eBAY auctions won...don't post live links

Originally Posted by nine point five

^ maaaan you got BIN's on LOCK lol that %!%% blows me. I shouldn't complain cuz Lord knows I get my healthy share of steals but it just bugs me that my good BIN's are so few and far between. I honestly think there's something wrong with my browser or something...

Haha, idk I guess it's good timing.

Most the good bin's I find are not my size, so I usually sell them.

These would have been a good steal, but seller claims the ex-husband didn't appreciate her selling them(he took em back)...not sure if I believe her butw/e.
Nicely done fella's. Good to see this thread picking up again. [color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]mj234eva[/color] that pickup on the Chi's wouldhave been amazing! Along those same lines, my boy got some OG Carmines for $99 last year... Still haven't forgiven him


Some nice steals lately
. I've got a few that I will be postingwhen I get them in (including one GRAIL pickup).

Keep this on page 1, let's see what you got!
why not?? lol and check out the title as well...someone slipped up, and it cost em a good $200 or so.
Been after these since like 4th grade:






I do want to apologize to anyone who might have been bidding on these. The seller and I made a deal the first day they were up, but he drug his feetand didn't end the auction until around the 24hr mark
. I know Ihate having the rug pulled out from under me when I'm bidding on something, so I wanted to bring that up.

That being said, I'm so freaking pumped
Originally Posted by loonyrobert

^ I need those. Please tell me they arent a size 11.

I hate to even reply.....................not an 11, but they're a 10.5 (fit me perfect too
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