Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

The truly scary thing is that these kids may have been affected so much that they might become future killers. People with divorced parents are more likely to divorce, people with domestic violence in their homes as kids are more likely to use domestic violence when they're adults. You never know how this affected their psyche. I pray that in 20 years we don't hear that one of these kids went off with a gun. 
This must be the dumbest post I've seen in Niketalk for all the years I've been a member (since 2003 but with different accounts).

Mods: Since we have "Rep" buttons, please add "Fail" buttons as well.

God damn, sundoobie, you fail in life.
wow just wow dont know what to make of that...we as a nation have a problem with the govt... allowing virtually any and all ppl to have a gun, and dude says to solve this everyone should have a gun. like really...? Put more guns on the streets... and in a sense allow all ppl to have them, undetected... how will this solve anything... ?

We may noot have tragic incidents like this... but we would as a society be living some sort of real life hunger games. Can you imagine pretty much a good amount of disagreements/arguments would result in gun shot victims and or deaths...

If we have currently police/govt officials who are trained and take an oath etc... given guns and on occasions lt their emotions get the best of them, and inappropriately use guns... what do you think the average joe would do?

Not only that but in this particular cause what good would it have been for the teachers and staff to have guns...? I mean really. I respect like my daughters teachers... and i cant speak for all but i would not like them or anyone at the school to have loaded weapons in their possesion while at school. This is just foolishness you are speaking. Things could have ended even worse if you got teachers engaging in a shootout with gunman throught the halls classrooms ...

You clearly didnt think this through. Iuno if id say this was the stupidiest response ive heard but it ranks pretty high up there.
Y a thread as sensitive as this gotta go to race in every page.
Grow up
jesus christ, he was describing the man, it wasn't about race until YOU made it so.
If I saw this woman on CNN, am I sexist now?
Saying "this white man" is just saying that, the man that was white.

Nothing about that post was in anyway making this about race
Not quite...

1st page:
Whatever happened to crazy? 

-Chris Rock
crazy white people... smh why yall always shooting up schools and yall cops always killing people.. from day 1 yall always trying to run ****.. but its sad how those kids witnessed this
how is stricter gun laws gonna prevent something like this from happening again? It's not like a guy justs walks in to a gun store and says "I want to buy a gun to shoot up a school". The most clean cut college kid with no priors can walk in and buy one. But on the other end, you dont know how it would affect society to let anyone who wants one and has no priors be able to obtain one either so it comes off as lose-lose

That's what I'm saying. This is EXACTLY the type of case that has almost nothing to do with gun laws. A psychopath went to an elementary school right after it opened and shot up a classroom. This isn't a domestic disturbance that got out of hand, or an angry person who went too far. This is a psychopath that wanted to kill more people than just the ones he was mad at.

Nothing you can really do about it.
Still can't believe this took place.. kids man.. they were kids...
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How much of the shooter's background has been reported ?

- Has he always been mentally ill ?

- did he grow up in a financially-struggling household ?

Although I'm an advocate for gun laws to be a bit stricter, I would focus more on social welfare that acts as a support system for plenty of lower income families. With this social support net budgets eroding over the years, illegal drugs easily attainable, the middle class is no longer a powerful block of money and aspiration. We will observe more and more youths that slipped through this support net. As they grow up to be adults, there will be more and more individuals not contributing positively to society and will commit more atrocious crimes.

Instead of spending all this money in useless wars where good soldiers of our generation die for nothing, let's bring them home, close down our bases overseas, have them stationed in local bases instead so the soldiers spend their income back here. We save cost from the money we save and pour that to the public system on 2 things:

- free/cheap health care

- improved public education from K to12 level
Looks like he killed every potential prospect that would have been beneficial to this case.

Mom, dad, brother, gf, friends. Lets see what his extended family has to say.
That's what I'm saying. This is EXACTLY the type of case that has almost nothing to do with gun laws. A psychopath went to an elementary school right after it opened and shot up a classroom. This isn't a domestic disturbance that got out of hand, or an angry person who went too far. This is a psychopath that wanted to kill more people than just the ones he was mad at.
Nothing you can really do about it.

Crazy people will be crazy and the US culture is a violent culture.

Does gun control need to be improved? Yes
Would gun control stop horrific events like this from happening? NO
Crazy world we live in these days. Just a couple days ago a few jewelry robbers flee to a Cal State Fullerton campus and SWAT was mobilized. The shooting in an Oregon mall. I fear it will only get worst. Govt should seriously consider allowing civilians to carry concealed weapons.
More guns is not that answer my friend. Especially in places where there's children and when there's a crowd of people in the way. Gun fight in an elementary school wouldn't be the brightest idea.

Are you kidding me ? No way near 20 kids would have got shot if someone with a CC was there to defend them. These cowardly shooters always target places where guns are prohibited.

Look up statistics on the lower crime rates in states with where CC permits are allowed. Criminals will always find ways to get guns. Allowing responsible citizens to bear arms has proven to be one of the best crime deterrents because it evens the playing field and makes criminals not only question if the crime is worth the person they are trying to robs life, but also if the crime is worth their own life.
Not quite...

I didn't do the double quote, but I was talking in specific about the one post that he was replying to that mentioned the white reporter on CNN. why I bolded "that", but it doesn't really have any affect since you don't see the original post in my post. Post you quoted from first page I wasn't referring to, but I can't argue that said poster clearly has a habit.

w/e RIP to all the deceased.
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What I find ironic is that the Corporate Media, who war mongers and exploits death non-stop on television is some how surprised by the "violent culture" in society. :smh:
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Real quick,another point;This is what the shooter wanted to happen,for the news outlets and his name, his actions to be written down in the history books as one of worse event's to have happened in our history.So far,it's working,everyone's talking about it and probably will way until past the new year.

Also,calling him mentally disturbed or sane,it doesn't matter when someone is on a mission to destroy lives,including their own.By monday the world will know more about the shooter than the people who actually know him personaly and the closest people to him will profit from just that,with interviews,possibly books and maybe the works,who knows.

American hate for things like this to happen but in away people feed off of it also,like bottom dwellers that eat what has escaped floated to the bottom:they eat it right up!.

I guess thats just how things are....:smh:
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awkward... reminds me of that guy who's named happened to be gerry sandusky. I am referencing the photo 2 post above mine.
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RIP to all.:smh: Even the survivors lives will never be the same. Hope they can cope and get pass this.
:wow: So it's NOT that kid?........Twitter culture of news. :smh:

Word. What if somebody recognized him from this photo on the street and killed him thinking they were avenging the death of the innocent? Another innocent person could be killed that had nothing in common but a similar name and a facebook account.

This armchair activism is very dangerous.
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Looks like he killed every potential prospect that would have been beneficial to this case.

Mom, dad, brother, gf, friends. Lets see what his extended family has to say.

WHAT? He killed that many people PRIOR to the school shootings? wow :smh:

Anybody find it a bit odd the school had "Sandy" in it's name? no reach or anything, just a thought when i read the news...
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