Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

Anybody noticing the kids they're interviewing ( :smh: :smh: ) don't seemed to be "moved" . They're talking about it like some action flick they just watched. Out of all the interviews i've seen only one kid seemed to get emotional.

I don't think they fully appreciated what happened. They're 6 and 7 and it only happened in one part of the school.
I think it's important to speak more about the current state of mental health and the views of society in this country. Coming from someone who is studying to become a Psychiatrist, I've dealt with some serious cases at the hospital. A lot of the public isn't aware of what really goes on in the minds of some of these individuals. If they see something out of the ordinary they automatically label them as crazy. Like Dr. Drew mentioned earlier on CNN more people need to be aware of their mental health and should go speak with a mental health professional. There must have been clear cut explanations for his behavior but were simply overlooked by his family and community. One other thing that stuck out for me was the killing of the school psychologist and principle. I don't know what there relationship they had with the individual but they knew something of great value.

Agreed 1000000%. The root cause of these mass shootings lies in mental health, not gun control. Granted, less or no access to weapons would make it harder, but that still doesn't fix the psyche of the type of person who does stuff like this.
I don't think they fully appreciated what happened. They're 6 and 7 and it only happened in one part of the school.

That and these kids are in shock and were lied to about what actually happened to make sure they wouldn't freak out and get terrified. This pathetic human ruined a lot of lives today :smh:
Anybody noticing the kids they're interviewing ( :smh: :smh: ) don't seemed to be "moved" . They're talking about it like some action flick they just watched. Out of all the interviews i've seen only one kid seemed to get emotional.
They're too young to understand. These are 5-6 year olds man.
The crazy thing is i was just looking at NT's legal gun thread and this next thing you know this happens, hmm you see Obama cannot really do much about this situation, sure he can tighten gun laws, but banning them? is pointless, you'd never be able to get rid of them all, dam there's prolly more guns in America then Americans, you cant take away peoples right to arm themselves because 1 or 2 mentally ill/twisted people go on a killing spree, im sure if a sick person wanted to obtain a firearm in America to cause injury/death to innocent people, they will regardless of laws being tighter or prohibition, the actions of this coward is unthinkable and unforgivable but the problem lies with him and not the firearms its a hard argument and i struggle to see a resolution to Americas problem, i think too many firearms were released to the public too quickly with out proper measure being taken, to make more $$$, you now have a crazy amount of lethal weapons in circulation falling into the hands of too many irresponsible disturbed people, but i still think people of sound mind should have the right to protect themselves and their family in my opinion, i wish the killer could be revived along with those children and other innocents and for him to experience the sheer terror he put those innocent children/people through, let every parent exercise their own justice on him, but that isnt going to happen, what a sick world we live in, disgusting. my deepest sympathy and prayers to the parents and family members.
Anybody noticing the kids they're interviewing ( :smh: :smh: ) don't seemed to be "moved" . They're talking about it like some action flick they just watched. Out of all the interviews i've seen only one kid seemed to get emotional.

Most of these kids probably haven't been allowed to watch R-rated movies yet. They don't know what fictionalized violence and gore looks like let alone the real thing. Very sad to think about. It will hit them all later on.
Anybody noticing the kids they're interviewing (
) don't seemed to be "moved" . They're talking about it like some action flick they just watched. Out of all the interviews i've seen only one kid seemed to get emotional.
Dude they're little kids. I don't think any of them even understand. Come on man 
Apparently, Ryan Lanza will be released from police questioning/custody and is thought to not have any connection to the shooting other than being brothers with the culprint.

Adam's father, also has been questioned and is thought to have not been associated with the shooting as well.

Not sure when Ryan's release will be, but it appears this psycho acted alone.

His parents were divorced and his father also lived around the area where the shooting took place.
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This still all doesn't add up...

Dead person at a location unnamed
Adam Lanza with his brothers ID
Two roommates being questioned
Ryan Lanza in questioning but his twitter/Facebook statuses and a neighbor called both boys "troubled"

I feel like a lot more is about to come to light

I'm sayin. They found dude out in the woods, or bushes or some ****, with some cammo on, meanwhile, his brother is inside shootin up his mom and a bunch of kids, with his ID in his pocket, but this guy didn't know nothin? :\

This sounds to me a lot like both boys were in on it, but when it came down to it, one of the brothers didn't have the stomach, and bounced out. That don't make him guilty, but it don't make him innocent either. Cops gon be askin him a billion questions these next few hours.

No way he just "happened to be there" but knew nothing of what was coming. :smh:

If the scenario that you described is indeed what happened (doubtful), it would most definitely make the other brother guilty. You can't stand by knowing that people are about to be gunned down and then shirk responsibility by saying you chickened out.
Disgusting is the only way to describe this situation :smh:. As if killing your MOTHER who brought you into this world wasn't enough he went after innocent children :smh:. I wish he lived to suffer the guilt and consequences of his actions. And the kids being interviewed are too young to fully understand the severity of the situation. My condolences to everyone involved.
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Apparently, Ryan Lanza will be released from police questioning/custody and is thought to not have any connection to the shooting other than being brothers with the culprint.

