ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Oh yeah T-Bone how come you haven't responded to my response to you saying I'm a "close-minded" Liberal because I called Rush Limbaugh aracist and a bigot. Where I also told you to get the hell out of here with posting that bull..

Let me use your tactic

Just like a "scared" "can dish it out but can't take it" conservative to call out a "Liberal" and when the"close-minded" "un-objective" liberal calls out his claim and responds he goes running for the hills.
people need to stop asking tbone usless questions cause it was obvious since like 2 months ago why he is voting against change/conservative

word to "I have black friends"
@ yall gettin mad
Originally Posted by knightngale

people need to stop asking tbone usless questions cause it was obvious since like 2 months ago why he is voting against change/conservative

word to "I have black friends"
Nice spin.

Originally Posted by knightngale

people need to stop asking tbone usless questions cause it was obvious since like 2 months ago why he is voting against change/conservative

word to "I have black friends"

Acting like I'm racist & I don't have TONS of minority friends/family (yes family..... yes I have black family members.... yes youread correctly)
Get out of here.

Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by behemothcoa

Originally Posted by SFN 155

No wonder McCain pulled out of Michigan. . . .

An agreement announced today by Obama for America, the Republican National Committee, the Democratic National Committee, the Michigan Republican Party, the Michigan Democratic Party, the Macomb County Republican Party, the Macomb County Democratic Party, and plaintiffs Duane Maletski, Sharon Lopez, and Frances M. Zick protects the voting rights of foreclosure victims. The settlement acknowledges the existence of an illegal scheme by the Republicans to use mortgage foreclosure lists to deny foreclosure victims their right to vote. This settlement has the force of law behind it and ensures that Republicans cannot disenfranchise families facing foreclosure.
smh TBONE defend that !#*@%$%*
TBONE is not the official speaker of the GOP. Why don't you write your local news or your congressmen if you are all up in arms about this.

Word. I honestly can't take on all of you.... you guys have seen the NTPresident poll

Originally Posted by wanksta23

@ yall gettin mad
Takingout their disgust for Republicans out on me

I guess I'm useful in that regard, an outlet you could say.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame


. In a Red State............
Staying red too

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Morning polls...

Monday, October 20 [table][tr][th=""]Race (Click to Sort)[/th] [th=""]Poll[/th] [th=""]Results[/th] [th=""]Spread[/th] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]Rasmussen Reports[/td] [td]Obama 50, McCain 46[/td] [td]Obama +4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby[/td] [td]Obama 50, McCain 44[/td] [td]Obama +6[/td] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]Hotline/FD[/td] [td]Obama 47, McCain 42[/td] [td]Obama +5[/td] [/tr][tr][td]New Hampshire[/td] [td]Research 2000[/td] [td]Obama 50, McCain 43[/td] [td]Obama +7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]National[/td] [td]GWU/Battleground[/td] [td]Obama 49, McCain 45[/td] [td]Obama +4[/td] [/tr][/table]
where is the gallup poll?
Good 'ol Gallup wasn't out when I posted that yet. Gallup comes out around 1-1:30 eastern
Originally Posted by Essential1

Oh yeah T-Bone how come you haven't responded to my response to you saying I'm a "close-minded" Liberal because I called Rush Limbaugh a racist and a bigot. Where I also told you to get the hell out of here with posting that bull..

Let me use your tactic

Just like a "scared" "can dish it out but can't take it" conservative to call out a "Liberal" and when the "close-minded" "un-objective" liberal calls out his claim and responds he goes running for the hills.

You disregarded the point that Limbaugh made in his comments about Powell.
The video you posted or your thoughts about him have nothing to do with what he said yesterday and then repeated today in more depth.
He makes some arguable/relevant points.
You don't have to agree with the points, but anyone trying to understand both sides of the fence, understand all points of view, creating a betterarguement..... always knows/can see things from both perspectives.
So my suggestion is actually taking a second to think about his arguement rather then just throwing it to the side because he's "racist".
But hey, do as you please, I'm not stopping ya

Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Acting like I'm racist & I don't have TONS of minority friends/family (yes family..... yes I have black family members.... yes you read correctly)
Get out of here.
Wait a minute T-Bone you not black, this whole time I thought you were a brother. Damn anyway dude if you a white, you are a borderline racist because you have said some ignorant stuff about blacks.
How people gonna keep getting away with saying that..... I need some EXAMPLES.
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

@ the projection showing McCain winning Ohio, but losing the election.

