ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

How insulting to the McCain campaign!?� WOW

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio - In a bold move brimming with confidence, Democrat Barack Obama broadened his advertising campaign on Friday into two once reliably Republican states and further bedeviled rival John McCain by placing a commercial in the Republican presidential nominee's home state of Arizona.

And this is a prime example of how delusional McCain is...
"I know momentum and we've got it now in Ohio," McCain said.

[h2]Ohio: McCain vs. Obama[/h2]
2008: OH-1, OH-2, OH-15, OH-16 | 2006: Sen, Gov, OH-1, OH-2, OH-15, OH-18 | 2004: President
http://[h3]Polling Data[/h3][table][tr][th=""]Poll[/th] [th=""]Date[/th] [th=""]Sample[/th] [th=""]MoE[/th] [th=""]Obama (D)[/th] [th=""]McCain (R)[/th] [th=""]Spread[/th] [/tr][tr][td]RCP Average[/td] [td]10/22 - 10/28[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]49.2[/td] [td]43.4[/td] [td]Obama +5.8[/td] [/tr][tr][td]SurveyUSA[/td] [td]10/26 - 10/27[/td] [td]648 LV[/td] [td]3.9[/td] [td]49[/td] [td]45[/td] [td]Obama +4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]CNN/Time[/td] [td]10/23 - 10/28[/td] [td]779 LV[/td] [td]3.5[/td] [td]51[/td] [td]47[/td] [td]Obama +4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]LA Times/Bloomberg[/td] [td]10/25 - 10/27[/td] [td]644 LV[/td] [td]3.0[/td] [td]49[/td] [td]40[/td] [td]Obama +9[/td] [/tr][tr][td]FOX News/Rasmussen[/td] [td]10/26 - 10/26[/td] [td]1000 LV[/td] [td]3.0[/td] [td]49[/td] [td]45[/td] [td]Obama +4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]National Journal/FD[/td] [td]10/23 - 10/27[/td] [td]404 RV[/td] [td]4.9[/td] [td]48[/td] [td]41[/td] [td]Obama +7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Marist[/td] [td]10/24 - 10/26[/td] [td]661 LV[/td] [td]4.0[/td] [td]48[/td] [td]45[/td] [td]Obama +3[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Reuters/Zogby[/td] [td]10/23 - 10/26[/td] [td]600 LV[/td] [td]4.1[/td] [td]50[/td] [td]45[/td] [td]Obama +5[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Quinnipiac[/td] [td]10/22 - 10/26[/td] [td]1425 LV[/td] [td]2.6[/td] [td]51[/td] [td]42[/td] [td]Obama +9[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Associated Press/GfK[/td] [td]10/22 - 10/26[/td] [td]607 LV[/td] [td]4.0[/td] [td]48[/td] [td]41[/td] [td]Obama +7[/td] [/tr][/table]
Also, a prominent Republican and former chief of staff for Ronald Reagan is voting for ... who?� Obama!� Thats whats up!

Ken Duberstein

Says former Reagan Chief of Staff and longtime GOP insider Ken Duberstein of John�McCain's VP selection: "Even at McDonalds, you're interviewed three times before you're given a job"�

When Obama wins, I can't wait to meet his Campaign Staff. They're ruthless.

ADS in AZ. . . .

The amount of times he's visited NV. .

Hell he should get real ruthless & run several ads during the Texas vs. Texas Tech game this weekend. . .
SunDOOBIE wrote:
How insulting to the McCain campaign!?� WOW

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio - In a bold move brimming with confidence, Democrat Barack Obama broadened his advertising campaign on Friday into two once reliably Republican states and further bedeviled rival John McCain by placing a commercial in the Republican presidential nominee's home state of Arizona.

And this is a prime example of how delusional McCain is...
"I know momentum and we've got it now in Ohio," McCain said.

