Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

This statement is an example of brilliant logic that is supported by facts and a clear understanding of how the "black market" operates with no sweeping generalizations of human behavior.
you know that once its banned... people will feel the need to get one, so what happens to the people who already own one legally/illegally....
Meanwhile, in China there was a knife attack that left 22 kids wounded. Firearms aren't the issue here, its the people. If he couldn't get his hands on one, he would have found another way.

WTF is going on
Yea, because in a knife attack 22 kids were wounded, which many may recover from and live normal lives. Big difference between guns and knives and wounded and killed.

Truly some stupid people on this website. That's not the issue. People will find ways to harm people with or without guns. That's the point that I'm trying to drive home.
Posted the China stabbing earlier and I completely agree with you jhawk.  Who cares if they weren't killed?  You guys have a specific body count for it to be considered a tragedy?  What would you all argue if a dude slit 22 kids' throats and they ended up dying?  It doesn't matter what the weapon is, if someone wants to kill, they will.
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ummmmm .... no you're not making any sense they are straight up gangsters that fight for what they need to survive not like whites who steal from others and call it for their own

Wait, but what about when they harm, murder, and rape innocent people too. Just because you don't see it on your local news station doesn't mean it didn't happen. And those acts that they did commit are now justified because they "need" to survive? And you believe that some of these "gangsters" are actually sane?
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Meanwhile, in China there was a knife attack that left 22 kids wounded. Firearms aren't the issue here, its the people. If he couldn't get his hands on one, he would have found another way.

WTF is going on :x

Yea, because in a knife attack 22 kids were wounded, which many may recover from and live normal lives. Big difference between guns and knives and wounded and killed.


Truly some stupid people on this website. That's not the issue. People will find ways to harm people with or without guns. That's the point that I'm trying to drive home.

Youre point doesnt make sense. guns allow for 22 people to be killed in a matter of seconds. knives dont
This statement is an example of brilliant logic that is supported by facts and a clear understanding of how the "black market" operates with no sweeping generalizations of human behavior.

If books became illegal the same thing would happen.

Or has happened already.

Jonathan Russell Look like you're about to buy an Ale, but then paint a picture of it... very mixed... all good, though. Kinda like if Solid Snake was wearing a Neo trenchcoat. This can only turn out awesome.

Also on his page, G&R, the world ends in 2012?

I dunno, seems random, but nutjobs are nutjobs. :smh:

So hes one of the people that thinks the world really thought the world was going to end. :smh:

Why children, doe? Soooo cowardly..
News stations

Interviewing the kids is not the right thing to do

If you HAVE to interview people on the scene at least control yourselves and limit it to the adults who are willing to talk to you
This really should bring up the subject to have security in ALL schools and like said before hospitals.
Every school should have a police officer and metal detectors.
I don't give a ****. People are always saying they don't want there kids going to school in that type of environment but something has to happen now. It's too much already man I'm at a loss of words. This is sickening :smh:
It's better to be safe than sorry and something has to happen. I don't want to wake up to more stories like this one because ************* think they can just go out and do **** like this :smh:
What's next? What is this world coming too :smh:
Meanwhile, in China there was a knife attack that left 22 kids wounded. Firearms aren't the issue here, its the people. If he couldn't get his hands on one, he would have found another way.

WTF is going on :x

Yea, because in a knife attack 22 kids were wounded, which many may recover from and live normal lives. Big difference between guns and knives and wounded and killed.


Truly some stupid people on this website. That's not the issue. People will find ways to harm people with or without guns. That's the point that I'm trying to drive home.

Dude you are sounding like a Pacman fan after he got dropped.

We get it, people can hurt other people without guns.

That fact by itself is not a sufficient defense. People are much more deadly if with a gun especially a high powered one. One 17 dead is better than 18, 22 wounded is better than 27 dead. That's what people are trying to get you to see. You can do more damaged the better armed you are

They only really valid reason I hear for owning a gun is "to protect myself and my property", so why can't someone do that with a handgun or revolver instead of a rifle.

And **** hunting, you can kill an animal with a knife or handgun. So how about hunter give that a try
News stations
Interviewing the kids is not the right thing to do
If you HAVE to interview people on the scene at least control yourselves and limit it to the adults who are willing to talk to you

sensationalism :smh:

These fools are more interested in "coverage"
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Is this how you people cope? If you can fit this incident into a box, does it make it easier to swallow?

Well, of course this happened, gun control is blah blah blah.

You see, he's the exact type you gotta watch out cuz blah bla-******g-blah.

You don't see this blah blah blah in blah-istan.

If they banned all non-hunting rifles and concealed weapons in America, this could still happen.

Maybe they should just pat down every oddball white guy in connecticut?

Maybe we should have a law banning groups of people anywhere?

Maybe every elementary school teacher should be strapped, just in case?

Maybe you can shut the **** up, leave your condolences and see your way elsewhere.
Post your word vomit in the thread about nothing.
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Meanwhile, in China there was a knife attack that left 22 kids wounded. Firearms aren't the issue here, its the people. If he couldn't get his hands on one, he would have found another way.
What you're not saying is that there were no deaths reported in china. Meanwhile, here 20 or so kids won't even have a fighting chance. I agree that we can't predict crazy, but let's make it harder for the crazies to cause irreversible damage.
For everyone saying "ban guns", if it weren't guns it would be some other type of weapon.  Dude in China just stabbed 22 kids (http://news.yahoo.com/knife-wielding-man-injures-22-children-china-064458804.html)

"Crazy" is a weapon in itself.

If you think that a crazy guy with a knife is as dangerous as a crazy guy with firearms and plenty of ammo, then why not just use knives when it's time to "rise up against the government", the ridiculously outdated justification behind the second amendment. Knives will be just as effective against Apache helicopters, tanks and nuclear weapons as guns anyway, i.e. not at all.

I would also like to hear about the other idiotic argument that pro-gun people put on the table after the Dark Knight cinema shooting - even more guns, that the guy wouldn't have succeeded if everyone at the cinema was armed to defend themselves. Do you think that 5 year-old children should also be armed then to protect themselves against people like the guy in this newest shooting?

I wish that banning guns would solve things, but there are way too many guns out there and the sick pro-gun mentality that is so overwhelming in America would prevail over any gun ban. At least guns wouldn't be as accessible. In the end, there's really no way to fix this, America will just have to live with episodes like this which are unfortunately more and more frequent.

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