East Coast NTers...First an Earthquake, now a Hurricane? Vol. Irene

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

now I have to deal with all the storm hypebeast at the supermarket.

Supermarkets, and add Home Depot's
some tips form a gulf coast nter

+ If you had the time plywood over the windows if not move electronic or stuff near the window to the closet or bathroom
+ charcoal, lighter fluid and a pit will be you best friend during LONG times of power outages
+ call family and friends to possibly set up an out of town liasons, or to let the know you are ok because the news programming will scare the bejesus out of everyone on the outside looking in.... trust me when rita hit houston my family wa caling like the world was ending

+ Fill up car and a couple gas canister .....yesterday.....it is a pain in the $#$* to try to get gas post hurricane
+ first aid kit water non perishable food items.......
+ condoms.....lol but seriously
wouldn't a battery powered light source be more effective (and safer) than charcoal/lighter fluid?

bigger concern is the flooding as opposed to the wind, but this storm is HUGE and with the slow movement.....flooding will be an issue.
Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

I don't see this being that big for the DC Metro area....

I am still celebrating my birthday on Saturday night in the city, the wind and rain from Irene will just add to the mix.
Smart idea!
Thanks for the tips bros, just don't want to get caught thinking I'm too cool to be worried....I already thought about moving all electronics away from my windows, told my wife to buy an electric lantern and trying to talk her into
Staying with my mother who lives in the same building as her brother....let's hope everyone is safe, I'll brace myself for anyone who might come in through our ER injured, hopefully not, since we are not a trauma center, but we will do our best, be safe NY.
Originally Posted by scshift

Yeah I mean Irene is nowhere near the level of Katrina (at least as it's being projected), but at the same time New York is much more crucial to America's infrastructure than New Orleans so even a significantly less amount of damage to the city could have similar effects..

bro, that's what kinda happened after 9/11...the stock market afterward was terrible
not worried i am sure its just gonna be a tropical storm. I noticed that the people that are most prepared are the most scared.
I'm right by the water in brooklyn and my parents going to my house in pa. Debating whether I should stick around or go with them..
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

wouldn't a battery powered light source be more effective (and safer) than charcoal/lighter fluid?

bigger concern is the flooding as opposed to the wind, but this storm is HUGE and with the slow movement.....flooding will be an issue.
the charoal and light fluid is for cooking,hot water ...forgot to post get a good flashlight.

Its also crazy how people come together during these things especially when it comes to watching each others back...well that was my experience where i was at

Being on a 7th floor, we rely on power to pump the water up, so if the power on those pumps go....so does our water, cold or hot...I think power outtage might be inevitable at this point...I don't see all the trees on my street not being torn off the ground with 100+ MPH and destroying powerlines.

I think those that are most worried are the older NTers who are the stronghold of their families and who have property they've worked hard for that can be stripped away or damaged easily...younger NTers rely on their parents to know the right thing to do...I don't blame them, I guess.
Personally, I dont think its gonna be that bad for yall. However, the winds might not be that bad, but I think the main concern here is gonna be the storm surge and amount of rain that is going to be coming your way. The storm is HUGE.

It's always better to be ready and it be weak, rather than get caught off guard.
Originally Posted by lakersreppa008

Here are some maps for those who want to see them.

%%*%. I wasn't worried until I saw this. I didn't think Albany was in THAT much danger
It will not be tropical storm by the time it gets here.
Its fine to not make a "big deal" out of it...but I will definitively be prepared with some flashlights, charged batteries, bottled water, battery powered radio and a first aid kit.

Its a slow steady storm so a branch can easily knock your power out, and if you're not prepared you will be left int he dark and no way to stay updated.
Originally Posted by jehims

will it be safe to drive on sunday?

Do you really think is safe to drive through a hurricane with close to 100 mph winds and large amounts of rainfall in which you will most likely have 0 visibility....think not ^^^bro...stay home.
Originally Posted by AJChick23

it's not going to be as bad as you think..

BUT, as a native Floridian...you can paypal me 5 bucks and I'll teach you some survival techniques if you're really worried.
Just survival tecniques huh?
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by jehims

will it be safe to drive on sunday?

Do you really think is safe to drive through a hurricane with close to 100 mph winds and large amounts of rainfall in which you will most likely have 0 visibility....think not ^^^bro...stay home.

i have to get to work by 4pm and im guessing public transportation is gonna be out. How else will i get to work??
i live in queens ny btw.
Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by AJChick23

it's not going to be as bad as you think..

BUT, as a native Floridian...you can paypal me 5 bucks and I'll teach you some survival techniques if you're really worried.
Just survival tecniques huh?
I can teach you how to spell technique too..
Central NJ checking in here....Middlesex County to be exact. Is this thing really gonna be this bad.
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