EDIT: New Question, is LeBron the second greatest player of all time? So, has Steph Curry overtaken

Who is the best basketball player in the world?

  • LeBron James

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Steph Curry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Russell Westbrook

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kevin Durant

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anthony Davis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
It's hilarious how not a single one of those dudes quoted have entered this thread.

Also pretty funny how one dude has about 60% of the quotes.

Just realized I said this back in January because someone repped it, :lol: :

Some of you rly need to chill, :lol:

There's still A LOT of basketball left this year, I don't want dudes dropping dead if Cleveland somehow wins it all this season.

I'm a prophet.
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It's hilarious how not a single one of those dudes quoted have entered this thread.

Also pretty funny how one dude has about 60% of the quotes.

Just realized I said this back in January because someone repped it, :lol: :

Some of you rly need to chill, :lol:

There's still A LOT of basketball left this year, I don't want dudes dropping dead if Cleveland somehow wins it all this season.

I'm a prophet.

I really overestimated that wolf dude. Spent all season dropping"Yikes" whenever Bron had a poor game. Then disappeared like Curry in the finals :smh:
He still a ***** *shrug* didn't son break his hand last night? Making sure he had a excuse if them free throws missed. Congrats tho. I will say this, I apologize for giving kyrie the nick name hot sauce. I officially retire that name and will put respect on the boys name. He got ice water in his veins, ice water.
^^ Him,Jumpman and Seaman have been more ghost than Stephs "killer instinct" this last week :lol:
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Okc 2


Lebron in NBA finals : 2-4

Shouldn't you be signing up for paypal so you can pay some gambling debts or something?

Unless you legit believe Curry plays better D than Lebron I don't even know why you're talking.
The guy clearly stated that statistics show that Lebron is the better defender.  I am stating that his assertion is not supported by those numbers.
Just because a player CAN guard 1-5 but never does, does not make said play a better defender.
Just like Lebron CAN play really good defense, but rarely chooses to do so.
It gets ridiculous that people think Lebron is basically Kawhi Leonard on the defensive end.  He is not.  The gap between Curry and Lebron defensively is not as clear cut as people assert.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

@junglejim Is there still not as clear cut of a gap between Curry and Bron's D as people assert? I wasn't sure if you caught those blocks in game 6 and last night so thought I'd ask.
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Page 10-20 of ...THE PURGE​

Paul George has overtaken LeBron as well.

Hell, Lebbywinks lucky to be in the top 5 right now.

It isn't even remotely close anymore. One of them is dropping 40 every couple games, the other is taking games off and going scoreless in OT.

Is LeBron James even the best SF in the NBA anymore?


Posted in the NBA thread but it deserves a spot here as well:


KD is quietly having his best season ever.

27.5 on 53%/44%/90%
7.9 REB
4.2 AST
1.1 STL
1.3 BLK

66.4% TS
30.1 PER

We already know Steph is better than Lebby -- that's not even a question anymore. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to get their Chosen One tattoo surgically removed.

Is a healthy KD better than Steph tho? :nerd:

He over here trying to tell people to go to another thread :lol: don't get mad at me cause Curry is the best player on the planet

Curry is numero uno
Kd is dos
Everyrbody else is after

LeBron James hasn't been the best player in the league for years.

Steph and KD are better. He's in the tier with Russ, PG, Kawhi, etc. Can't be the best player in the league and simultaneously be the worst shooting perimeter player like he was like 2 weeks ago.

Steph took the hinges off and gave them to Lebron :lol:. :nerd:

i have no idea why people let personal bias get in the way of not being able to see how washed a player is 

Overrated defense in the finals...his 6 consecutive final

Mans is averaging 26 6 & 6 on one of the top four or five teams in the NBA right now.

Dont let the hate cloud your judgement.

chris paul could have made at least 4 straight finals if he played in the east

getting to the finals in the east is meaningless, at any given year 3-4 west teams could have done it

he cant shoot anymore, doesnt play defense, his team is only a "contender" because of his conference, he takes subtle shots at his teammates, shows bad leadership by constantly quitting on his team, doesnt get to the foul line as much as before, is a step slower than 3 years ago, randomly takes weeks off to play GM. 

either he was never that good or he's washed now. 

over the years he's mastered the art of stat padding without much effect on the game. see any highlight of him forcing his team to play 4v5 so he can stay on offence to cry at the refs and cherry pick.

biggest game of the season, talks about revenge before the game, loses by 30. has the worst +- of his entire team, only stays in the game to stat pad

How can people still call him the best in the league after he lost by 40 and plays in a weak *** conference. We expect him to be in the finals that's a given , but there's way better players tha him particularly in the western conference, he wouldn't even make it out the first round. He just perfected the art of stat stuffing like my Mans said. It's over for LeBron. Curry's the new generation it skill over size now. I'll be surprised if they're aren't any centers 5-10 years from now.

here's a non hypothetical for you, lebron is 0-2 i the past two years vs western playoff teams

that alone means the west >> the east

his biggest challenge has been an injured bulls team

making the finals is pointless if you dont win

his shooting is awful, his defense is awful, his leadership is awful, his handles have always been awful

kobe has had 2 week stretches this season where he has put up empty, efficent stats but he's still the most washed player in the league

this is basketball, not fantasy basketball.

