out on Long Island, so I'll be hoping for the best for them and everyone in the NE
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

I mean, that's what you got from dude's statement?
Not like...any 2012 hysteria? Oh, ok.

Not really. He's basically more convinced that the hurricane will be as dangerous as predicted because there was a recent earthquake. If there wasn't, he wouldn't be as concerned.
not at all you little animal, i live ON THE BEACH .. by the looks of it, my neighborhood will find itself in a mandatory evacuation scenario .. We will know by noon tomorrow for sure, if its necessary. Oh and the fact that i felt my first EARTHQUAKE in BROOKLYN doesn't help lol.. That's why i'm particularly concerned. 2012 coming soon huh.. who know's .. Quite possibly
, screw the tinfoil crap.. things seem to be heating up for real.

btw sorry for calling you a little animal
lol.. listenin to the Carter iv got my blood pumping
Originally Posted by MetroKid26

Originally Posted by SoleWoman


Well I can't complain. It could be worse.

I'm suppose to move in back on campus on Tuesday, wondering if it'll cancel.
they said move in date is now monday...

i'm coming in on Sept. 4th... LA-> JFK

 weather better not be bad... I also gotta ship my stuff out to NYC still.
Ever since I was a kid, I've always been excited, rather than worried, at times like this. 

My body is ready.
I was going to head up to NYC this weekend to visit a buddy of mine but I guess that's canceled now. It looks like an XBL weekend.
I wish the hurricane was called Eileen so I'd have an excuse to fire up Dexy's Midnight Runners
If you live in a low altitude area esp by the coast, don't wait until the DAY OF to start making moves. You should have a good idea by tomm about the direction it will defintely head to, and plan accordingly.
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