East Coast NTers...First an Earthquake, now a Hurricane? Vol. Irene

Just came back from tying down the garbage bins and the winds were really starting to push hard. It will only be getting stronger. Be safe everyone.
Originally Posted by 2morrowbegins2day

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

tempted to walk out right now.....

Do it... bring us back some footage. Pics or vids. Do it for NT.
friend in philly just texted me saying water was coming into his home or some #!%!...i hit him with the pics or ducktales lol. i believe him i just want pics of said flooding.

that pic of the hurricane is amazing!
Yall lucky.... Wish something exciting would happen like that in arizona:frown: No tornados, hurricanes, snow storms, etc...
Damn nothing is happening and they closing down everything. I just want this $%#* to be over with already.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07


Best Buy in Howell, NJ


As hurricane Irene bears down on the Jersey Shore, the Best Buy in Howell, NJ has taken it upon themselves sell cases of Dasani water for $40.56. One of the DJs for New Jersey 101.5 just sent this photo to theCHIVE.

At a time when it’s so important for these seaside communities to come together to help each other out (maybe even lower the price on water, eh), it’s disappointing to see a massive corporation like Best Buy not only assume zero social responsibility, but also go the extra mile to make a buck by selling bulk cases of water at the single bottle price during an emergency.

So I put it to you, Chivers. Is this ethical?

UPDATE: I just called Best Buy and spoke to one employee and a manager to confirm the photo. Both refused to answer my questions and told me I had to call corporate offices. My response was, ‘All you have to do is deny that you are doing this. It’s that simple.’
Neither party denied it. Instead I was rudely directed to corporate and then they hung up on me.


**$#*$@ disgusting, when this entire thing is over, there should be a news report about this 
Originally Posted by xbiker47

 at the thought of the city being live if it wasnt for the bars being shut down

The bar is still open across the street from me on Roosevelt ave.  Loud as #!$! too
About to go get something to eat real quick before it gets too bad.
tornado was just 5 minutes from my house , had to hop in my concrete wine cellar with the fam'. The full storm will be over my area at 2am. Middlesex County, NJ checking in.
not a single dambbbbbb is given in that report @ Virginia Beach....im in tears...lmaoooo
It's actually illegal to raise the prices of necessities like water/bread/etc. during a state of emergency so there's an extremely high chance that Best Buy will receive a hefty fine
People are soft as hell.

I lived through Hurricane Andrew (Cat 5), Charley (Cat 4), and Wilma (Cat 5) and all this news coverage for a little Cat 1.
It feels crazy to walk outside. Just
and walked home from my friend's crib and I was the only person outside. No planes in the sky or cars on the roads. There was nothing else out there but me. It definitely was a 
moment. When will the city ever feel like that again? I live in the BX btw.
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