could the 2015 cavs beat the warriors? no? they would not have made the finals in the west

could the 2014 heat beat the spurs? no? they would not have made the finals in the west

if you lose in the finals, it just means you would not have made it to the finals if you played in the other conference 

All we know is Lebron loses in the finals . 2-4 Against the west that's all we need to know , to know that he wouldn't be running the west . So we do know Lebron wouldnt be running ish in the west . Those aren't hypotheticals . Tell me all the empty stats you want . They don't matter . The nba equivalent to Peyton manning . That's what Lebron is

Apparently injuries don't matter when they play Golden State


cavs not coming close to being able to beat the warriors in a playoff series is not a hypothetical, it actually happened

The answer to the thread title is still a resounding yes.

exactly. and lebron is worst this year then he was last year. he has over 50000 minutes on him. just watch him play. to any one not living in the past . its easy to see he isnt the best anymore. no need to argue it its not even debatable anymore. 

He's the "best all around player in the world" and he's shooting 32 away from the paint

:lol: :lol:

lebrons last 2 and a half  games
16 points 5 rebs 5 assist 3 turnovers 
17 points 5 assist 1 reb  4 turnovers 
at the half tonight 
9 points 0 rebs 5 assist...
yeah that just screams best player in the L . :rofl:  
cut it out already. 


the purge...pages 36-40

So I just heard what barkley said last week on the radio and it was more hating on Steph. He said it's no hate but it was hate. Said lebald and Kawhai were the 2 best players in the League. Kawhai usually guards the other team's best player unlike Steph. Since when did that fool value defense like that? Plus lebald is out there doing matador defense not even trying to guard his guy sometimes.

There's still this very stupid uninformed narrative that Steph doesn't play defense. Dude actually turned himself into a above average to good defender. He doesn't LOOK like a good defender....so they can't fathom in their heads that dude can play D. How many guards can average 30/7/5 & 2spg in 34mpg and not be considered "complete" :lol:

Steph Curry has a 97.1 defensive rating which puts him in the top 25 percentile of the leage, lebron has a 102.8 rating which puts him in last 50th percentile in the league.   This idea that Lebron is this all world defender has been a myth for a long time.   

He's already better. LeBron is not winning the title this year.

Defender: it's a wash, if anything (someone posted that steph had a better defensive rafting)
Rebounder: no
Passer: gsw ball movement is arguably the best in the league, and a lot of it is predicated on steph's ability to pass off the dribble and spread defenses due to his shooting. LBJ is probably the best passing point/forward sans Magic, but a better passer than steph? Hardly

Is lebron a better:

-free throw shooter in the 4th quarter

than steph?

Steph Curry averages close to 6 rebounds per game as a 6'3 185 lbs Point Guard...and people act like he can't rebound or defend :lol:. Why do people FOOLISHLY think he can't do anything else besides shoot?

The ***** averaged 30ppg 7apg 5rpg. Those are prime wing numbers. For the record...Bron and Curry both average 6.9 APG for their career....and Bron has the ball in his hands more than Steph.

This notion that Steph isn't an "ALL AROUND PLAYER" needs to be dreaded. One of the most idiotic statements made by causal basketball fans to discredit him.

At this point and time...Steph Curry is a better basketball player thank LeBron James. It happens. Deal with it. Doesn't take anything away from Bron....somebody just came along that is better than him....for right now.

Statistically speaking, per 100 possessions Curry allows less points on defense than Lebron so there is that......  

while guarding tony allen, ricky rubio, patrick beverly (insert random non offensive perimeter player here)

LeBron hasn't played defense in a few years :lol:

OP change thread title to "are lebron and steph curry both frauds?"

nah just curry

Why are we still even talking about this? 1 bad or good game by either party won't change facts. Last year and this year, Wardell is #1. Lebum is still top 3 which isn't bad seeing how he isn't in his prime anymore and things gonna start getting ugly soon if he doesn't fix that joint. Lock it up tho, the world knows the answer

Better ball handler
Better shooter
Finishes better at to rim

LeBron is the better flopper
And Excuse maker

lebron is like 36
steph snatched that title last season
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i'm saying though cashbanks cashbanks they have been talking super greasy in this thread. now, proof is in the pudding...i just want them to check in and let folks know how the feel...salty? or crunchy?

they stayed on the attack as recently as a week and a half ago...now they're ready to create different user names.

and called anyone that said anything positive about lebron a "stan"

they stayed on the offensive like curry and that was cool...ran several good dudes out of the thread/debate, including me. now its time to play defense and they step to the side just like curry.

the assault will continue until i am at page 48
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This is not even a debate anymore LEBRON shined while STEPH well I don't know what he was doing out there....Give credit where it's due GOLDEN STATE just collapsed now dudes saying it's rigged well if you think it's rigged don't watch it...It wasn't rigged when GOLDEN STATE came back on OKC .....The WARRIORS got too cocky STEPH throwing behind the back passes in a game 7 I was like WTF?? It all changed when people started calling LEBRON out after that LEBRON went nuts you don't throw rocks at a bee hive...lol
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lol. dunking and alley oops are fluff. lebron is a modern day wilt. bigger stronger and faster.
his basketball skills/fundamentals  are lacking. no footwork, no post moves, no jumper, his signature offensive move is the stiff arm. 

Really? Curry just failed to deliver a back to back and letting LeBron and his cavs coming back from 1-3.
Lebron started this series slowly but improved while Curry only had one great game (4).
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