East Coast NTers...First an Earthquake, now a Hurricane? Vol. Irene

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by ksteezy

i foresee a lot of dumb $%!%*%%%%$!#* getting electrocuted, having branches fall on them, or straight up getting killed by flying objects thinking +*#! is sweet walking around recording this....people are so %**!#!% STUPID!...i wont feel one bit of sympathy towards these casualties.

Reminds me of this story I heard of a man taking pictures during a bad storm on a beach...only to get swept away by the riptides.
Who does that?
Yeah, that was dude on the West Coast after the tsunami warnings from the Japan earthquake, I believe.  All the beaches were shut down due to the potential for abnormally high waves and this cat was IN THE WATER taking pics.   

There always has to be "that guy".  There will be a few of those dudes tonite and tomorrow too, I'm sure. 
Originally Posted by Jello B Afro

over 2 million people without power in VA. this is what concerns me the most
I really really dont want to loose power tommorow 

Am I the only one who thinks that these reporters are crazy for standing outside reporting these stories under these conditions.Also it seems like Channel 9 news is reaching a bit i mean come on someone wrote a "Hurricane Irene" song and made the news.
Originally Posted by youngcurse

Am I the only one who thinks that these reporters are crazy for standing outside reporting these stories under these conditions.Also it seems like Channel 9 news is reaching a bit i mean come on someone wrote a "Hurricane Irene" song and made the news.

its the fact that they're standing out in the storm reporting on the same thing people can see outside their windows
i mean...i really don't understand it.
LMAO at Spidey's exit....dude just out there running around in a hurricane on some daily jog steez.  
A hurricane in Texas that was similar to Irene knocked out power in some areas for up to 18 days. EIGHTEEN DAYS. If that was to happen Idk how I would compose myself. Over 2 weeks of no interwebz, refrigerator, lights, microwave/oven or cell phone?
(obviously my home being damaged is concern #1 but no power is a close second)
Lots of steady rain and wind here in Queens Village. Not to bad yet and hopefully doesn't get worse. Stay safe everyone
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by PleaseSayTheBaby23

Originally Posted by ksteezy

how many hours have these Cat 5 and 4's lasted?...because if they only lasted 5 hours in comparison to this *++@++ which is lasting 20+ hours, then you need to shut your mouth. (referring to rash btw)


Its kinda funny coming from a Floridian where we get Cat 5s & Cat 4s on a regular basis

I guess this would be the equivalent of a mini blizzard hitting Flordia

People would be running round loosing they mind on some Cloverfield type mess while NY would be like man its only 20 degrees and yall dudes trippin

and I have never here of a hurricane hitting and leaving in 5 hours

the way the news are talking about Irene though, is like hurricanes don't usually take 20+ hours to go over a certain area...

Woudnt a Cat 5 taking 5 hours be more devastating than a Cat 1 taking 20?

Legit question.
going to bed.
in lefferts gardens/east flatbush.
hopefully the waters dont penetrate deeper into brooklyn.
steady rain.
hopefully i shall see morning.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by PleaseSayTheBaby23


Its kinda funny coming from a Floridian where we get Cat 5s & Cat 4s on a regular basis

I guess this would be the equivalent of a mini blizzard hitting Flordia

People would be running round loosing they mind on some Cloverfield type mess while NY would be like man its only 20 degrees and yall dudes trippin

and I have never here of a hurricane hitting and leaving in 5 hours

the way the news are talking about Irene though, is like hurricanes don't usually take 20+ hours to go over a certain area...

Woudnt a Cat 5 taking 5 hours be more devastating than a Cat 1 taking 20?

Legit question.

That's what I'm trying to get at...it's not what category Irene is, but the size and duration that worries most.
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