ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

I wish I could be in Sean Hannity's presence right now.
Originally Posted by bay1591

Originally Posted by nanbeezy

CNN just gave MCcain a bunch of states where he is trailing and it still doesnt add up to 270.
its over for him.....

Lemme just say something...as a regular in S&T, I've seen these kind of threads plenty of time

and for the sake of comedy, it would be hilarious if McCain actually did comeback and win

just for the sake of comedy


@ Elizabeth Dole losing her seat in the Senate (Republicans in NC are sick because of this...its a huge upset)
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Is it me or do reporters seem down on energy?

they've been covering this election for 2 years, the primaries, caucases, debates, speeches, polling, all for this one day. Can you blame them?
Damn, white people at work gone be mad tomorrow

i wonder if they still gone have them Mccain bumper stickers on....
Looks like Obama has this. It was going to be really tough for any republican to win this election, it was about that time for the political pendulum to swingback to Democrat. I won't get too excited though, I cheer for results, not ideas. The Democrats have to "step up" with thehouse/senate/presidency. No Carter type stuff, otherwise it will be another 20 years of Republicans in office.
Popular vote is also important here.
It looks as if the mandate for Obama isn't going to be as great as the EC makes it seem.
the reasons people voted for obama r obvious

and people acting like there voting for him for a real reason is so bull ive never been so afraid for my country in my life
Originally Posted by WinstonDon


@ Elizabeth Dole losing her seat in the Senate (Republicans in NC are sick because of this...its a huge upset)
He's dances in rhythm with "dig a hole"
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Originally Posted by bay1591

Originally Posted by nanbeezy

CNN just gave MCcain a bunch of states where he is trailing and it still doesnt add up to 270.
its over for him.....

Lemme just say something...as a regular in S&T, I've seen these kind of threads plenty of time

and for the sake of comedy, it would be hilarious if McCain actually did comeback and win

just for the sake of comedy

No it wouldn't.
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