Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

I don't know if anyone posted or mentioned it, but a screen cap of /b/ from the 12th is floating around showing a guy from CT saying that on Friday around 9am his suicide would make the news. Would post here but there's language against the ROC in it and I'm not able to edit the pic right now.
The accused killer(not the real killer) needs to lawyer up and sue the hell out of the new agencies and outlets. What they did was crazy reckless putting his name and picture out there potentially putting another innocent person in harms way. Hell I've said it before and it's probably been discussed here already but, news agencies needs to stop releasing the names and pictures of killers in situation like this. It should only be available only after the investigation is complete if anything, letting the families grief.
All the parents out there, love your kids. Show them that you love them everyday. I truly believe that this type of tragedy would have never happened if the kid had love in his heart.
WTF?! WHAT IS GOING ON?! I been sleep from 9am to 30min ago. I wake up and hit Instagram and start picking up sketchy details about this. I log in to NT to see what's really good but I never expected to read this! I am mortified! I am in absolute disbelief! My heart hurts! I am tearing up typing this! I can't believe this...SMH!
The accused killer(not the real killer) needs to lawyer up and sue the hell out of the new agencies and outlets. What they did was crazy reckless putting his name and picture out there potentially putting another innocent person in harms way. Hell I've said it before and it's probably been discussed here already but, news agencies needs to stop releasing the names and pictures of killers in situation like this. It should only be available only after the investigation is complete if anything, letting the families grief.

facebook don't be helping though
I'm also worried about the mental states of the first responders.....you can't be conditioned to seeing children slain like that....I hope they are getting similar care and resources as the victims' families and friends
Sorry to hear that fam. I wouldnt know what to say or how to react :\

My condolences

It's indescribable. I don't even know why I'm on NT right now, but I don't know what else to do. Kind of like a safe haven here on NT you know..? This is the craziest ****...
The accused killer(not the real killer) needs to lawyer up and sue the hell out of the new agencies and outlets. What they did was crazy reckless putting his name and picture out there potentially putting another innocent person in harms way. Hell I've said it before and it's probably been discussed here already but, news agencies needs to stop releasing the names and pictures of killers in situation like this. It should only be available only after the investigation is complete if anything, letting the families grief.

Adam, the killer, had his brother's (Ryan's) I.D on him.

That's why their identities were confused. Ryan was victimized by his brother, not by the News media.

Can somebody clear up something for me. So the Facebook of this Ryan Lanza that lives in Hoboken, NJ and from Newton, CT ISN'T the killer or the killer's brother?
as a father this makes me very angry. im very concerned for the well being of my child. and im very well aware that this can happen anywhere at anytime. with that being said, i fear no man. i will not live in fear and i will carry no weapon to protect myself. my eyes, hands, mouth and most importantly, my heart and my faith is all i need during any day of confusion.

may those who have been forever damaged find solace in something POSITIVE
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This is so much worse than I thought this morning 
Are there all of a sudden more mentally ill people in the US (on a % basis) than 50 years ago?

The difference today is the widespread closure of mental institutions and high prescription rate of psychoactives/ antidepressants among teens/young adults.
Not necessarily, it was just under-diagnosed due to negative stigma and shame from being thought of as weak-minded.  Similar situation with autism.  It's not that vaccines are causing an increased rate, it's just that today's person with autism used to be the slow/weird kid in class.  

I really don't understand blaming psychotropic drugs either.  For every one tragedy that (possibly) occurs as a result of their use, there's millions of people that benefit from them.  SSRIs are the most commonly prescribed class of pharmaceuticals nowadays.  Zoloft worked wonders for me.
This is just terrible news. RIP to the children and adults, my thoughts and prayers go out to those effected.
I really don't understand blaming psychotropic drugs either.  For every one tragedy that (possibly) occurs as a result of their use, there's millions of people that benefit from them.  SSRIs are the most commonly prescribed class of pharmaceuticals nowadays.  Zoloft worked wonders for me.
This. Some people talking about stuff that they have no idea about. Acting like stuff is way crazier than it used to be. Read a history book.

While I do think some medications are over-prescribed, I highly doubt it has anything to do with this shooting. In fact, this guy probably should have been on one of those drugs that people seem to be blaming.

I know a TON of people that owe their lives to antidepressants.
I am lost for words for what happen today. ITs really sad and pathetic. This monster had major issues. He really needed help. Why dont you get help? Do something to improve your mental health. Blame others and taking their lives isnt the solution. ITs crazy! You really have to watch out for others, and if possible try to get/give help to those that are troubled. Whats insane is the EVIL that he possessed to kill children in cold blood. Just mind blowing and speechless. My heart sinks for this tragedy....
shooters need some good torture they deserve to die slow

what makes you wanna shoot up an elementary though? :smh:
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This still all doesn't add up...

Dead person at a location unnamed
Adam Lanza with his brothers ID
Two roommates being questioned
Ryan Lanza in questioning but his twitter/Facebook statuses and a neighbor called both boys "troubled"

I feel like a lot more is about to come to light
Anybody noticing the kids they're interviewing ( :smh: :smh: ) don't seemed to be "moved" . They're talking about it like some action flick they just watched. Out of all the interviews i've seen only one kid seemed to get emotional.
This still all doesn't add up...

Dead person at a location unnamed
Adam Lanza with his brothers ID
Two roommates being questioned
Ryan Lanza in questioning but his twitter/Facebook statuses and a neighbor called both boys "troubled"

I feel like a lot more is about to come to light

I'm sayin. They found dude out in the woods, or bushes or some ****, with some cammo on, meanwhile, his brother is inside shootin up his mom and a bunch of kids, with his ID in his pocket, but this guy didn't know nothin? :\

This sounds to me a lot like both boys were in on it, but when it came down to it, one of the brothers didn't have the stomach, and bounced out. That don't make him guilty, but it don't make him innocent either. Cops gon be askin him a billion questions these next few hours.

No way he just "happened to be there" but knew nothing of what was coming. :smh:
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