EDIT: New Question, is LeBron the second greatest player of all time? So, has Steph Curry overtaken

Who is the best basketball player in the world?

  • LeBron James

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Steph Curry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Russell Westbrook

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kevin Durant

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anthony Davis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Lebron reached the place that many great players reach where he can't do it for 82 games but his A+ game is still better than Steph's A+ game.

Steph is the best player over the 82 games, but in a 7 game series....well we all know what happened.
Whether its the regular season or playoffs Lebron is still the best. Steph is the best shooter and thats where it stops.

I think Steph deserved the MVP cuz he had a great shooting season and his team won 73 but that doesn't make you the best player. Lebron does more and has a bigger impact than him period. I tried to tell dudes Steph doesn't do much if he's not scoring and we saw it the whole series.
Man I was getting roasted a couple months ago for saying LBJ was the best in the league. Steph definitely deserved reg season MVP and the Warriors were the best regular season team but....well...it's what happens in June that counts
Some of you really called this man an above average or even good defender.

Holy ******* ****.

He was a TARGET for Cleveland, their offense revolved around him getting switches onto him. Sorry, you can not be the best player in the world when that is the case. Does he possess the most dominant single skill that forces defenses to shift and cause mayhem? Sure does. Best player in the world? Kiss my ***.
This is what I don't get: How can a guy who is like the fifth best defender on his team be the unanimous MVP, an award that isn't only about the offense? And Golden State sure as hell didn't get that 73-9 record by playing only on one side of the court. Hakeem winning a unanimous MVP in 93-94 I could understand - he did absolutely everything for that team. Curry being the first unanimous MVP even though he can be considered a flat out liability for them on the defensive side of the ball is a fraud decision.

LeBron on the other hand got shafted by not being on the all-NBA 1st defensive team. I followed his defense this year and he was way better defensively than last year.
This is what I don't get: How can a guy who is like the fifth best defender on his team be the unanimous MVP, an award that isn't only about the offense? And Golden State sure as hell didn't get that 73-9 record by playing only on one side of the court. Hakeem winning a unanimous MVP in 93-94 I could understand - he did absolutely everything for that team. Curry being the first unanimous MVP even though he can be considered a flat out liability for them on the defensive side of the ball is a fraud decision.

LeBron on the other hand got shafted by not being on the all-NBA 1st defensive team. I followed his defense this year and he was way better defensively than last year.

easy, because PG is the most hide able, least impactful defensive position.

you couldn't be a bad defender at C and be MVP but you can with Steph.

Also Stephs not that bad on D, give credit to Cavs. Kyrie hit tough shots.
Yeah that good defender **** is dead. I been saying it all series he was treated like the weak cornerback. That doesn't happen to good defenders or best player in the world.
Lebron took the NBA back from this fraud.
Stephanie Curry will always be trash! and STILL does not have a finals MVP!!

Curry > LBJ

LeBron 20%-from-three James is barely top five at this point in his career.

lebron was overtaken years ago 

dude is washed, unlike steph who is the one who washes 

No, but Curry's shooting has overtaken LeBron's power as the most destructive force in the league.

LeBron shot under 30% outside of 5 feet. If Delly and Mozgod didn't save his ***, ol boy was getting swept yet again. LeBron stays getting credit for putting up hollow stats. Most overrated player in NBA history.

LBJ empty stat king

Media priased Lebron for his higjly inefficient hero ball NBA finals last year like his bloated empty stats had any positive impact on the games at all. Empty stat king was born

This is the exact **** I'm talking about. :lol: :lol:

Don't mention LeBron in the same breath as MJ ever again. Ol' cakewalk to the finals *** boy.

View media item 1704845

Going through the juggernaut that was Boston, Chicago, and Atlanta? :lol:

On Friday November 13, 2015 at 10:54 AM, yes , Wardell Stephen Curry II is the best basketball player in the world

That is the "cakewalk through my terrible conference" stat.

LeBron James = the Indianapolis Colts.
Eastern conference = the AFC South.

There's a reason why he's 2-4 in the finals.

curry is by far the better defensive player than lebron, dude looked like harden in the finals

lebron might be the most overrated defender of all time, getting credit for guarding no names from the east his entire career while being lit up by role players like iggy and kawai in the finals

how is it even possible to have 14 minutes of terrible defense highlights in just 6 games?

straight overrated trash

steph's defense is underrated

overrated media bias fuelled by the "he can guard 5 positions" narrative even though offensive mega bum roy hibbert would torch his team since they had no one who could defend a C

empty steal and chase down block stats without actually playing good defense, dude was literally running away from curry in the finals because he didnt want to get rained on.

