ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by reigndrop

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by OWL TROUTWIG


That's dope.
Oh please, this campaign just bought 30 minutes of campaign on several major news outlets. I wonder how much that cost him compared to the $150,000

$3 Million of money donated to his campaign by voters vs. $150,000 of taxpayers money for clothes
Originally Posted by reigndrop

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by OWL TROUTWIG


That's dope.
Oh please, this campaign just bought 30 minutes of campaign on several major news outlets. I wonder how much that cost him compared to the $150,000
Chillax dude. I just think it's a dope picture.

Someone has sand in their vagina.
I can't believe there are so many people on here EXPECTING more from the rich... Why do you deserve someone else's money?

Why should the top 25% of money makers support the rest of us? I'm self sufficient and proud of it.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

^Yeah but that campaign money went TOWARDS the campaign.

The clothes and stuff wasn't campaign money though. The RNC bought it, not the McCain-Palin campaign. Two different entities.
Originally Posted by ProducedByTheJuice

Originally Posted by reigndrop

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by OWL TROUTWIG


That's dope.
Oh please, this campaign just bought 30 minutes of campaign on several major news outlets. I wonder how much that cost him compared to the $150,000

$3 Million of money donated to his campaign by voters vs. $150,000 of taxpayers money for clothes
Taxpayers money? Last time I recalled, the RNC does not collect taxes and they certainly don't have the right to collect them either.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by reigndrop

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

^Yeah but that campaign money went TOWARDS the campaign.

The clothes and stuff wasn't campaign money though. The RNC bought it, not the McCain-Palin campaign. Two different entities.
Barack's money went where it had to; Palin's did not.
As far as I'm concerned, the campaign's money went nowwhere. We can debate this all day but spending $150,000 is not that much for awoman, ESPECIALLY when she's running for VP. She has to look somewhat half decent.
Didn't know the RNC bought it. Figured it was campaign money.


In that case, it's actually a pretty damn good investment-- people go wild over Palin, and I'm sure plenty of men enjoy seeing her look good on TV
Originally Posted by nnarum

I can't believe there are so many people on here EXPECTING more from the rich... Why do you deserve someone else's money?

Why should the top 25% of money makers support the rest of us? I'm self sufficient and proud of it.
I don't expect the rich to support me. Where'd you get that idea?

Not all money just goes straight into the pockets of the poor. Taxes are spent in a lot of different ways.

We're in a huge deficit, and we're still spending money at an outrageous rate on things like the war and a market bailout. Where do you think thatmoney is going to come from?
OP isn't being honest with the 6.8% lead. It's over 10% as of today. Keep up with the news and update the thread you started homie.
Originally Posted by OWL TROUTWIG

OP isn't being honest with the 6.8% lead. It's over 10% as of today. Keep up with the news and update the thread you started homie.

[table][tr][td]Election 2008[/td] [td]Obama[/td] [td]McCain[/td] [td]Spread[/td] [/tr][tr][td]RCP National Average[/td] [td]49.9[/td] [td]42.9[/td] [td]Obama +7.0[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Favorable Ratings[/td] [td]+20.8[/td] [td]+12.8[/td] [td]Obama +8.0[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Intrade Market Odds[/td] [td]86.4[/td] [td]13.3[/td] [td]-[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Electoral College[/td] [td]Obama[/td] [td]McCain[/td] [td]Spread[/td] [/tr][tr][td]RCP Electoral Count[/td] [td]286[/td] [td]160[/td] [td]Obama +126[/td] [/tr][tr][td]No Toss Up States[/td] [td]364[/td] [td]174[/td] [td]Obama +190[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Battleground States[/td] [td]Obama[/td] [td]McCain[/td] [td]Spread[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Colorado[/td] [td]50.4[/td] [td]45.0[/td] [td]Obama +5.4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Ohio[/td] [td]48.3[/td] [td]45.8[/td] [td]Obama +2.5[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Florida[/td] [td]48.0[/td] [td]46.5[/td] [td]Obama +1.5[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Nevada[/td] [td]49.3[/td] [td]46.0[/td] [td]Obama +3.3[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Missouri[/td] [td]48.0[/td] [td]45.3[/td] [td]Obama +2.7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]North Carolina[/td] [td]49.2[/td] [td]47.2[/td] [td]Obama +2.0[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Virginia[/td] [td]51.5[/td] [td]44.5[/td] [td]Obama +7.0[/td] [/tr][/table]
This just needs to end.

I don't care who wins this, I just don't think either of these guys can save us anymore.
Originally Posted by OWL TROUTWIG

OP isn't being honest with the 6.8% lead. It's over 10% as of today. Keep up with the news and update the thread you started homie.
he mentioned that many websites are showing different percentages
so who knows
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by nnarum

I can't believe there are so many people on here EXPECTING more from the rich... Why do you deserve someone else's money?

Why should the top 25% of money makers support the rest of us? I'm self sufficient and proud of it.
I don't expect the rich to support me. Where'd you get that idea?

Not all money just goes straight into the pockets of the poor. Taxes are spent in a lot of different ways.

We're in a huge deficit, and we're still spending money at an outrageous rate on things like the war and a market bailout. Where do you think that money is going to come from?
Not necessarily directed at you HTTB

But, that was kind of another point I wanted to make. Obama wants to spend more money when he is hired. When he raises the taxes, it could cause moreunemployment because of employers not being able to offset the rising taxes.
You guys are ignorant thinking Obama and Party don't spend taxpayer money in the wrong way. You guys are being totally bias as if he is completely innocentof any corruption that all these politicians become. Wake up!
I told you Democratic guys ... there is no use arguing with Tbone as well as other Repubs on here . Some are VERY narrow-minded . They are pretty much set intheir ways . Some Republicans feel that just because people are richer means they worked harder .
That's laughable . They always say "we workedHARD to get where we are", like everyone else didn't . Democrats don't mind paying taxes (we've been paying them the most for a while now),but the dudes with the most money ALWAYS seem to complain . Probably because they forgot where they came from .
I don't know , maybe it's me ...
[h1]Obama to campaign for first time with Bill Clinton[/h1]
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama will campaign for the first time alongside former President Bill Clinton at a rally next week in Orlando, Fla.

The two will appear together Wednesday in the perennial battleground state, Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.

Orlando sits in an important swing part of the state, where Clinton could help Obama among the white working-class voters who so strongly supported his wife.

Bill Clinton was cool toward Obama following the bruising nomination battle between Obama and Clinton's wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. However, any lingering animosity was put aside when both Clintons gave rousing endorsements of Obama at the Democratic National Convention in August.

Since then, Bill Clinton has campaigned for Obama on his own, but the two have not appeared together at such an event.


the republicans were probably hoping that this wouldnt happen even though most of us probably knew this was coming sooner or later, that picture of them together in new york is one thing but them campaigning together is a huge statement, in the same way that republicans have to end the ties of mccain to bush, im sure theyre trying to do whatever they can to prevent the public from tying obama to clinton, unfortunately for republicans too many people still admire clinton
u know, if john mccain is really serious about this - freezing spending in everything except defense, veterans care, social security, and medicare - i mightactually have to support him cause i would love to see this
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