EDIT: New Question, is LeBron the second greatest player of all time? So, has Steph Curry overtaken

Who is the best basketball player in the world?

  • LeBron James

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Steph Curry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Russell Westbrook

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kevin Durant

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anthony Davis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I don't mean to change sports but Cam Newton is the best player on the best team.  By everyone's logic in here, he is a better quarterback then Brady and Rodgers.  
This is such stupid logic :lol:
lol...how? People are saying Curry is the best player right now.  You're saying Curry would be able to do what he does on a lower performing team? 

He'd do fine.

Would he win a chip if he were on the Sixers? No, probably not, but he'd still be pulling up from 30ft out and hitting, :lol:

Would he win 2 Finals games w/ 2 all star caliber players hurt? I'm not sure, probably not, but his team was healthy and they won, so...
I don't mean to change sports but Cam Newton is the best player on the best team.  By everyone's logic in here, he is a better quarterback then Brady and Rodgers.  

In all fairness cam Newton was much better than Aaron Rodgers this season. Just saying.

LeBron James is not the best player in the NBA right now. What curry is doing right now is absolutely unheard of. The guys true shooting % numbers have never been done in NBA history from a player performing at his level.
I don't mean to change sports but Cam Newton is the best player on the best team.  By everyone's logic in here, he is a better quarterback then Brady and Rodgers.  

I think most people are speaking in terms of right now.

I don't think anyone is saying Curry has surpassed LBJ is terms of overall career, :lol:
You know what...scratch everything I said.  Kawhi is the best player 
For those saying that Curry doesn't play defense, he allows 95.1 points per 100 possessions, Lebron allows 98.5.  Per 100 possessions, Curry scores 118.2 ppg, LeBron scores 109.7.  We all know Curry is a much more efficient shooter. 
Current players (way) better than LeBron:

Wardell Curry
DeMarcus Cousins
Kawhi Leonard

Not better but not far off:
Kevin Durant
Draymond Green
Paul George
jordan wasnt drafted to a super team.  the great ones ,  you stick it out / come up thru the draft or good players come and play with you . you dont go join a super team. no one does that. stop giving him a pass for everything. you cape a little to hard right there homie. 
LeBron doesn't control the draft. Jordan played with hall of famers and won rings with hof talent on his team. LeBron waited and that never happened. Was he supposed to wait longer because FANS and the Media say that is what he was supposed to do?  

I didn't know there was a rule book in all of this. 

If LeBron wanted to go to a team and play with other great players (a luxury Bird/Magic/Jordan were afforded through the draft), I don't see the issue.

We are having a discussion. Let's leave the middle school comments out of this please. Talk like an adult.
Again, LeBron even mentioned that he didn't want to be like KG (who also said he should have left in his prime but was trying to be loyal and a warrior) and stay in a situation that refused to surround him with top notch talent. So again, I don't see why we are faulting a man for going to a better situation since his current situation wasn't conducive to winning a ring.

We just have to stop trying to find ways to discredit people man. 4 Finals appearances. 2 rings. I mean, I don't get it man. Just respect folks and keep it moving instead of trying to be *'s next to it.
KD is better than Bron
If KD had Westbrook's killer instinct, then I would agree. But unfortunately, he doesn't.
I think KD's potential is being hidden by the fact he's playing with Westbrook.

Don't forget what he did those 2 months Westbrook was out. He went off. I'm lowkey hoping he leaves OKC so we can see what he really is.

I got Curry, Durant, Kawhi, then Lebron in that order.
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Being from here, I am always pulling for local talent. Beasley included, so I am hoping for the best for KD.

I wish he had that Mamba Blood like Westbrook. I wish he did, but he doesn't. Maybe he WOULD if he wasn't with Russ but part of me wants to say you either have it or you don't.

I also don't know whether or not Westbrook being around him stunts his growth. Could be, just not sure honestly.

But I do know one thing, Kawhi isn't on his level
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Curry might not even make it to the finals, this year might be the start of the Kawhi era.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think KD's potential is being hidden by the fact he's playing with Westbrook.

Don't forget what he did those 2 months Westbrook was out. He went off. I'm lowkey hoping he leaves OKC so we can see what he really is.

Which is why I want KD to head to DC next season. I want to see that 2 months of KD killing on a regular basis.

Wall/Beal/KD = Scary plus the nail in the coffin for Bron's reign over the East

So is it official now?

Been official for close to two years, imo.
We can go ahead and lock this thread up famb.

What does lebron do better than steph at this point?

Shooting? :lol:

Ball handling? :lol:

Basketball IQ? Tie

Passing? Tie, steph turns it over too much for my liking.

Rebounding? It should be expected for a small forward to average more rebounds than a point guard.

Defense? Lebrons physical stature should give him the nod here, but there was a stat earlier in the thread that showed he allows a few more points per 100 possessions or something than curry, plus I believe curry is near the top of the league in steals, tie.

Impact? :smh: I haven't seen one player lift their own team and bend defenses like this since Jordan in Chicago, not even prime Kobe had that effect. It's becoming silly the way steph has improved from last year.

It seems to me that many of the arguments being made in favor of lebron are being made with the belief that lebron is who is was in '12/'13 when that's just not the case anymore. The biggest, hottest, brightest burning stars live the shortest lives, longevity is not in lebrons favor.

Also, it seems that there is an underlying assumption that steph's play right now is just an aberration and the law of averages will bring him back to earth. I think it's time we all accept that this is the new normal, even as absurd as that may seem.
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