LeBron is 2-4 in the finals

On the biggest stage he comes up small

:lol: @ the rings argument.

:lol: @ "valid statistics" like the number of 50 win teams he's beaten is invalid.

:lol: @ the "healthy Kyrie Irving" argument.

Boy, the excuses this guy gets.


if kyrie irving was healthy to take delly's minutes curry would have gotten finals mvp and the series would have been 5 games at most

all while taking away lebrons touches resulting in fewer stats

any top 20 player could have done what lebron did in the finals, put up big stats shooting everytime down the court for a garbage team 

why would you put a pg on a pf? thats just stupid

lebron wasnt guarding anyone in the finals, so i guess your first statement is true

LeBron had to go join a super team to even win a ring :lol: :lol:

Curry is 1-0 in the Finals vs LBJ

It's obvious that he's better

Lebron and his fans just come with a built-in excuse response. Year in and year out, it never fails.

curry also doesnt sabotage the team by trying to play gm while allowing his agent to get tristian thompson a 82 million dollar contract 

Can't be #1 player in the world when you always finish in 2nd place


You can't be an mvp when you're not even the best player on the team.

@sea manup and C Chester McFloppy out here kicking too much real fax, they ain't trying to hear y'all though

you too @KhalilMack52 check in...where you at? straight offline status
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pages 5-10 of...THE PURGE​

:lol: @ "recreational basketball" and "not understanding the game" cards being played now. You know you've reached the end of the line when that happens.

LeBron James hasn't been a defense force for a few years now. If you think otherwise, you don't understand the game of basketball. :wink:

Anyone who puts minimal effort on the defensive end is a better defender than lebron

Yep all the media members who vote for DPOY and NBA all defense teams were wrong but seman is right.

It's a good thing ball handling and shooting are minimal assets in the game of basketball.

Blind side blocks and dunks are where it's at.

I'm sorry that you don't like that LeBron isn't the best player in the world anymore.

You're going to have to deal with the fact that this is Curry's league now

notice when people compare literally every other alltime great is player A's accomplishments >>>> player B's accomplishments

but when it comes to lebron its always lebron's imaginary accomplishments, what if what if what if 

He's better than everybody he's the best player in the world

Naw LBJ is #2


Curry still better

curry was better that lebron last season, last season's playoffs, AND this season

:lol: at people thinking lebron can play defense

he was legit shook everything he switched on curry in the finals, spent most of the time yelling a teammates to switch back 

its obvious who only reads espn articles rather than actually watching basketball contests 

He quits on his team? What? Do you even watch the warriors play? :lol: :lol:

I've heard it all on here

^ this last one is really funny due to the fact that Klay walked out on his team twice in the last 2 games. refused to be a man and take his L with dignity.
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Also Stephs not that bad on D, give credit to Cavs. Kyrie hit tough shots.
If only Kyrie was the only one to light him up this season.

"Give credit to Dame. He hit tough shots."

"Give credit to Westbrook. He hit tough shots."

"Give credit to John Wall. He hit tough shots."

"Give credit to Kyle Lowry. He hit tough shots."

"Give credit to Chris Paul. He hit tough shots."

"Give credit to shell of his former self Derrick Rose. He hit tough shots."

Notice a pattern here?
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Page 10-20 of ...THE PURGE​

Steph Curry is the best player in the world right now

Deal with it

Damn the Lebron era lasted 5 years

Steph is just the best player right now. Its time to face it. Its like how us Kobe fans were when lebron took that step to be the best, Kobe was still dropping numbers but Bron was just the best.


Rematch would be :pimp:

Paul George has overtaken LeBron as well.

Hell, Lebbywinks lucky to be in the top 5 right now.

It isn't even remotely close anymore. One of them is dropping 40 every couple games, the other is taking games off and going scoreless in OT.

Is LeBron James even the best SF in the NBA anymore?



not even top 2 in his own position 

Trinidad James > LeBron James

OP should change the title to "who hasn't overtaken lebron this season? Vol. lebron sucks, he's terrible"

Posted in the NBA thread but it deserves a spot here as well:


KD is quietly having his best season ever.

27.5 on 53%/44%/90%
7.9 REB
4.2 AST
1.1 STL
1.3 BLK

66.4% TS
30.1 PER

We already know Steph is better than Lebby -- that's not even a question anymore. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to get their Chosen One tattoo surgically removed.

