ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

via Huffinton Post


Fall back.

You simply troll in these threads, dropping hyperbole and exaggeration without addressing anybody that has anything to say against you.

You're a pundit in your own mind, as if anybody can take your Communist American Flags or huge ROFL emoticons. Unlike tylerdub and the other conservatives on this board, we're not really sure why you support conservatives. You don't support your positions with anything factual, nor do you address those that dispute your claims.

All we know is that you're a jerk and a coward about it.

Fall back.

You simply troll in these threads, dropping hyperbole and exaggeration without addressing anybody that has anything to say against you.

You're a pundit in your own mind, as if anybody can take your Communist American Flags or huge ROFL emoticons. Unlike tylerdub and the other conservatives on this board, we're not really sure why you support conservatives. You don't support your positions with anything factual, nor do you address those that dispute your claims.

All we know is that you're a jerk and a coward about it.

Fede DPT is your typical republican, discredit or spin that which is fact and not give concrete concise rebuttals.
More information on voter fraud in Ohio....

Oct 15 08:18 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

CINCINNATI (AP) - Close to one in every three newly registered Ohio voters will end up on court-ordered lists being sent to county election boards because they have some discrepancy in their records, an elections spokesman said Wednesday.
Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner estimated that an initial review found that about 200,000 newly registered voters reported information that did not match motor-vehicle or Social Security records, Brunner spokesman Kevin Kidder said. Some discrepancies could be as simple as a misspelling, while others could be more significant.

The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati sided with the Ohio Republican Party on Tuesday and ordered Brunner to set up a system that provides those names to county elections boards. The GOP contends the information will help prevent fraud.

curt2121, so you copy and paste you opinions huh?
Did I say those were all my opinions? No, I said there are some very valid and concerning points. Obviously some (ie #15 are completelyridiculous).

basically calling out obamabots but you dont call out TBONE for being a Pollrider or the few conservatives for being mcCANT supporters????
Uh, tbone is on my ignore, he's just as annoying as people like you, so fail.

I. Given the extra costs our country's businesses will incur because of wind and solar power, why does Obama believe that U.S. employment won't go down as manufacturing costs go up?

It's business you peon. you do not think that any initial project will incur costs?. you think beyond the natural resource, eveything needed to encapture and transfer it costs nothing?

you peasant.

but it's not the issue of the initial cost alone, it's the fact that over the long run it is more expensive per unitpower. A big issue since everyone is trying to cut costs wherever possible now. Thanks for the personal attack though, real mature although I should knowbetter than to expect any different from NT.

IV. what Obam
a is proposing is different from the lauded pharmacy plan of the Veterans Administration, which achieves low drug prices mainly by basing buying decisions for drugs on the drugs' efficacy and using the most effective medications for an ailment (which are very often cheap generics) rather than the latest drugs.16 Why should Americans support this?

I'm excited to answer this because i work in the medical field. You use the word cheap to describe the cost but playfully u use it effectively to appear as if they are less efficient. Generic drugs are the same as your name brands. But u peasant view it as business so u will say toyota and lexus are different. If you look at the scientific names of two medicines, the latest and generic, it is the same.

Beside calling me a "peasant" yet again for some unknown reason and addressing this as if these were my words, all you managed to do is show yourignorance and lack of reading comprehension skills. What you just spoke in favor of is the plan which the VA system uses. The plan that is DIFFERENT from whatObama has proposed. So congratulations, you just circled in on yourself there and disagreed with him. There is no context which would allow you to REMOTELYlogically infer that the word cheap is used in a way to diminish a generic medication. It's quite clear that that is a reference to cost. And don'tstart with me on the medical field, you're most likely some lowly tech or hold some other highly disposable position. Unless your SN is whywesteppin orutvol, you don't want to get into it on medical education/the medical field here.

will killa curt. i will answer these questions later because work calls. I support obama. Obamabot. u wish! If i had a choice i would wish ron paul was prez.

I go for candidate not party. apparantly most ppl on thsi board would rather copy and paste info to help their parties look good. Please scrutinize mccain like u just did obama and i will retract.
Ignoring your disrespectful address towards me, you clearly are selling yourself short then. I am registered as an inependent and will be votingfor ron paul. All you managed to do is contradict yourself saying you wish it could be him and then by saying you support obama. I guess sticking with yourconvictions is played out.
This is why Obama is that dude
Obama Ad Pushes Back Start of World Series Game on Fox
By Ira Teinowitz

Major League Baseball has moved back the scheduled start time of game six of the World Series so Fox can join CBS and NBC in airing a half-hour Barack Obama advertisement on Oct. 29, network and league sources said.

A network spokeswoman confirmed the buy and said MLB had agreed to the network's request for the delay.

Fox now joins CBS and NBC in airing the half hour program, the content of which the Obama campaign has declined to describe.

The decision means that the Obama campaign is now spending close to $3 million to air the program from 8 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. that night.

ABC didn't immediately return a message seeking comment on whether it too has agreed to air the ad from the Democratic presidential candidate.

If ABC agrees to air the ad, it would create an unprecedented roadblock of the nation's biggest commercial networks for a political candidate.

Fox had originally been scheduled to start airing the baseball game

So far today....

