EDIT: New Question, is LeBron the second greatest player of all time? So, has Steph Curry overtaken

Who is the best basketball player in the world?

  • LeBron James

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Steph Curry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Russell Westbrook

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kevin Durant

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anthony Davis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Golden state fans shouldn't even be thinking about using Stephanies "injury" as an excuse
Does Seattle even have a team?

Nevermind we all know the answer
Look at you. Can't even follow your own advice and stick to the threads topic
How does it feel to watch your old team be successful in Oklahoma?
How does it feel to be up 3-1 then Lebron drops his draws and takes a hot steamy dump on Oakland
Well back to topic. The city of Oakland should build the Raiders new stadium with all of the Warriors bricks from the last few games.
Bum *** Curry
that other clown finally popped up. now just waiting for @KhalilMack52

funny how they made an appearance and made no mention of the idiotic statements they made in this thread just a few months ago.

but its ok. its cool...they've been audited

i stated what i wanted...

@youngwolf just tell us how you feel?

He is KhalilMack :lol:
You really think god would make 2 guys as bad as that?
Yea not buying the injury, he said he doesn't need surgery. He wasn't there mentally more than anything.
This. If them shots was falling nobody would be mentioning it. Them lights were too bright for that boy.
It's hilarious how not a single one of those dudes quoted have entered this thread.

Also pretty funny how one dude has about 60% of the quotes.

Just realized I said this back in January because someone repped it, :lol: :
I'm a prophet.

that was me...i ran out of reps for the people that were actually legit in this thread that day.
Dudes were way to quick to crown Steph. Not only did Lebron play way better than him but Kyrie cooked his *** all series. Then when Klay was on Kyrie Cavs would switch sometimes and make sure Steph was guarding him like "Nah, don't run _". :lol:
Dudes were way to quick to crown Steph. Not only did Lebron play way better than him but Kyrie cooked his *** all series. Then when Klay was on Kyrie Cavs would switch sometimes and make sure Steph was guarding him like "Nah, don't run _". :lol:

even JR Smith and shumpert had the green light against curry
Dudes were way to quick to crown Steph. Not only did Lebron play way better than him but Kyrie cooked his *** all series. Then when Klay was on Kyrie Cavs would switch sometimes and make sure Steph was guarding him like "Nah, don't run _". :lol:

they should have brought delly off the bench and gave him the green light too! :rofl:
- Steph Curry had the best season in the league this year, but I still feel as though Kevin Durant is the best player in the league. Won't be mad at someone saying Lebron though. 

- Lebron really wasn't playing defense at all this season until the finals. 

- Steph curry is an above average to great defender, he's just surrounded by better defenders on his team. You can't use Lebron and Kyrie as a means for proving that steph can't guard. He was exceptional against Russell Westbrook and was just fine 1v1 defensively against dame. And i'm not a big steph fan at all. Just unbiased.

- I'm extremely happy for Lebron, because it shouldn't have taken this finals to realize how great of a talent we're dealing with. Had dudes saying he wasn't even a top 5 player this year or that he's not a top 10 all time player anymore going into this finals. Crazy. 
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