That would be another first..

that's TBONEs projection. you can mess with the electoral map on realclearpolitics.com
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Acting like I'm racist & I don't have TONS of minority friends/family (yes family..... yes I have black family members.... yes you read correctly)
Get out of here.
Wait a minute T-Bone you not black, this whole time I thought you were a brother. Damn anyway dude if you a white, you are a borderline racist because you have said some ignorant stuff about blacks.
How people gonna keep getting away with saying that..... I need some EXAMPLES.
Yo to many to count, I ain't digging for one now. But fair warning since I know you white, next time you slip up I am be all over you. I will report you, so watch your words.
"To many to count"

I ain't ever said anything racist to begin with.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Rush's comments were straight idiotic.
Need some context?
Read all of this & then get back to me about it being "straight idiotic".
Same for the other dude calling me out.
I'm sure neither of you will actually take the time to read any of this though because apparently Rush is the
& therefore unable to make any points at all.

So I'm making notes of this and out of the blue comes an e-mail from Jonathan Martin at The Politico. "Hey, Rush, you got anything to say about this?" I wrote him and said, "Jonathan, look, I'm here in Green Bay with the Colts and the Packers, I don't have a lot of time." I just fired off a couple little thoughts, couple little paragraphs.

I said, "Secretary Powell says this endorsement's not about race. Okay, fine. What I'm doing now Jonathan is researching Powell's past endorsements to see if I can find all the inexperienced, very liberal white candidates that he has endorsed. I'll let you know what I come up with." Then the next paragraph I sent to Jonathan Martin of the Politico said, "As for Powell's statement of concern that he would have difficulty with two more Republican Supreme Court nominees, I was unaware that he had dislike for John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy, and Antonin Scalia. I guess he also regrets Ronald Reagan making him a four-star general. I guess he also regrets George Bush making him secretary of state. I guess he also regrets George H. W. Bush naming him chairman of the Joint Chiefs. I guess he's also upset that a Republican appointed his son to head the FCC. Yeah, let's hear it for transformational figures," because Powell had said Obama's a transformational figure, and yet Colin Powell is who he is and is a household name because of Republicans.

So I got up this morning and talked to Cookie. Cookie says, "Okay, here's a preview of the sound bite roster," and, lo and behold, the media had a cow over this. Folks, I must have struck a nerve on this because everybody in the Drive-By Media has something snarky to say about my two little paragraphs to Jonathan Martin at The Politico regarding the Powell endorsement. Now, there's something else interesting -- I got one thing wrong. It was not a Republican that nominated his son, Michael Powell, to head the FCC. Michael Powell, by the way, has not only endorsed McCain, Colin Powell's son has endorsed McCain, he is campaigning for him. Colin Powell's son is debating Obama surrogates on communications issues. What actually happened was -- and this is even more fascinating -- what actually happened was, and my friend Professor Hazlett informed me of this, it was McCain who got Michael Powell appointed to the FCC by Clinton in order to forge a relationship with his father, Colin Powell, as was reported at the time.
So McCain went out of the way, went to Clinton, said, "Please nominate Michael Powell to the FCC." Clinton did it. This was an effort by McCain to forge a continued relationship.


SHUSTER: You've heard that sort of language repeated by Rush Limbaugh, who has said show me some white liberal that Colin Powell has endorsed. It's an issue out there, and a lot of people will find it quite unseemly to suggest that Colin Powell is doing this simply because of race.

RUSH: Well, it may be unseemly, but it's totally true. Nobody has talked... Not one of them has addressed the "inexperienced" aspect of what I said, either. Remember, the whole quote here, folks, the whole quote is, "I'm now researching his past endorsements to see if I can find all the inexperienced, very liberal white candidates he has endorsed. I'll let you know what I come up with." Now, just so you know, I haven't come up with any. I worked diligently on this on the airplane on the trip home from Green Bay yesterday. After I got home last night, I worked diligently. I can't find any of these inexperienced white liberals that Powell has endorsed. So they're all focusing you know it's race. This has hit a nerve. So what if it's race? Why is it so hard to admit that it's race? Ninety-five percent of black people are going to for Obama because he's black. What's so problematic about admitting this? I thought it should be about race. I thought you liberals thought this is a historic candidacy because finally we're going to elect a black guy to be president. Why hide behind this? Why act like it's not about race?