Is a healthy KD better than Steph tho? :nerd:

He over here trying to tell people to go to another thread :lol: don't get mad at me cause Curry is the best player on the planet

Curry is numero uno
Kd is dos
Everyrbody else is after

Lebron needs to retire.

This has been the case for the last two years. Bron's reign ended in 2013. 

LeBron James hasn't been the best player in the league for years.

Steph and KD are better. He's in the tier with Russ, PG, Kawhi, etc. Can't be the best player in the league and simultaneously be the worst shooting perimeter player like he was like 2 weeks ago.

Steph took the hinges off and gave them to Lebron :lol:. :nerd:

i have no idea why people let personal bias get in the way of not being able to see how washed a player is 

Overrated defense in the finals...his 6 consecutive final

Mans is averaging 26 6 & 6 on one of the top four or five teams in the NBA right now.

Dont let the hate cloud your judgement.

chris paul could have made at least 4 straight finals if he played in the east

getting to the finals in the east is meaningless, at any given year 3-4 west teams could have done it

he cant shoot anymore, doesnt play defense, his team is only a "contender" because of his conference, he takes subtle shots at his teammates, shows bad leadership by constantly quitting on his team, doesnt get to the foul line as much as before, is a step slower than 3 years ago, randomly takes weeks off to play GM. 

either he was never that good or he's washed now. 

over the years he's mastered the art of stat padding without much effect on the game. see any highlight of him forcing his team to play 4v5 so he can stay on offence to cry at the refs and cherry pick.

biggest game of the season, talks about revenge before the game, loses by 30. has the worst +- of his entire team, only stays in the game to stat pad

How can people still call him the best in the league after he lost by 40 and plays in a weak *** conference. We expect him to be in the finals that's a given , but there's way better players tha him particularly in the western conference, he wouldn't even make it out the first round. He just perfected the art of stat stuffing like my Mans said. It's over for LeBron. Curry's the new generation it skill over size now. I'll be surprised if they're aren't any centers 5-10 years from now.

here's a non hypothetical for you, lebron is 0-2 i the past two years vs western playoff teams

that alone means the west >> the east

his biggest challenge has been an injured bulls team

making the finals is pointless if you dont win

his shooting is awful, his defense is awful, his leadership is awful, his handles have always been awful

kobe has had 2 week stretches this season where he has put up empty, efficent stats but he's still the most washed player in the league

this is basketball, not fantasy basketball.

could the 2015 cavs beat the warriors? no? they would not have made the finals in the west

could the 2014 heat beat the spurs? no? they would not have made the finals in the west

if you lose in the finals, it just means you would not have made it to the finals if you played in the other conference 

All we know is Lebron loses in the finals . 2-4 Against the west that's all we need to know , to know that he wouldn't be running the west . So we do know Lebron wouldnt be running ish in the west . Those aren't hypotheticals . Tell me all the empty stats you want . They don't matter . The nba equivalent to Peyton manning . That's what Lebron is

Apparently injuries don't matter when they play Golden State


cavs not coming close to being able to beat the warriors in a playoff series is not a hypothetical, it actually happened

The answer to the thread title is still a resounding yes.

exactly. and lebron is worst this year then he was last year. he has over 50000 minutes on him. just watch him play. to any one not living in the past . its easy to see he isnt the best anymore. no need to argue it its not even debatable anymore. 

He's the "best all around player in the world" and he's shooting 32 away from the paint

:lol: :lol:

lebrons last 2 and a half  games

16 points 5 rebs 5 assist 3 turnovers 
17 points 5 assist 1 reb  4 turnovers 
at the half tonight 

9 points 0 rebs 5 assist...

yeah that just screams best player in the L . :rofl:  

cut it out already. 
I was so happy KD killed the Spurs. Yall were getting on me for saying KAWHI wasn't better than KD because he only COOKED for ralph for one season.

Prisoners of the moment
the purge pages 21-30

man some of the silly s**t you guys wrote was hilarious!​

stats mean nothing if you cant win the series 

Bron is still a top 5 player, he's not the best though, you're lying to yourself saying he is.

either curry or kawhi is going to end up with a ring this year 

Any top 5 player can take any group of bums to the playoffs in the east

It's a joke of a conference

lebron doesnt play defense anymore. thats not hate ,those are facts 

the guys who he has guarded the past two years in the finals have won mvp. thats not an opinion which is all you are stating. your opinion which is a opinion based on his past reputation. welcome to 2016. 

im saying bro. and people still saying lebron plays defense:lol: . watch basketball games  dont just parrot what espn tells you. 

