ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by SFN 155

Obama at the charity dinner cracking jokes part 1 & 2


Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by WILLINC

dude is not even a licensed plumber

This Joe the Plumber isn't really a licensed plumber? WOW what was McCain thinking using this Joe character in the debate. Didn't McCain's team check to see if this guy was the real deal? His life is ruined now due to the media and his kids are probably being ridiculed in school. This whole Joe the Plumber fiasco backfired on McCain.
No, no, no.
Backfire? Please.
It exposed Obama's plan to "share the wealth"....
We've been saying all along that's all he wants to do....
But Obama just said it for us.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by WILLINC

dude is not even a licensed plumber

This Joe the Plumber isn't really a licensed plumber? WOW what was McCain thinking using this Joe character in the debate. Didn't McCain's team check to see if this guy was the real deal? His life is ruined now due to the media and his kids are probably being ridiculed in school. This whole Joe the Plumber fiasco backfired on McCain.
No, no, no.
Backfire? Please.
It exposed Obama's plan to "share the wealth"....
We've been saying all along that's all he wants to do....
But Obama just said it for us.
As if it's a bad thing to share the wealth.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by WILLINC

dude is not even a licensed plumber

This Joe the Plumber isn't really a licensed plumber? WOW what was McCain thinking using this Joe character in the debate. Didn't McCain's team check to see if this guy was the real deal? His life is ruined now due to the media and his kids are probably being ridiculed in school. This whole Joe the Plumber fiasco backfired on McCain.
No, no, no.
Backfire? Please.
It exposed Obama's plan to "share the wealth"....
We've been saying all along that's all he wants to do....
But Obama just said it for us.
Media isn't even talking about Obama anymore, its all been about Joe the Plumber and how he owes back taxes, how he's not even a realplumber, how he would get more money back under Obama's tax plan, how the Plumbing Union is mad at him. This guy is making rounds this weekend in NY1doing TV interviews!!

I got my LA Tiimes this morning and a picture of Joe is shown and itssays... "MOVE OVER, BRITNEY"
^ Excellent idea taking a picture. I am going to do the same and show my kids this picture that back in 2008, your pops voted for the first Black President!Hell yah!
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

^ Excellent idea taking a picture. I am going to do the same and show my kids this picture that back in 2008, your pops voted for the first Black President! Hell yah!

Thats EXACTLY what I was thinking when I did it!
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

^ Excellent idea taking a picture. I am going to do the same and show my kids this picture that back in 2008, your pops voted for the first Black President! Hell yah!
Great idea. I plan on doing the same as well. Good advice fellas.
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by TBONE95860


Coming from Chris Matthews?!?

That video is months old during the primaries, nice try T-Bone. I see you, like Jon McCain, are getting desperate to finds ways to bring Barack down. And like McCain, they are not working.
rickybadman wrote:
Originally Posted by TBONE95860


Coming from Chris Matthews?!?

That video is months old during the primaries, nice try T-Bone. I see you, like Jon McCain, are getting desperate to finds ways to bring Barack down. And like McCain, they are not working.

No doubt, you gotta watch people like T-Bone and others.��Them dudes will try and pull anything out their trickery bag in these last�few weeks,�as they�saydesperate times call for desperate measures

You could vote early in Fulton County (Atlanta,Ga) ever since September 22.

They did this because the lines are going to be crazy on election day.

I only had to wait about 15 min today.
Originally Posted by CParkFresh

You could vote early in Fulton County (Atlanta,Ga) ever since September 22.

They did this because the lines are going to be crazy on election day.

I only had to wait about 15 min today.

Is GA a blue state? Or a battle ground state?
Originally Posted by theyhatinonme

Originally Posted by CParkFresh

You could vote early in Fulton County (Atlanta,Ga) ever since September 22.

They did this because the lines are going to be crazy on election day.

I only had to wait about 15 min today.

Is GA a blue state? Or a battle ground state?

southern states have been Republican for years, regardless of who runs or state of the country.
Originally Posted by Marv Machamp

Voted! Obama/Biden 08.

Did anybody watch McCain on Letterman?

YEa saw it. Letterman made some good points. I like how he said "ok we will give her ayers so who are the other terrorists obama pals with?"
Sorry if posted already.

I know this might not help the thread in anyway. But saw this in the newspaper here in Toronto today. Took a pic with my blackbeery
. When McCain stumbledat the end.

i honestly cannot wait for this election to be over
i am sick of it. from lies and spin to the 24 hour joe-the-plumber news cycle dwelling on every single word of every sentence.
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