I don't get it

RUSH: You notice what nobody else is talking about here is that second, brilliant paragraph I wrote about the Supreme Court, which is just as big an indictment of General Powell as the first one is. In fact, maybe even more so. The second thing I wrote to the Politico states, "I was also unaware of his dislike for John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy, and Antonin Scalia. I guess General Powell also regrets Ronald Reagan making him a four-star general. I guess he regrets George Bush making him secretary of state." Meaning, hey, Powell owes his name and his ascension to various heights to Republicans. I guess nobody wants to focus on that one. Juan Williams of all people at Fox News was asked about this this morning on America's Newsroom. Megyn Kelly said to him, "What Rush is saying is he doesn't believe Powell that race didn't have anything to do with it, or that this is not a race-based endorsement. Does Rush have a point, Juan?"

WILLIAMS: Of course he does. Of course it has to do with race. It has a lot to do with this sort of senior black man, sort of the original crossover race star in American politics, Colin Powell; I think reaching out to this younger black man, and I think in so many ways it goes beyond race. But I think Rush Limbaugh's right, if he says race is a definite factor here. In terms of his legacy, I think this will stand as a real monument reaching out to the -- potentially, the -- first black president of the United States.

Great points by Rush, great points by Juan Williams, a black man.

RUSH: You know, folks, it's just funny. The Drive-Bys can't make up their mind out there such as they are. On the one hand, we are told that if you are a white Democrat and you vote against Obama, you are a racist. On the other hand, if Powell endorsed Obama, it's got nothing to do with race, right? If you oppose Obama, you're racist. If you support him, you are intelligent. In fact, here's a headline: "'Biden: Voters "Having a Difficult Time" Electing First African American President.' Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., said Saturday that with Republicans firing 'vicious' and 'dangerous' attacks at Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., voters are 'having a difficult time' opting for the man who would become the nation's first African American president. 'Undecided people are having a difficult time just culturally making the change, making the move for the first African American president in the history of the United States,' said Biden. 'These vicious attacks on Barack's character.'" What he has is truthful information emerging to attack his lack of character, is what's going on.

Anyway, so if you're undecided and you can't make up your mind to vote for Obama, you're racist. But with Powell, no, no, no, no, had nothing to do with race. But, of course, it has everything to do with race.

CALLER: Mr. Powell referred to Obama as a transformational figure, but he didn't specify as to whether the Obama presidency would require him to transform, government to transform, or our lives to transform.

RUSH: Yeah. Transformational simply means we're finally going to get over our days of slavery and a majority of people would elect a black guy president, that's what transformational is. Because it's not his policies, his policies aren't transformational. His policies are every bit as liberal as any the world's ever seen. There's nothing new about them.
Exactly exposing Powell's comments.
Powell got all of those spots from Republicans, worked with/for all those Republicans, was on their side.... said there was WMD's in Iraq.... everything.
Yet he's supporting a VERY liberal Barack Obama?
YET it's NOT about race?
Like Rush said, it IS about race... he said it perfectly....
So they're all focusing you know it's race. This has hit a nerve. So what if it's race? Why is it so hard to admit that it's race? Ninety-five percent of black people are going to for Obama because he's black. What's so problematic about admitting this? I thought it should be about race. I thought you liberals thought this is a historic candidacy because finally we're going to elect a black guy to be president. Why hide behind this? Why act like it's not about race?
OK I read through all of that and it's not very convincing. Limbaugh assumes a LOT.

For example, I'm not quite sure the whole world agrees that a white Democrat that doesn't vote for Obama is racist. And so to use that as an argumentthat somehow because Powell is a black man endorsing a black candidate in the other party is about race is.... a reach. Also, what is this nonsense about 95%of black voters voting for Obama because he's black? Why did the majority of black voters vote for Kerry? Gore? Because they... were.... democrats....

Secondly, how naive of him to assume that Colin Powell owes his position and status to the Republicans that appointed him. As if he weren't granted thoseappointments and accolades for his achievements and talents. That's like saying I owe my degree to the president of my university, or I owe my driver'slicense to the DMV. If you analyze these arguments with any objectivity at all, they're actually really dumb.

AND, if it WERE about race, and NOT about ideology, do you think Powell would have done this? Do you think because they are both black, THAT is a strong enoughincentive for a decorated republican to jump ship from his party and endorse the other guy?

Would you?
In that last part of the quote, you said "it IS about race" ... what exactly is IT you are referring to? The historical nature of this race? Thenyes, that is about race. That doesn't mean that everything, including this endorsement, has anything to do with race.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Acting like I'm racist & I don't have TONS of minority friends/family (yes family..... yes I have black family members.... yes you read correctly)
Get out of here.
Wait a minute T-Bone you not black, this whole time I thought you were a brother. Damn anyway dude if you a white, you are a borderline racist because you have said some ignorant stuff about blacks.
How people gonna keep getting away with saying that..... I need some EXAMPLES.