Thursday, October 16[table][tr][th=""]Race (Click to Sort)[/th] [th=""]Poll[/th] [th=""]Results[/th] [th=""]Spread[/th] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]Rasmussen Tracking[/td] [td]Obama 50, McCain 46[/td] [td]Obama +4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]Reuters/C-Span/Zogby Tracking[/td] [td]Obama 49, McCain 44[/td] [td]Obama +5[/td] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]Hotline/FD Tracking[/td] [td]Obama 49, McCain 41[/td] [td]Obama +8[/td] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]Gallup Tracking (Traditional)*[/td] [td]Obama 49, McCain 47[/td] [td]Obama +2[/td] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]Gallup Tracking (Expanded)*[/td] [td]Obama 51, McCain 45[/td] [td]Obama +6[/td] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]GW/Battleground Tracking[/td] [td]Obama 50, McCain 44[/td] [td]Obama +6[/td] [/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

This is why Obama is that dude
[/h1]Obama Ad Pushes Back Start of World Series Game on Fox

By Ira Teinowitz

Major League Baseball has moved back the scheduled start time of game six of the World Series so Fox can join CBS and NBC in airing a half-hour Barack Obama advertisement on Oct. 29, network and league sources said.

A network spokeswoman confirmed the buy and said MLB had agreed to the network's request for the delay.

Fox now joins CBS and NBC in airing the half hour program, the content of which the Obama campaign has declined to describe.

The decision means that the Obama campaign is now spending close to $3 million to air the program from 8 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. that night.

ABC didn't immediately return a message seeking comment on whether it too has agreed to air the ad from the Democratic presidential candidate.

If ABC agrees to air the ad, it would create an unprecedented roadblock of the nation's biggest commercial networks for a political candidate.

Fox had originally been scheduled to start airing the baseball game

Obama's fundraising paper is long.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

This is why Obama is that dude
Obama Ad Pushes Back Start of World Series Game on Fox
By Ira Teinowitz

Major League Baseball has moved back the scheduled start time of game six of the World Series so Fox can join CBS and NBC in airing a half-hour Barack Obama advertisement on Oct. 29, network and league sources said.

A network spokeswoman confirmed the buy and said MLB had agreed to the network's request for the delay.

Fox now joins CBS and NBC in airing the half hour program, the content of which the Obama campaign has declined to describe.

The decision means that the Obama campaign is now spending close to $3 million to air the program from 8 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. that night.

ABC didn't immediately return a message seeking comment on whether it too has agreed to air the ad from the Democratic presidential candidate.

If ABC agrees to air the ad, it would create an unprecedented roadblock of the nation's biggest commercial networks for a political candidate.

Fox had originally been scheduled to start airing the baseball game

Bringing in the big guns. Has anything like this ever been done before?
Originally Posted by DetroitD

McCain all day!!!
thanks for your input

Obama Ad Pushes Back Start of World Series Game on Fox

By Ira Teinowitz

Major League Baseball has moved back the scheduled start time of game six of the World Series so Fox can join CBS and NBC in airing a half-hour Barack Obama advertisement on Oct. 29, network and league sources said.

A network spokeswoman confirmed the buy and said MLB had agreed to the network's request for the delay.

Fox now joins CBS and NBC in airing the half hour program, the content of which the Obama campaign has declined to describe.

The decision means that the Obama campaign is now spending close to $3 million to air the program from 8 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. that night.

ABC didn't immediately return a message seeking comment on whether it too has agreed to air the ad from the Democratic presidential candidate.

If ABC agrees to air the ad, it would create an unprecedented roadblock of the nation's biggest commercial networks for a political candidate.

Fox had originally been scheduled to start airing the baseball game

Damn thats crazy
Originally Posted by HKM206

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

This is why Obama is that dude
Obama Ad Pushes Back Start of World Series Game on Fox
By Ira Teinowitz

Major League Baseball has moved back the scheduled start time of game six of the World Series so Fox can join CBS and NBC in airing a half-hour Barack Obama advertisement on Oct. 29, network and league sources said.

A network spokeswoman confirmed the buy and said MLB had agreed to the network's request for the delay.

Fox now joins CBS and NBC in airing the half hour program, the content of which the Obama campaign has declined to describe.

The decision means that the Obama campaign is now spending close to $3 million to air the program from 8 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. that night.

ABC didn't immediately return a message seeking comment on whether it too has agreed to air the ad from the Democratic presidential candidate.

If ABC agrees to air the ad, it would create an unprecedented roadblock of the nation's biggest commercial networks for a political candidate.

Fox had originally been scheduled to start airing the baseball game

Bringing in the big guns. Has anything like this ever been done before?

Surely he's elitist for doing such a thing....I mean, come on...
Aren't you a hypocrite for chastising an NTer by posting this ...

Originally Posted by curt2121

Thanks for the personal attack though, real mature although I should know better than to expect any different from NT.
then you posted this...

And don't start with me on the medical field, you're most likely some lowly tech or hold some other highly disposable position.

It's starting to look ugly here.

Regardless who wins, on Nov 5, half the country will be
while the other half will be

Thank goodness I am on the winning team!!
he just bought half an hour of national tv time?

good thing the election isn't in february, dude might have dropped some major cash to be the halftime show
Yo did anyone catch that movie on HBO called "Recount" about the 2000 elections in FL. There was some real shady $@%% going on if most of thatwasn't dramatized. Now with the allegations of voter fraud coming up again, I'm wondering if something similar will happen in this election.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Maybe my phone is buggin'.

Sorry for the accusation NT mods/admins.
Your phone isn't bugging.

It seems that Yuku likes to perform maintenance except for when folks are asleep and not using the board.
Battousai701 wrote:
dont know if this has been posted...

Could've sworn, if you turn your speakers up real loud...You'll hear some guy in the background shout "f*** YOU PALIN!"
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