East Coast NTers...First an Earthquake, now a Hurricane? Vol. Irene

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by cguy610

It's not a little category 1.  It's 600 miles wide and started at 2pm and will continue until 2pm Sunday. 
how many hours have these Cat 5 and 4's lasted?...because if they only lasted 5 hours in comparison to this *++@++ which is lasting 20+ hours, then you need to shut your mouth. (referring to rash btw)
Try 16 hours worth of hurricane force winds plus the eye of the storm, tough guy. Didn't have power for 2 weeks, sitting in gas lines for gas and ice for hours. Hurricane was so bad they retired the name.

Tighten up.

at the 11 year old boy who was crushed to death by a tree in VA.
I wish you had been there to tell him "tighten up, tough guy"
Don't mind the trolls guys.

Where I'm at, it was mad quiet until 12 midnight.

Now I can hear the rain pouring.

My cousins who live in Jersey - are telling me that their power's out.
Originally Posted by air max 87

NT summit at henzos crib?

Im down if Im allowed in... I thought last time when I went to his crib I would be invited in but he left me outside waiting for him

2 am is coming guys.....stay safe.

I hope the power stays on and no major damage takes place!

 at the people running around outside......
nevermind rashi. he's like NT's equivalent of the village idiot

i got a scared wife and kids and sick mom and trying to hold down the fort while these huge trees outside my mom's home sway like crazy

also, light's flickering and the threat of losing power and having the basement flood is probably going to keep me awake all night

be safe everyone
Originally Posted by XVIIIAirJordan

2 am is coming guys.....stay safe.

I hope the power stays on and no major damage takes place!

 at the people running around outside......

Basically I really don't want no power outages or anything crazy
When I hear winds faster then a mercedes benz, and these crazy numbers about how much rain fall! 

I get scared!

I have been peeping my sneaker closet all night making sure my roof does not start to cave in/leak!
Some people swear NYC is a block long. They look out their windows n see the damage isn't substantial yet and they're like "so far this hurricane ain't shhh" Yet fail to realize that other areas of NYC already have severe flooding, power outages and many fallen trees.
Originally Posted by ii FLaSh ii

Originally Posted by air max 87

NT summit at henzos crib?

Im down if Im allowed in... I thought last time when I went to his crib I would be invited in but he left me outside waiting for him


Stan reference 
Originally Posted by XVIIIAirJordan

When I hear winds faster then a mercedes benz, and these crazy numbers about how much rain fall! 

I get scared!

I have been peeping my sneaker closet all night making sure my roof does not start to cave in/leak!
yeah im concern about my ceiling caving in since i live on the last floor of my building.....i put ducktape all around the closet gaps and have all my kicks in there, God must hate me if the ceiling inside my closet caves in only.
I live in Long Island. our town is JUST north of Sunrise highway so we werent ordered to evacuate. I just ran to 7-11 about an hour ago to grab a case of beer and some doritos
. it was only raining pretty heavy at the time so I figured I should go do that before the strong winds start to kick in. but now its approaching 2 am and it's gotten a lot stronger since it was an hour ago.

we have 3 big trees in front of our house. well, I should say 2 cause technically one of them lies on my nextdoor neighbor's property. the tree on my neighbors property just fell about 15 mins ago. thankfully it fell right on the lawn and didnt hit either of our houses. I'm just hoping the other 2 dont fall. especially the one directly in front of my house because it's about twice the size as the other two and it'll prob do a good amount of damage to our house if it falls. the big storm we've been waiting for is just now starting and trees are already coming down. I expected to see a lot of fallen trees, but didnt think it would happen this early into the storm. anyways, be safe yall.
I.....just realized that I watch after these stacks of boxes like they are young childern......Every 30 mins tonight during this storm I slide open the closet and check to see if everything is okay!
It's wild where I'm at. Power went out for a bit but came back on surprisingly. Def nowhere near over yet. Backyard is a straight swamp right now.
Originally Posted by holler mcdollar

north wildwood earlier today... i can't even imagine it now.


as other shore heads know, the boardwalk is normally a decent ways away from the ocean. this has been my vacation spot since i was a kid... i hope the piers/rides make it out alive.
 Love me some Primos. Wish we had it in LA.... Anyways stay safe out there Eastcoasters. 
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