Either keeping 2001 Bred 11's Or Gte Count Down 11/12

I would keep them and still buy the CDP..I had the 01's ds and still bought the CDP.I now wear my 01's and once there beat in a couple of years I willpull my CDP XI's out and wear them.I figured 01's won't be wearable forever.....I'm going to enjoy em while I can.....For that price I woulddefinatly have both.
jus wait dog.. prices for the pack will go down in like 2 weeks i think. jus get em both.
keep them if you like them, sell them if you don't. For me personally, I would keep the 01s.
Originally Posted by bamz

damn thanks alot all of ya, but i think i might get the cdp cus they just a new pair and fresher but mine is ok but just not new as i wanted them to be :-(

Don't do it man!!!!! If you HAVE TO have the CDP, save some cash and then cop. Those 01's you have are nice! You will be sorely disapointed in thequality of the CDP...Especially with that backwards a*% Jumpman.
01 retroes are 1000 times more comfy than cdp xis, just keep them and get a cdp xi later. thats all i have to say.
was this a reason you used to show off your shoes or were you looking for an answer?

anyhow, keep the retro's. they don't look bad at all. VERY wearable, and the condition of them are really good.
the CDP's are stiff and uncomfortable...keep the '01 retro

and what happened to your low top xi's from the first pic?
Originally Posted by ToMa630

01 retro > cdp 11 ... keep them
you guys aren't thinking rational...

the 2001 are already 7 years old......they don't have much in the tank left..i suggest he gets a new pair of the CDP's....

7 year old XI's tend to crack at the patent leather where your foot flexes...
keep the retros they are way better quality...you will regret it if you do sell them and settle for the cdp 11's
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