ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Yea it feels good today on my campus at ODU even though its raining outside...
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

Clinton was similar. Look what we got; NAFTA, GATT, Balkan involvement, derivatives bubble, housing bubble
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]What did we get with GWB? At least a n' was cakin' and not worrying about going to war when Clinton was running thangs'[/color]

That's not an excuse.
"Oh Bush was worse...".
Hitler was worse than Stalin. Does that make Stalin any better?

The current financial problems can be blamed just as much on Clinton's admin. as on Bush's.

It's hard talking to folks who are stuck in the left/right, liberal/ conservative *%*##%%%.
I'm not making it an excuse. But results are results. And quite frankly, things were alot looseraround here when BC was in office. And you can't deny that.

Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Originally Posted by therealjondoe

you should wait to see what happens...
his election alone has already changed the world whether you see it or not.
o believe me i will be following his actions closely, not because i am waiting for him to fail, but because i want to see if he stays his course or turns right and becomes more centrist ...

you have to understand, obama is one of the furthest left politicians ever ... if he continues to vote the way he has and implements far left policies, this country will suffer ... thats not my opinion, that is historical fact ...


you should remove that bob marley avy btw
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

a lot of random thoughts...

People hated on christians (self included) for voting based on "morality" issues which had little to do with true politics and governing a country which is supposed to be free of religion in the state - i feel people who voted for Obama just because he's black are just as guilty in this case.

I think it's been funny listening to many republicans come up with reasons to hate Obama which have nothing to do with his actual policies... people working at McDonald's crying about this term that's been raped lately, "redistribution of the wealth" - like uh, hey... it's not going to hurt you bud, not sure what you're crying about.

I think this entire election was SO devoid of actual policies being talked about, and that's kind of scary. I heard so many less people the past few weeks talking about actual issues-driven voting than I did who they "liked" better as a speaker or who trashed who better. I will admit I didn't follow things too closely this time around because I sort of learned my lesson about doing that the last two elections - but I followed it closely enough you'd think I would've heard more people talking about actual issues, and they just didn't... any issues they spoke of were just buzz words being put out by campaigns. Voters seemed relatively MORE uneducated than they normally are, in my experience.

Sarah Palin making it as far as she has now in politics is about equally as sad as Obama being elected is hopeful. Maybe this just goes to truly show how little the president actual means at this point, beyond being a figurehead.

Despite many people feeling like Obama getting elected is a sign of progress in this country, I can't help feeling like we are MORE divided as a country today than we were 4 years ago, and it will only get worse the next 4 years.

Lastly - I hope someday I can feel as hopeful and inspired by a candidate as some of you (the ones who truly followed him and believe in him, not just cheered him because he was black) did/do by Obama - somebody who actually stands for all the things I believe in. I really am envious of that sort of hopeful feeling for the world.
x 10 Trillion ( shouts out to the deficit.)

This was an election won by the media. It was funny how all of them were patting themselves on the back last night.
It's sad how people can so easily be persuaded by empty rhetoric when we live in an age where information is widely available.

Ron Paul. Baldwin. Heck even Nader or Kucinich.

i really thought it would end after Obama was elected...

Paul, baldwin, Nader or Kucinich never had a chance...

it was always Obama vs. McCain....

none of those other choices had an honest shot.

with that said, what are ya'll gonna complain for the next four years?

it's funny that people that are anti-Obama are saying "i cant believe you were persuaded by empty rhetoric"

when Bush is elected over a future Nobel Peace Prize winner.......and is then RE-elected....

you act like ANY democrat wouldn't have won this election...

it was only a LANDSLIDE because that democrat was Barack Obama.

You all can't accept that from the beginning of his campaign Barack Obama has spoken directly to a LARGE population of the United States of America, and what he said to them has touched them, and motivated them to elect him the President of the United States of America?

you REALLY can't accept that?

i mean, even us crazy, racist, bigotted liberals came to grips with reality that, hey, ALOT of americans voted for Bush....twice....

You can't accept that no, it wasn't empty rhetoric, race, OR the media that made millions of americans support this great man?

You can't accept that maybe his message and his focus spoke to people personally?

truthfully, Barack Obama had my vote when he stepped out into the national stage and one of the first things he said he was going to do was kick all the lobbiests out of the white house....

he spoke of a structure in washington, much like i always imagined, yet never dreamed a politician would attempt...

which has nothing to do with the color of his skin, the media that's biased FOR or AGAINST him, any of the postive OR negative ads, it doesn't even have anything to do with the thousands of posts on NT and other message boards all over the internet..

it had to do with me and my personal choice to vote for Barack Obama.

and judging by the MASSIVE landslide that occured last night, i'm part of a sweeping majority of Americans....

just answer me this, how long are ya'll gonna be salty? how long are you going to question our president's legitamacy?

, these same dudes gonna stay salty for four years until he runs for re-election?

finally being able to chant "FOUR MORE YEARS" and make ya'll as upset as it made me the past 8.....

I don't understand your gripe?
You're making up non existent arguments just so you can argue against them.

What does Bush have to do with this?
I voted for Kerry in '04.