[h2]Ohio: McCain vs. Obama[/h2]
2008: OH-1, OH-2, OH-15, OH-16 | 2006: Sen, Gov, OH-1, OH-2, OH-15, OH-18 | 2004: President
http:// [h3]Polling Data[/h3] [table][tr][th=""]Poll[/th] [th=""]Date[/th] [th=""]Sample[/th] [th=""]MoE[/th] [th=""]Obama (D)[/th] [th=""]McCain (R)[/th] [th=""]Spread[/th] [/tr][tr][td]RCP Average[/td] [td]10/22 - 10/28[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]49.2[/td] [td]43.4[/td] [td]Obama +5.8[/td] [/tr][tr][td]SurveyUSA[/td] [td]10/26 - 10/27[/td] [td]648 LV[/td] [td]3.9[/td] [td]49[/td] [td]45[/td] [td]Obama +4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]CNN/Time[/td] [td]10/23 - 10/28[/td] [td]779 LV[/td] [td]3.5[/td] [td]51[/td] [td]47[/td] [td]Obama +4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]LA Times/Bloomberg[/td] [td]10/25 - 10/27[/td] [td]644 LV[/td] [td]3.0[/td] [td]49[/td] [td]40[/td] [td]Obama +9[/td] [/tr][tr][td]FOX News/Rasmussen[/td] [td]10/26 - 10/26[/td] [td]1000 LV[/td] [td]3.0[/td] [td]49[/td] [td]45[/td] [td]Obama +4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]National Journal/FD[/td] [td]10/23 - 10/27[/td] [td]404 RV[/td] [td]4.9[/td] [td]48[/td] [td]41[/td] [td]Obama +7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Marist[/td] [td]10/24 - 10/26[/td] [td]661 LV[/td] [td]4.0[/td] [td]48[/td] [td]45[/td] [td]Obama +3[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Reuters/Zogby[/td] [td]10/23 - 10/26[/td] [td]600 LV[/td] [td]4.1[/td] [td]50[/td] [td]45[/td] [td]Obama +5[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Quinnipiac[/td] [td]10/22 - 10/26[/td] [td]1425 LV[/td] [td]2.6[/td] [td]51[/td] [td]42[/td] [td]Obama +9[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Associated Press/GfK[/td] [td]10/22 - 10/26[/td] [td]607 LV[/td] [td]4.0[/td] [td]48[/td] [td]41[/td] [td]Obama +7[/td] [/tr][/table]
Also, a prominent Republican and former chief of staff for Ronald Reagan is voting for ... who?� Obama!� Thats whats up!

Ken Duberstein

Says former Reagan Chief of Staff and longtime GOP insider Ken Duberstein of John�McCain's VP selection: "Even at McDonalds, you're interviewed three times before you're given a job"�

Sarah Palin in an interview said her 1st Amendment Rights are being trampled over by the media who criticize her.

"If [the media] convince enough voters that that is negative campaigning, for me to call Barack Obama out on his associations," Palin told host Chris Plante, "then I don't know what the future of our country would be in terms of First Amendment rights and our ability to ask questions without fear of attacks by the mainstream media."
Can a 5th grader please explain to Sarah Palin what the 1st Amendment is really about.

Pssst Sarah, 1st Amendment = Free Speech! Where does it say on the Bill of Rights that you are protected from being ridiculed by the media for being abonehead?
@ Arnold's intro for McCain. Even CNN was slurping up what he wasserving. Such a good orator and his moderate right wing background, IMO, makes him a viable option for those looking for a centrist in the WH. Unfortunately hewill never have the opportunity to be president.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Sarah Palin in an interview said her 1st Amendment Rights are being trampled over by the media who criticize her.

"If [the media] convince enough voters that that is negative campaigning, for me to call Barack Obama out on his associations," Palin told host Chris Plante, "then I don't know what the future of our country would be in terms of First Amendment rights and our ability to ask questions without fear of attacks by the mainstream media."
Can a 5th grader please explain to Sarah Palin what the 1st Amendment is really about.

Pssst Sarah, 1st Amendment = Free Speech! Where does it say on the Bill of Rights that you are protected from being ridiculed by the media for being a bonehead?

Wow. Her first amendment right protects her from being criticized for what she says?


Nah, she's not that dumb. I refuse to believe that she doesn't fully understand what freedom of speech does and does not entail.
i wish Arnold was able to run. He's won a ton of respect in California.

...his stint as Governor blows holes in the notion that experience matters. Word to Jesse Ventura.
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

@ Arnold's intro for McCain. Even CNN was slurping up what he was serving. Such a good orator and his moderate right wing background, IMO, makes him a viable option for those looking for a centrist in the WH. Unfortunately he will never have the opportunity to be president.
thank god for that
Originally Posted by 718stylez

i wish Arnold was able to run. He's won a ton of respect in California.

...his stint as Governor blows holes in the notion that experience matters. Word to Jesse Ventura.
do we live in the same california?
I do wish they'd hurry up and pass a budget
i can see your point, but i think the role of unions within government is a major issue as well, leading to bloated pensions and regulations. I'm not surehow a governor really goes up and breaks through this bureaucracy.

