EDIT: New Question, is LeBron the second greatest player of all time? So, has Steph Curry overtaken

Who is the best basketball player in the world?

  • LeBron James

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Steph Curry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Russell Westbrook

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kevin Durant

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anthony Davis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Side note..

Curry with two half court shots made in this game tonight. 1 didn't count, 2nd did.

The best player in the world is the deadliest. Right now, it's Curry. I like Leonard a lot but he ain't gonna stop that stroke
A hypothetical that makes sense. I bothers me that people use hypotheticals as legit argument points.

re: Magic/Bird not going to form Super teams, well the teams that they were drafted by were already super so go somewhere with that weak argument please
jordan wasnt drafted to a super team.  the great ones ,  you stick it out / come up thru the draft or good players come and play with you . you dont go join a super team. no one does that. stop giving him a pass for everything. you cape a little to hard right there homie. 

No one seemed to care about KG/Ray/Pierce linking up.

I didn't hear a single person question that ring, LBJ does it and its somehow a bad thing.

Not everyone is fortunate enough to be drafted into a good situation, they can't all be Magic/Bird/Duncan w/ a good shot to contend right away.

Look how quickly Kobe wanted out of LA before Pau was gift wrapped and sent to his doorstep.

Michael would've done he same if Pippen didn't evolve into one of the best 2 way players ever.

These dudes wanna win, I don't get why a dude is knocked for wanting to be in the best situation possible.
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No one seemed to care about KG/Ray/Pierce linking up.

I didn't hear a single person question that ring, LBJ does it and its somehow a bad thing.

Not everyone is fortunate enough to be drafted into a good situation, they can't all be Magic/Bird/Duncan w/ a good shot to contend right away.

Look how quickly Kobe wanted out of LA before Pau was gift wrapped and sent to his doorstep.

Michael would've done he same if Pippen didn't evolve into one of the best 2 way players ever.

These dudes wanna win, I don't get why a dude is knocked for wanting to be in the best situation possible.

This. People forget Kobe wanted out and will say that he ended up staying....management answered the bell. MJ did have pippen and also had 3 rings by the time his original contract expired. He had no reason to leave. What hurt LBJ was the way he left. Big mistake making a circus out of it....there's also something special about winning with ur original team.
lebrun has an uncanny ability to make every single action he takes come across as lame

this is why boys need father figures in their lives 
No one seemed to care about KG/Ray/Pierce linking up.

I didn't hear a single person question that ring, LBJ does it and its somehow a bad thing.

Not everyone is fortunate enough to be drafted into a good situation, they can't all be Magic/Bird/Duncan w/ a good shot to contend right away.

Look how quickly Kobe wanted out of LA before Pau was gift wrapped and sent to his doorstep.

Michael would've done he same if Pippen didn't evolve into one of the best 2 way players ever.

These dudes wanna win, I don't get why a dude is knocked for wanting to be in the best situation possible.

Nobody blinked an eye with the kg/pp/Allen because nobody were considering each individual player the GOAT and they were at the twilights of their careers. It was a last ditch effort thing. Kinda like the Malone/Payton lakers experiment.

So would it be fine if Lebby were to join the Warriors or Spurs next season, I mean it would be literally putting himself in the best situation possible?

MJ didn't try to form a super team with Magic or Bird, Stockton and Malone, Shaq and Penny. Forming Super teams are for ****boys.
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:lol: all around

KG is one of the greatest PF's of all time and was 31 when he went to Boston, Malone was 40 when he went to LA.

Shaq split from Orlando, I guess he's a **** boy because he didn't win **** w/ his OG team, right?

He had to go to a team that already had 11 chips under their belt in order to get it done.

How dare he want to be apart of a franchise w/ a competent front office!

And yea, sure, why wouldn't it be fine?

I see nothing but egghhkk emojis posted when rumors of KD going to GS are floated around.

What's the difference?
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:lol: all around

KG is one of the greatest PF's of all time and was 31 when he went to Boston, Malone was 40 when he went to LA.

Shaq split from Orlando, I guess he's a **** boy because he didn't win **** w/ his OG team, right?

He had to go to a team that already had 11 chips under their belt in order to get it done.

How dare he want to be apart of a franchise w/ a competent front office!

And yea, sure, why wouldn't it be fine?

I see nothing but egghhkk emojis posted when rumors of KD going to GS are floated around.

What's the difference?

I never said leaving your OG team leads to ****boy. Hitting up the current best in the nba to create a super team is ****boy status.

I.e Shaq leaving the magic to goto a Lakers team with nobody in it = fine. Shaq leaving magic to play with Stockton and Malone = ****boy

But obviously we have a drastic difference in opinion here if you have no problem with Lebby leaving the defending Eastern Conference Champions from Miami to Cavs and from Cavs to Warriors/Spurs just because he couldn't get over the hump. If you can't beat them, join them right?
Some of you rly need to chill, :lol:

There's still A LOT of basketball left this year, I don't want dudes dropping dead if Cleveland somehow wins it all this season.
Some of you rly need to chill, :lol:

There's still A LOT of basketball left this year, I don't want dudes dropping dead if Cleveland somehow wins it all this season.

Airplane falling out the sky? Possible. Hitting that powerball? Someone had to. Cow jumping over the moon? Sure. Meteor hitting the earth killing all life? Happened before. Cavs with Lebron winning a title? Get real!
The Lakers team that Shaq came to had nobody on it? :lol:

They won 53 games the season before Shaq came, they had a nice young core..Cebric Ceballos( All-Star) Eddie Jones , Nick Van Exel , Elden Campbell and very proven front office/ owner.
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I think I said this a while back in this thread but I usually go with this rule.  If you are a GM with the first pick in a draft, and you have every player in front of you, will you take Curry 1st overall over Lebron, Kawhi, AD, KD...etc.  No disrespect to Curry...I'm actually a Warrior fan but as talented and as great as he is....would he still be an MVP candidate and this great if you stick him on the Sixers???? Lebron and KD would for sure take that team to the playoffs.  
Isaiah Thomas carried the Celtics to the playoffs in the east last year.  That's all you need to know about that hypothetical.
The Lakers team that Shaq came to had nobody on it?

They won 53 games the season before Shaq came, they had a nice young core..Cebric Ceballos( All-Star) Eddie Jones , Nick Van Exel , Elden Campbell and very proven front office/ owner.
True...thats why I said the 76ers haha...they're pretty much a D league team.  And actually, Boston has a decent group and Brad Stevens has a good system and gets his team to play pretty disciplined.  
The Lakers team that Shaq came to had nobody on it? :lol:

They won 53 games the season before Shaq came, they had a nice young core..Cebric Ceballos( All-Star) Eddie Jones , Nick Van Exel , Elden Campbell and very proven front office/ owner.

Y'all acting like each Laker was top 3 at their position in the L that year. Wade and bosh. Kylie and Love most certainly were.
First it was " Shaq went to a Lakers team with NOBODY on it."

Disproved that.

Now it's he didn't have top 3 players.

Keeping moving the goalposts to fit your irrational viewpoint.
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K Love is top 3 at this position?  All I hear these days is that he's trash.  Whatever fits the narrative.  
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