You said this in response to a thread that said minorities would become the majority.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Acting like I'm racist & I don't have TONS of minority friends/family (yes family..... yes I have black family members.... yes you read correctly)
Get out of here.
Wait a minute T-Bone you not black, this whole time I thought you were a brother. Damn anyway dude if you a white, you are a borderline racist because you have said some ignorant stuff about blacks.
How people gonna keep getting away with saying that..... I need some EXAMPLES.

You said this in response to a thread that said minorities would become the majority.
Link to that thread?
I and others clearly explained the context of that statement, what is meant by it, and how it's true in further posts in that same thread.
You didn't seem to post those either now did you? Wonder why.....

Also explain how it's racist and explain how I'm wrong since you're the one making the accusation...
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Acting like I'm racist & I don't have TONS of minority friends/family (yes family..... yes I have black family members.... yes you read correctly)
Get out of here.
Wait a minute T-Bone you not black, this whole time I thought you were a brother. Damn anyway dude if you a white, you are a borderline racist because you have said some ignorant stuff about blacks.
How people gonna keep getting away with saying that..... I need some EXAMPLES.

You said this in response to a thread that said minorities would become the majority.
Link to that thread?
I and others clearly explained the context of that statement, what is meant by it, and how it's true in further posts in that same thread.
You didn't seem to post those either now did you? Wonder why.....

Also explain how it's racist and explain how I'm wrong since you're the one making the accusation...

I'm not going to bother doing all that. You wanted an example and I gave you one. I called you out in that thread for being racist and I wasn't alone.Of course you're not going to take offense to that comment since you're white, but it is an offensive comment. If you want to find the thread youshould be able to find it through your navigation button in the upper right hand side of your screen and search through old posts. I'm at work on my lunchso I don't have time nor the patience to do that right now.
I would say in this situation the burden of proof is one the person being accused...

either that or you risk letting something like that just sit out there.

Maybe you guys should make a separate thread so as to not dilute the quality of this discussion. BTW TBONE I read your Rush Limbaugh post and respondedintelligently.... Please feel free to respond
Originally Posted by ProducedByTheJuice

OK I read through all of that and it's not very convincing. Limbaugh assumes a LOT.

1. For example, I'm not quite sure the whole world agrees that a white Democrat that doesn't vote for Obama is racist. And so to use that as an argument that somehow because Powell is a black man endorsing a black candidate in the other party is about race is.... a reach.
2. Also, what is this nonsense about 95% of black voters voting for Obama because he's black? Why did the majority of black voters vote for Kerry? Gore? Because they... were.... democrats....

3. Secondly, how naive of him to assume that Colin Powell owes his position and status to the Republicans that appointed him. As if he weren't granted those appointments and accolades for his achievements and talents. That's like saying I owe my degree to the president of my university, or I owe my driver's license to the DMV. If you analyze these arguments with any objectivity at all, they're actually really dumb.

4. AND, if it WERE about race, and NOT about ideology, do you think Powell would have done this? Do you think because they are both black, THAT is a strong enough incentive for a decorated republican to jump ship from his party and endorse the other guy?

Would you?
1. How is it a reach? So he's going to go from being this conservative and working for/with all of them, to now supportingObama's views that are the exact opposite? And why would you bring up the term "racist" with a white Democrat? No one is saying Powell isracist... no one said he's voting for Obama because he can't vote for a white man in McCain. Now perhaps some of his views do indeed correlate withObama's (as Rush conceded with several examples) more so then we know, which there is a chance is possible.

2. The % clearly is going to be higher this year then in past years. And MORE importantly... the turnout would NOT be anywhere near as high.

3. Obviously Powell earned his stature to be appointed to those positions.... but you have to realize how politics works... or how any type of high level jobanywhere in America works... it's all about that kind of stuff. And to some extent he does owe the Republicans who appointed him because what if theyhadn't appointed him to those positions? He would not have had the career he had (at least in the same way) so who's to say he'd have thispossibility of having some powerful endorsement. Who knows. But of course Powell has done a lot of great things and deserves the honor he's received.

4. Why would Powell be siding with someone with these far left views? It is a major incentive and also a major historical time.... and since Powell is blackit'd make sense that he'd be supporting a fellow African American about to become the 1st black President of the US. Also another incentive is there isa decent chance that Powell would/could then become part of Obama's cabinet. Now we don't know if Powell is even thinking about that or would even takesuch a job.... but it's certainly a possibility.
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