eBAY auctions won...don't post live links

yes he did.
Originally Posted by abernja

Originally Posted by CoolGrayMemo

yes he did.

But does it beat this one? Still salty I didn't bid any higher. lol http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eB...WAX:IT&item=170317801442 That is as long as they're real. I'm pretty sure the seller is an NT'er though.

no it does not...
Originally Posted by Fat Boy 915

^^How did I miss that one?? I was on eBay for about an hour today looking for size 13 Jordans.

The real question is why did I only bid $70 when I KNOW how much they're worth. lol

BTW - that auction ended at 9am eastern. That's prob why you missed it.
i think the supreme deal beats the jordan deal. if you are going by resale profit then the supremes definately have the edge
omg I have never been in this thread before, some of these steals make me sick to my stomach. I'm gonna be on ebay more often...
Happy, a little whitening and these will be fresh.

Edit: Okay, now this MUST be considered a steal. OG's that still have blue tint once I seaglow them.
^^ DAMN brah...

I still don't undastand wat ur sayin about putting the ebay page on here...
im not really good wit computers...
I got a dell
Originally Posted by Guerrilla Warfare

^^ DAMN brah...

I still don't undastand wat ur sayin about putting the ebay page on here...
im not really good wit computers...
I got a dell

On your keyboard, there should be a button that says "PrintScreen", or "PrntScrn", or "PrtSc". Get to where you want on the pageand press that button. Then, open Paint and click "Edit>Paste" or just press Ctrl+V. There it is.
Hey guys I just got these of off ebay. When i got them they were more than messed up and the seller didnt mention the dirty details

They are yellowed but i expected that also they are b-grades which the seller also didnt mention!
They are my first pair of jewel af1. After we talked it out the seller gave me a full refund and told me to keep them.
So all in all after all of the problem and hours of cleaning they came out ok imo!
Not to bad for free
Let me know you guys!

I was being "Artistic" lol
Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Now this guy got a steal


Supreme high sz 13 Red for 410 WOW

I won that auction and just got them this morning. I have been searching for a 13 in the red or oranges since release day. I have only seen one other pair(orange) for sale since release day and they were in the same condition that ended up going for 1200 or 1300. It feels great to finally mark those off my list.
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