Adam's father, also has been questioned and is thought to have not been associated with the shooting as well.

Not sure when Ryan's release will be, but it appears this psycho acted alone.

The whole situation is messed up. I don't see how he could live a normal life ever again.
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The whole situation is messed up. I don't see how he could live a normal life ever again.

No kidding man, if he indeed is innocent and his brother acted alone. This dude killed his mom and made his name infamous that people were thinking he was the killer himself. Dude's gotta be a wreck and will be for the rest of his life. Sad, sad sad event/day in history
I need to stop watching and reading about this for a while, it's wearing on me.

But...I thought the report was that he went to the school where he killed his mother and the kids. Turns out he killed the mom at her house and then went to the school? He's a sick **** regardless but that makes the whole situation even sadder, if that's possible.
Anybody noticing the kids they're interviewing ( :smh: :smh: ) don't seemed to be "moved" . They're talking about it like some action flick they just watched. Out of all the interviews i've seen only one kid seemed to get emotional.
Most didn't actually see what happened,most were kept in their classrooms until SWAT gave them the ok to evacuate their classrooms and the school.

The school must be a small school district because it only goes from k-4th grade.Most of the victims killed were kindergartener's who I could imagine didn't see it coming(the shooting) nor knew what to do as it was going on.Most small kids don't see trouble,even when trouble is right in front of them,that's the terrible part about it.

This event happened but what I'm prepared for is the aftermath of the coming week before christmas vacation,the up coming monday,where schools and staff are going to be on extra high alert,even when it comes to their own students;And because of that,things that normally wouldn't call for action,are going to be red flagged immediately,it's happened before with the whole columbine high school shootings.
I'll give you an examples:A Second grader draws a army man holding a machine gun,Some 4th grader's are overheard talking about what happened on the news and the teacher catches the end of the conversation and overreacts,and a angry parent whose unhappyness about something give them the justification for alerting the police.

I hope no kid gets punished for those things but I know that there will be some case's of some overzealous behavior,some where,in some school.
No kidding man, if he indeed is innocent and his brother acted alone. This dude killed his mom and made his name infamous that people were thinking he was the killer himself. Dude's gotta be a wreck and will be for the rest of his life. Sad, sad sad event/day in history

This. And if it was his accounts that people put out all over the Net... he probably heard of this tragedy through Facebook or Twitter threats of all places.

Not to mention there's the potential for someone out there to do something stupid to him just cause they heard his name in the news today.

And I don't think it was ever confirmed he was the dude the police took into custody, might've been speculation. Not sure
That is suspicious, especially since his account (that they got confused with the actual killer) had really questionable tweets and stuff on it. I'm not going to jump to any conclusions since it's not my job. He was released from custody not too long after then, since he was updating his accounts to let people know it wasn't him, so the police must've not had any reason to be suspicious of him
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What was?

That his brother (Ryan Lanza) was taken into police custody for questioning in being involved in the shooting.

They have said he is not a suspect at the moment.

I just want to make it clear that it is still very early, and this is just what CNN is reporting at the moment. So if things change in the next few days, don't blame me for wrongly presenting this. This is just what CNN is saying at the moment.
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No kidding man, if he indeed is innocent and his brother acted alone. This dude killed his mom and made his name infamous that people were thinking he was the killer himself. Dude's gotta be a wreck and will be for the rest of his life. Sad, sad sad event/day in history

This. And if it was his accounts that people put out all over the Net... he probably heard of this tragedy through Facebook or Twitter threats of all places.

Not to mention there's the potential for someone out there to do something stupid to him just cause they heard his name in the news today.

And I don't think it was ever confirmed he was the dude the police took into custody, might've been speculation. Not sure
Not gonna post the pic cause of profanity, but on reddit there's a screenshot of dudes FB getting blown up and him posting statuses saying he wasn't the killer.

Terrible journalism on the media's part. Wouldn't be surprised if he tried to turn it into a libel suit against CNN for plastering his face everywhere as the suspect. He'll probably have to change his name at least.
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That his brother (Ryan Lanza) was taken into police custody for questioning in being involved in the shooting.
They have said he is not a suspect at the moment.

Oh. He was taken into custody, but I was wondering if he was the one taken into custody at the school in the camo
Oh. He was taken into custody, but I was wondering if he was the one taken into custody at the school in the camo

I have not heard of anyone being taken into custody at the school in camo since I turned on the news. Maybe it was reported earlier, but I have not heard anything of such as of the past two hours.
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