Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

20 kids are dead now. I'm pissed, angry and sad. Most of them were kindergarteners and they say he shot them one by one. He obviously was jealous of his mother's relationship with those innocent kids. Just imagine those parents walking into their house and looking at their deceased kids presents and breaking into tears instead of joy in 11 days.

R.I.P angels and sick **** rot in hell!

****. Didn't even think about that. :smh: |I
20 kids are dead now. I'm pissed, angry and sad. Most of them were kindergarteners and they say he shot them one by one. He obviously was jealous of his mother's relationship with those innocent kids. Just imagine those parents walking into their house and looking at their deceased kids presents and breaking into tears instead of joy in 11 days.

R.I.P angels and sick **** rot in hell!
damn dude..

i hadn't even thought about it like that.
I just feel like discussions will inevitably lead there no matter what.  Resistance is futile at this point.
I understand that some people feel it's disrespectful, but why do we keep putting this issue off? How many more shootings does there have to be for us to have a discussion about this? School shootings are nothing new. Again I understand that some feel it is in bad taste.

What a terrible day. No child should have to lose their life in that manner, nor should any child have to go through such an ordeal.
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if i wasnt the emergency contact for my daughter im positive i would have called the school 10+ times by now :smh:

this **** is sickening

20 innocent children lost futures

those could have been doctors, lawyers, the president etc :smh:
but with Aurora, the Wisconsin shooting, Jovan Belcher, the Oregon mall shooting and now the elementary school now.... it's time to start focusing about mental health issues than gun control
I've been saying this since Virginia Tech.  Too many people walking around undiagnosed and untreated.  It's tricky, though...you can't force someone to see a psychiatrist, let alone take the medication they prescribe to you.

However, in the same breath, we don't know if Ryan Lanza was mentally ill or treatable through medication.  There's no medication for being an evil sociopath.
What kind of mental state was he on to point a gun and shoot 5 year olds! :smh::smh:

Prayers to the families who lost someone and also those families whose kid had to go through this.
20 kids are dead now. I'm pissed, angry and sad. Most of them were kindergarteners and they say he shot them one by one. He obviously was jealous of his mother's relationship with those innocent kids. Just imagine those parents walking into their house and looking at their deceased kids presents and breaking into tears instead of joy in 11 days.

R.I.P angels and sick **** rot in hell!

****. Didn't even think about that. :smh: |I

instead of celebrating christmas they will have to plan funerals & put together obituaries :smh:
So the dead shooter is 20 year old Adam Lanza but his 24 year old brother is in police questioning

Seems very fishy
20 kids are dead now. I'm pissed, angry and sad. Most of them were kindergarteners and they say he shot them one by one. He obviously was jealous of his mother's relationship with those innocent kids. Just imagine those parents walking into their house and looking at their deceased kids presents and breaking into tears instead of joy in 11 days.

R.I.P angels and sick **** rot in hell!
Gave me the chills man after i read that, literally.
but with Aurora, the Wisconsin shooting, Jovan Belcher, the Oregon mall shooting and now the elementary school now.... it's time to start focusing about mental health issues than gun control
I've been saying this since Virginia Tech.  Too many people walking around undiagnosed and untreated.  It's tricky, though...you can't force someone to see a psychiatrist, let alone take the medication they prescribe to you.

However, in the same breath, we don't know if Ryan Lanza was mentally ill or treatable through medication.  There's no medication for being an evil sociopath.

Yeah thats a slippery slope, mental illness already has a stigma associated with it, and people can only be helped if they want to be,,,,,but there does need to be much much more awareness so that loved ones can potentially see warning signs and show compassion I guess......
Adam Lanza is the killer.

Ryan is his brother and the one being questioned.

Their identities were mistaken because the younger brother (Adam) had his brother's I.D on him when he was found dead.

Call me paranoid, but I think I might just have to move out out of the country for my own safety. Too many crazies here. Hope I can snag a nice job offer in London or somewhere so I don't have to worry about getting shot in an American classroom or mall. 
"First grade teacher Kaitlin Roig, 29, locked her 14 students in a class bathroom and listened to "tons of shooting" until police came to help.

"It was horrific," Roig said. "I thought we were going to die."

She said that the terrified kids were saying, "I just want Christmas…I don't want to die. I just want to have Christmas."

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"First grade teacher Kaitlin Roig, 29, locked her 14 students in a class bathroom and listened to "tons of shooting" until police came to help.

"It was horrific," Roig said. "I thought we were going to die."

She said that the terrified kids were saying, "I just want Christmas…I don't want to die. I just want to have Christmas."

Damn..thats real
beyond sad. this stuff is completely out of control. schools, malls, movie theaters. unbelievably sad.

and even those kids that survived "unharmed"...they just grew up WAY too fast today. ridiculous.
Call me paranoid, but I think I might just have to move out out of the country for my own safety. Too many crazies here. Hope I can snag a nice job offer in London or somewhere so I don't have to worry about getting shot in an American classroom or mall. 
im sorry to break this to you man but you aren't safe nowhere. 
Adam Lanza is the killer.
Ryan is his brother and the one being questioned.
Their identities were mistaken because the younger brother (Adam) had his brother's I.D on him when he was found dead.

Ryan Lanza works at Ernst and Young. A former colleague of mine at PwC actually works closely with him. They've locked down the EY's New York office and the FBI is debriefing partners and staff now. My friend might get called in for questioning later. Ryan Lanza has been taken into custody by the police but is NOT the shooter. His brother killed his parents before he went to the school but left Ryan alive.
She said that the terrified kids were saying, "I just want Christmas…I don't want to die. I just want to have Christmas."

This may ultimately go down as one of the darkest days in American history.
They are saying 20 children now..... The lives of these families I pray for them. I cant understand what they are going through. :smh:
Never thought someone could stoop this low. I agree that the issue here is we need a better evaluation of people's mental stability rather than gun control. Most, if not all people who do crimes like this have mental issues.

Another issue is We as a people, must stop treating one another with no respect. There are many problems that contribute to this. People trying to be funny, bullying, ignoring obvious signs of depression, the media glorifying violence and criminals through movies and shows, etc.. All this and more plays into the equation on why things like this happen.

Just reading through this very thread you will see the problems. People trying to be cool and make jokes, is it really a wonder why people become socially awkward? Or why some lash out? It is what it is

RIP to the kids and I wish the families the best.
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