East Coast NTers...First an Earthquake, now a Hurricane? Vol. Irene

RIP to all the halal carts (I really really hope not)

let's hope nothing crazy happens to those guys, taxi drivers, homeless peeps or anyone else who may be out during the hurricane.

NYC, you are in my prayers.
The earthquake very, very slightly impacted Cleveland, and there was a pretty gnarly storm last night that I assumed was a side effect of Irene (50+ mile per hour winds, intense rain and lightning, tornadoes in surrounding areas), but I see nothing but sun and comfortable temperatures for the foreseeable future. Thankfully.

Stay safe, dudes.
You NYC dudes who are trying to act like this won't be something serious...
no one knows a thing about the future... it could mess up your house, windows, car, you could lose your life or even a family member...  only god knows.

They're saying 120+ mph winds in skyscraper-laden areas... so this will be serious... i bet even for the cars in NYC.

I'm out of the city right now (thank god) and I'm not returning till after this thing happens, or doesn't happen.
so what you guys are saying is that I should be scared?
Meh, if we can handle that super powerful earthquake, we can handle anything.
I'm more concerned for people living in LI and the Jersey Shore. Y'all need to board up your houses and evacuate ASAP.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Halal you right, we don't know the future. No point livin in fear.

Never leaving your house for fear of car accidents, struck by lightning, robbery, slip and falls, etc. = living in fear
Taking precautions and planning for a major hurricane on a path towards your area = being prepared

Again, it's a worst case scenario we're concerned about, everyone hopes it won't be bad and the damage will be minimal, but it's better to be prepared and aware than not.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Halal you right, we don't know the future. No point livin in fear.

Never leaving your house for fear of car accidents, struck by lightning, robbery, slip and falls, etc. = living in fear
Taking precautions and planning for a major hurricane in a path towards your area = being prepared

Again, it's a worst case scenario we're concerned about, everyone hopes it won't be bad and the damage will be minimal, but it's better to be prepared and aware than not.
i got a lot of fam in long island

i go to ny all the time, an i live in CT. im def on the look out.
went looking for flashlights and everything was gone. lol dmv always over reacts. lol guess ill just borrow some from work. im cancelling my sat plans to get a good parking spot nowhere near any trees. lol
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

went looking for flashlights and everything was gone. lol dmv always over reacts. lol guess ill just borrow some from work. im cancelling my sat plans to get a good parking spot nowhere near any trees. lol
I really wish we had garage parking at my condo, NOTHING but trees around!
^ yeah at my spot...we have a lil area just for the people in the condos in that area like maybe six. but some people have more than one car visitors etc... there is no trees in our little area. but when there is no parking spots and you have to park on the street... rip.
LOL @ you people worrying about a Category 2 hurricane... I slept through 3's and 4's, that hurricane will be nothing but rain and winds.
Just wondering, how bad would it be if this turned into Katrina 2.0?
The destruction of New Orleans was not good for the US, imagine how devastating it would be if NYC and DC/Boston were taken out as well
Originally Posted by scshift

Just wondering, how bad would it be if this turned into Katrina 2.0?
The destruction of New Orleans was not good for the US, imagine how devastating it would be if NYC and DC/Boston were taken out as well

A lot of the damage of Katrina was caused by the levees being destroyed.
Originally Posted by scshift

Just wondering, how bad would it be if this turned into Katrina 2.0?
The destruction of New Orleans was not good for the US, imagine how devastating it would be if NYC and DC/Boston were taken out as well

When it gets near the NYC and DC it will be nowhere near close what Katrina was in terms of the strength of the Hurricane. They say it will be a category 1 which, yea will cause strong winds and rains but not enough to do as much damage as what a category 5 can do.
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