ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

i've never understood why liberalism is a four letter word in America. America didn't become great by sitting around and being complacent.

Conservatism has had a 26 year run with the country where by and large all measures and programs that they wanted to put forth were accomplished, and we'veseen where that has gotten us.
One of my teachers today was talking about the election...

She said


"I don't think neither one of them can handle the job..Obama is a good speaker that says what people want to hear and he's good at persuadingpeople through his speeches..People always tell me that Obama will bring CHANGE, and when i ask them to give me an example they don't have anything tosay."
^ that's ironic considering Obama has been the one to put out the most detailed tenets of his policies in these elections.

truth is; most people couldn't name the policies of either candidate. unfortunately that says more about the quality of our electorate than the quality ofour candidates.
A couple weeks to go, people need to start betting their screen names if their candidate doesn't win. I'm not saying who I'm voting for but I'dlove to see some people do it since NothingBefore didn't with the aliens on 10/14
If something should happen to McCain, couldn't we impeach Palin? I don't see why everyone is so up in arms. We can just fire her.
Originally Posted by nnarum

If something should happen to McCain, couldn't we impeach Palin? I don't see why everyone is so up in arms. We can just fire her.

Has it really come down to that?
If McCain makes a decision like picking her for VP, what does that show you about other decisions he can/will make?
He has to fill some of the positions in the Supreme Court as well, can he be trusted to make good decision?
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Originally Posted by nnarum

If something should happen to McCain, couldn't we impeach Palin? I don't see why everyone is so up in arms. We can just fire her.

Has it really come down to that?
If McCain makes a decision like picking her for VP, what does that show you about other decisions he can/will make?
He has to fill some of the positions in the Supreme Court as well, can he be trusted to make good decision?
I'm just saying. It's all hypothetical anyway.
Originally Posted by nnarum

If something should happen to McCain, couldn't we impeach Palin? I don't see why everyone is so up in arms. We can just fire her.

No we can't, "just fire her." I don't think you know how impeachment works. In addition to that, impeachment doesn't necessarily removesomeone from office.
Originally Posted by SFN 155

Originally Posted by nnarum

If something should happen to McCain, couldn't we impeach Palin? I don't see why everyone is so up in arms. We can just fire her.

No we can't, "just fire her." I don't think you know how impeachment works. In addition to that, impeachment doesn't necessarily remove someone from office.
I do. But with the way she speaks, she's going to !%%@ up. And couldn't that fall under something to be impeached for?
Originally Posted by SFN 155

Palin still doesn't know what a VP does

A 3rd grader asked a question, how in-depth do you want her to get?

Daily Kos, huh?

Atleast she knew the VP is in charge of the Senate, which Biden didn't know in the VP debates.
The VP is not in charge of the senate doctor. you been sippin that cheney kool-aid huh. no offense but are you sure you are going for your phd or md?
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by SFN 155

Palin still doesn't know what a VP does
A 3rd grader asked a question, how in-depth do you want her to get?
Daily Kos, huh?
Atleast she knew the VP is in charge of the Senate, which Biden didn't know in the VP debates.
so she was asked a very simple 3rd grade question "what will you do as vice president" and she gave 3rd grade answer to a probably 30+year old man, she should have thought it out cause there was no way this answer wasnt going to air nationally

cmon people, this is the female shawn hannity
3. Obviously Powell earned his stature to be appointed to those positions.... but you have to realize how politics works... or how any type of high level job anywhere in America works... it's all about that kind of stuff. And to some extent he does owe the Republicans who appointed him because what if they hadn't appointed him to those positions? He would not have had the career he had (at least in the same way) so who's to say he'd have this possibility of having some powerful endorsement. Who knows. But of course Powell has done a lot of great things and deserves the honor he's received.

Powell doesnt owe McCain's candidacy anything more than Joe Liebermann owes Obama candidacy. People are allowed to differ with their party from time totime. If everybody sided exactly to their party platforms nothing would ever get done in Washington. I think Powell sees a better leader in Obama than McCain;as does Liebermann think the same of McCain over Obama.

Why race?
Powell is the one who said "it's not about race" first.... NOT Rush.
Rush was responding to what Powell said and trying to come to a conclusion of why he would be backing Obama, of which he believes it's race.
That being said.... like Rush said, why is that even a bad thing?

Shoot if I was black, I'd like to think it'd AT LEAST make me stop and think about supporting Obama. From an African American's perspective I could TOTALLY see how this is historic and a HUGE step forward considering no one could have really imagined this possible a short time ago. I don't think that is a bad thing at all.

You shouldnt vote for a candidate exclusively on race. People vote for leaders and to the Black Community Obama is a seen as aleader. Blacks didnt vote for Alan Keys just because he was Black.

These polls don't mean a damn thing. Unfortunately, Obama will be President as part of the NWO agenda. He will then push for the New World Monetary Unionand drive the United States towards destruction.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by SFN 155

Palin still doesn't know what a VP does

A 3rd grader asked a question, how in-depth do you want her to get?

Daily Kos, huh?

Atleast she knew the VP is in charge of the Senate, which Biden didn't know in the VP debates.

Apparently you don't know what a VP's duties are either.
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

I know HUNDREDS of people who are voting for Obama for the sole purpose he is black.
does that really matter? what about the hundreds that are voting for mccain cause Obamas black, or the hundreds voting for sarah palin cause shesa woman, or the hundreds voting for biden (and obama) cause sarah palin is a woman
does that really matter? what about the hundreds that are voting for mccain cause Obamas black, or the hundreds voting for sarah palin cause shes a woman, or the hundreds voting for biden (and obama) cause sarah palin is a woman

Yes...it does really matter.
in the end it all cancels itself out where the voting for/against because he is black or voting for/against McCain because he has a women on the ticket.

Sure it is not right


It almost provides an even playing field till you have the voter purging that Republicans are doing,
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