ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Is CNN not updating? Fox News has McCain up 21-3 while CNN still has it at 8-3

dude, its FOX NEWS. Don't you think they'll jump the gun just a little bit if it benefits McCain even in the slightest?

you forget that 4 years ago CNN, ABC and CBS had Kerry as president...So if anythign those are the networks that jump the gun...
Originally Posted by JPZx

I'll panic when McCain officially gets New York, California, or Florida.
Don't have to worry about that. He didn't spend any money in those states.

He has a legit shot if he can win Virginia and Florida. I don't think Obama gets PA or OH.
Damn, o well

im about to be stationed in Germany.... so if mccain wins. ill be there for 4 years anyway

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Damn what a comeback!!! 77-34!!! Kobe came through in the clutch.

comeback? You must be new...

They're projecting locks, these states have been expected to go this way even without an election. Didn't need a "projection" to tell usthis...
Originally Posted by davegfunk12

This been posted yet? Apparently they wouldn't let Tim Robbins vote, got pissed:


"This is what you have to do to vote... I had to go down to see a judge... My name was not on the roll, and I'm not the only one. According to workers, 30 people in 5 hours had been taking off the rolls. You can do the math on that. 6 per hour, per district across America..."

mad grimey ....
how the hell is my home state Alabama too close to call, I know damn well them country hicks aint gonna vote no black man in the White House.
Originally Posted by iNiNe5

forget the other states... all that matters are those "Yellow" states

Real talk.

71% of the white folks in South Carolina voted for McCain... wow, who would have thought...
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Damn, o well

im about to be stationed in Germany.... so if mccain wins. ill be there for 4 years anyway

Unless he sends your
to Iran...
Obama won ever since McCain became the nominee.

I can only imagine people sitting glued to their TV like
I was just kidding about the comeback, I know it's still early, I'm still waiting for Ohio, Virginia, Indiana. Although FL looks promising
Originally Posted by JPZx

I'll panic when McCain officially gets New York, California, or Florida.

Not a chance in HELL that McCain gets NY or CA. Florida is the place to watch...as always.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

how the hell is my home state Alabama too close to call, I know damn well them country hicks aint gonna vote no black man in the White House.
I'm sayin'. We know damn well what they want
BTW, Enterprise FTW
Its clear this is alot of cat's first election.

Talks about Cali & NY going blue
those 2 are bread and butterstates for Democrats so NO chance of McCain even being competitive.

Their's no deficit, McCain is winning states he SHOULD BE WINNING.

McCain is down in FLA by a deficit of 300K votes, thats alot of votes to be down by so thats a great sign but im sure those are early votes.
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