Because he does one of them chase down blocks once every 20 games and they call it elite defense. Every guy he's guarded has won finals MVP. If u watch the gsw game on xmas he wasn't even trying defensively. The play steph ran right past him for a easy lay up, he didn't even try to stop him. Steph isn't a defensive juggernaut by any means but neither one of them dudes are shutting anyone down in 2016,lbj just happens to have a bigger body and is 6'9 so it seems like it. Iggy is trash every game, until he plays let Bron [emoji]128514[/emoji]

its fun watching lebron when he switches on steph

he instantly goes into panic mode and starts yelling at his teammates to switch back

People slurp Lebrun for his finals stats

If he had more help his stats and usage would go way down

Can't have your cake and eat it too

For those saying that Curry doesn't play defense, he allows 95.1 points per 100 possessions, Lebron allows 98.5.  Per 100 possessions, Curry scores 118.2 ppg, LeBron scores 109.7.  We all know Curry is a much more efficient shooter. 

demarcus > lebron 

Current players (way) better than LeBron:

Wardell Curry
DeMarcus Cousins
Kawhi Leonard

Not better but not far off:
Kevin Durant
Draymond Green
Paul George

KD is better than Bron

We can go ahead and lock this thread up famb.

What does lebron do better than steph at this point?

Shooting? :lol:

Ball handling? :lol:

Basketball IQ? Tie

Passing? Tie, steph turns it over too much for my liking.

Rebounding? It should be expected for a small forward to average more rebounds than a point guard.

Defense? Lebrons physical stature should give him the nod here, but there was a stat earlier in the thread that showed he allows a few more points per 100 possessions or something than curry, plus I believe curry is near the top of the league in steals, tie.

Impact? :smh: I haven't seen one player lift their own team and bend defenses like this since Jordan in Chicago, not even prime Kobe had that effect. It's becoming silly the way steph has improved from last year.

It seems to me that many of the arguments being made in favor of lebron are being made with the belief that lebron is who is was in '12/'13 when that's just not the case anymore. The biggest, hottest, brightest burning stars live the shortest lives, longevity is not in lebrons favor.

Also, it seems that there is an underlying assumption that steph's play right now is just an aberration and the law of averages will bring him back to earth. I think it's time we all accept that this is the new normal, even as absurd as that may seem.

Plus a gm picking Lebrun is basically giving his own job away

Bron is not a lock for top 10 all time either especially if he keeps taking these Finals Ls.

The answer to the question in the thread title is still a resounding yes.

Anyone still arguing curry isn't the best by a long shot needs to be banned for trolling

Cool... But steph is the best basketball player in the world

The answer to the question in the title of this thread is a resounding yes.

The GOAT!!

Son is literally the GOAT forreal

Steph is the greatest player we have ever seen. We need to salute and enjoy this man's greatness. We will never see another human being like him.
the purge 31-35​

When is the thread title going to change into "Will Steph Curry overtake Michael Jordan as the greatest Basketball player ever?"

Time to lock the thread.

LeBron with the air ball last night.

Steph's game winner.

LeBron acknowledged the best player in the L.



In the West, Bron would be westbrook.

Steph Curry just had the greatest individual NBA season in the history of basketball....and y'all are debating his value? :lol:.

I don't think people understand what Steph did this year....it was God level.

The cavs and lebron assembled another super team. Not the Warriors fault that they are better than that assembled team. Just shows you how good the team has become without asking other all stars to join Curry.

It's not Curry's fault Lebron can't make his teammates better.  Lebron has more than sufficient help around him, but has turned them all into jump shooters to fit his style of play.

Bron played GM and hand picked most of the players on this roster, obviously he believe it's enough. No excuses this time.

Lebron will lose in another finals. Proof that the east is just weak. All stars but no true superstar team.

At this point, if you don't think Steph Curry is the best player in the world.... I think your just being naive.

If The Warriors do repeat, then the "King James Era" will officially have come to a halt. Thus, beginning the "Stephen Curry Era".

Steph is

Better scorer
Better shooter
Better ball handler

Better hairline

Didn't have to join a super team to be successful.

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I thought curry was a pretty good defender during the season above average for sure but he's in that Westbrook Harden category for defense to me nkw
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