I know it's difficult to understand but this isn't a left/right thing for me.
All these pessimists are just baffling to me. Let the man actually step foot in the white house before you claim his failure already based on what you THINKhe's going to do. No one in here can see the future and it seems like yall are just salty and want Obama to fail just to prove your misguided point. Idon't care who is in office I always hope for them to do a good job regardless. If we can put up with George Bush for eight years why can't we givethis man a chance? Obama won by a landslide for a reason, he ran the better campaign, he reached out to more than just his parties typical base, and heovercame more hurdles than any other presidential candidate has in HISTORY.
For all of you people who would like to think that McCain got "95% of the white vote"... Obama got 30% of the White Evangelical Christian vote inOHIO.... wrap your head around that.
DAYTONA 5000 wrote:
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

I can't wait until he announces his cabinet and his advisor's.
Me either.


You have no idea why you are throwing up that "
" my man

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Yeah, you right.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]You have no idea what Malcolm X's struggle meant either.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]We even now?[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 0)]My-T.[/color]
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

I'm not making it an excuse. But results are results. And quite frankly, things were alot looser around here when BC was in office. And you can't deny that.


No housing bubble or derivatives bubble = less economic trouble today
Just like Bush's war will eventually cost $3+ trillion.

The consequences of a President's actions last far longer than while he's in office.

So in retrospect those "good times" created these "bad times".
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

I don't understand your gripe?
You're making up non existent arguments just so you can argue against them.

What does Bush have to do with this?
I voted for Kerry in '04.

I know it's difficult to understand but this isn't a left/right thing for me.
i tell dude that every time he posts ... maybe he will listen to you ...
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

DAYTONA 5000 wrote:
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

I can't wait until he announces his cabinet and his advisor's.
Me either.

You have no idea why you are throwing up that "
" my man

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Yeah, you right.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]You have no idea what Malcolm X's struggle meant either.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]We even now?[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 0)]My-T.[/color]

I don't know what Malcolm X's struggle meant. Please, since you are more knowledgeable, educate me.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]So are these bad times gonna' create "good times"?[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]I'm not even trying to be smart on this one, I'm generally curious. But you have to admit,alot of you are very cynical.

And Daytona. I'm sure you would love for me to.
[color= rgb(0, 102, 0)]My-T.[/color]
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]So are these bad times gonna' create "good times"?[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]I'm not even trying to be smart on this one, I'm generally curious. But you have to admit, alot of you are very cynical.[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 0)]My-T.[/color]

Why shouldn't we be cynical? What good have politicians in this country done in the last uh... 100 years? At the end of the day Obama is more one of themthan he is one of "ya'll", who are throwing up
's ateverything about him.
I don't care if he's one of "us" or one of "them".

[Martin]You just don't get it do you man?[/Martin]

I just want to make sure everyone understands something:

I am EXTREMELY proud to say I live in a country that has elected a black president despite its horrible history. I think Obama is a personable politician, andreally like the idea of a young family in the white house.

I just don't understand why $250k is the cutoff. People making $500k or less and living in New York are not buying boats and mansions. We are makingenough so our kids can live in a decent house, so we can send them to and pay for a good college education and take vacations once a year. Go after thosethat have millions, those who it doesn't really hurt. $500k in Topeka, Kansas is alot different than $500k in NYFC....that's all I'm saying.
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]So are these bad times gonna' create "good times"?[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]I'm not even trying to be smart on this one, I'm generally curious. But you have to admit, alot of you are very cynical.

And Daytona. I'm sure you would love for me to.
[color= rgb(0, 102, 0)]My-T.[/color]
I'll answer that, the "bad times" will create worse times.
But yes, you told me I don't deserve the Malcolm X avy, I'd like to know why
eNPHAN, MyTsharp, and everyone else its good to see that we can change the world.. We stand up for what we believe in when they called us dumb, "drinkingthe political Kool-Aid" (Bill O quote), being bamboozled by "empty rhetoric" that we stood by it and we fought for what we believe in...

57 million people stood up and said we need CHANGE and not CHANGE backed up by empty rhetoric but CHANGE brought by the only viable candidate capable of makingit happen..

And the way it united everyone me being white, MyTsharp being black, asian, hispanic we stood on the same page and voiced our opinion backed up by fact..

I am honored to stand by all yall who voted for Obama or if you didn't and want to actually change this country and help Obama do it. I will be honored tostand by you to, in the hope of getting the change Obama promised and will fight for..

Today is a great day the birds chirp different, people's voice sound more optimistic, and the WORLD as a whole finally can see America was not lying whenwe said anything is possible here and anyone can achieve their dreams. And last night Obama proved that to me..
This thread is outta control now. Instead of the extrem Republicans posting, now all these so call Bill O'Reilly's taken over when they were cheeringfor McCain from the jump. Get the hell outta here with that mess. .
Originally Posted by HOVKid

I just want to make sure everyone understands something:

I am EXTREMELY proud to say I live in a country that has elected a black president despite its horrible history. I think Obama is a personable politician, and really like the idea of a young family in the white house.

I just don't understand why $250k is the cutoff. People making $500k or less and living in New York are not buying boats and mansions. We are making enough so our kids can live in a decent house, so we can send them to and pay for a good college education and take vacations once a year. Go after those that have millions, those who it doesn't really hurt. $500k in Topeka, Kansas is alot different than $500k in NYFC....that's all I'm saying.

your just going back to clinton era taxes
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

I don't care if he's one of "us" or one of "them".

[Martin]You just don't get it do you man?[/Martin]

So you pretty much would've supported any black man getting voted in, no matter what his policies are.
yep, that pretty much sums it up.
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