I respect Arnold for his moderate views and record of bipartisan politics and views on the environment. things that would leave him isolated from the largernational republican party.
Originally Posted by 718stylez

i wish Arnold was able to run. He's won a ton of respect in California.

...his stint as Governor blows holes in the notion that experience matters. Word to Jesse Ventura.
i loved how this guy was like "im about to raise the california state sales tax, raising taxes is ok as longas its not part of your ideology" and crowd was like "hooray?"
Hey, the vote registration in Cali was Oct 20., I registered at the post office on the 19th, should I have received a voter's card or something like thatin the mail by now??? Damnit!
This race is NOT over folks.

ZOGBY SATURDAY: McCain outpolled Obama 48% to 47% in Friday, one day, polling. He is beginning to cut into Obama's lead among independents, is now leading among blue collar voters, has strengthened his lead among investors and among men, and is walloping Obama among NASCAR voters. Joe the Plumber may get his license after all...

I think you're going to see undecideds breaking for McCain by 55+%.

Tuesday is about to be pure MAYHEM. Grab your popcorn.

*And before you go bashing Zogby.... Zogby had Obama up 7% in his latest 3-day tracking poll... a
LARGER lead then the average pollster (which is about 6.0%)

I'm out, time for some Halloween festivities. Happy Halloween.

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

This race is NOT over folks.

ZOGBY SATURDAY: McCain outpolled Obama 48% to 47% in Friday, one day, polling. He is beginning to cut into Obama's lead among independents, is now leading among blue collar voters, has strengthened his lead among investors and among men, and is walloping Obama among NASCAR voters. Joe the Plumber may get his license after all...

I think you're going to see undecideds breaking for McCain by 55+%.

Tuesday is about to be pure MAYHEM. Grab your popcorn.

*And before you go bashing Zogby.... Zogby had Obama up 7% in his latest 3-day tracking poll... a
LARGER lead then the average pollster (which is about 6.0%)

I'm out, time for some Halloween festivities. Happy Halloween.

All in 24 hrs?

I don't know.
Zogby's website was down. Did you by chance get this from the Drudge Report? That's the only place I find those numbers.

Matt Drudge is touting the results of a one-day sample in a Zogby poll, which apparently showed John McCain ahead by 1 point.

There are a couple of significant problems with this.

Firstly, there is a reason that pollsters include multiple days of interviewing in their tracking polls; a one-day sample is extremely volatile, and have very high margins for error.

Secondly, the Zogby polls have been particularly volatile, because he uses nonsensical party ID weightings, which mean that his weighting process involves making numbers doing naughty things that they usually don't like to do.

Thirdly, Zogby polls are generally a lagging rather than a leading indicator. This is because he splits his interviewing period over two days; most of the interviews that were conducted in this sample took place on Thursday night, with a few this afternoon. The reason this is significant is because lots of other pollsters were in the field on Thursday night, and most of them evidently showed good numbers for Obama, as he improved his standing in 6 of the 7 non-Zogby trackers.

Finally, there was no favorable news for McCain to drive these numbers. Polls don't move without a reason (or at least they don't move much).
Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby Poll: Obama 50.1%, McCain 43.1%
Race stuck in neutral

Released: 10-31-2008

Subscribers can login here: https://interactive.zogby.com/clickon/index2.cfm

Next Release: 11-01-08, 1:00AM

UTICA, New York-The race for President appeared to slip into neutral Thursday, as support for Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain moved only slightly in the last 24 hours, the latest Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby daily tracking telephone poll shows.

Part of one day's worth of polling came after Obama's 30-minute televised campaign pitch to voters on Wednesday, but voters didn't seem to react one way or the other. The contest remained static with Obama garnering 50.1% support, compared to McCain's 43.1%.

Undecideds or those who support other candidates increased slightly to 6.8% of the sample.

Even in the demographic subgroups, the race changed almost not at all. Including Election Day, there are five days left in the race.

The three-day rolling tracking poll included 1,201 likely voters-about 400 interviews per 24-hour polling period (each polling period begins and ends at 5 p.m. daily)-and was conducted Oct. 28-30, 2008. It carries a margin of error of 2.9 percentage points. Interviews were conducted using live telephone interviewers in Zogby's in-house call center in Upstate New York.
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