Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

I have not heard of anyone being taken into custody at the school in camo since I turned on the news. Maybe it was reported earlier, but I have not heard anything of such as of the past two hours.

His brother (Ryan) worked in NYC and lives in Hoboken, NJ which is a thriving place for young professionals and that's where he was taken in it would seem, Ryan is the one with the questionable twitter posts

His mom was a teachers aid apparently not a teacher
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Stories like this make me pray for my younger brother that's still in school.

Terrible story. |I :smh:
As mentioned earlier, the guns that were used in the shooting were registered to Adam's mother, Nancy (who he also shot dead at the house before he began his massacre)
If the world ended on the 21st, I'd be happy. This is one of the most horrific things to have happened this year. I'm not downplaying the deaths of children everyday in other countries but this is home and it hits hard.

I don't want to live on this world anymore. Space has to have some sort of peaceful planet where kids aren't turned into victims.
This is just terrible news. RIP to the children and adults, my thoughts and prayers go out to those effected.

This. I'm still taking this all in. I live several houses from an elementary school and I can't imagine what I'd do if someone went ballistic there. I pray that never ever happens.
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Aight..time for a recap.

What we know:
- The shooter is ADAM Lanza, 20, who is dead. It's suspected he committed suicide because SWAT fired no bullets inside the school.
- Adam Lanza's mother was a Teacher's aid at the school.
- The Mother was killed at her house by Adam Lanza before he went to the school. 3 weapons used were also registered to her :x :smh:
- Ryan Lanza (the guy who's photo was getting plastered everywhere) is Adam Lanza's older brother. He lives in NJ in an apt. with 2 roommates. He was brought into questioning however he was NOT at the scene of the crime.
- Adam Lanza was carrying his brother's (Ryan Lanza) ID at the time of the shooting. Hence the initial reports that Ryan was the shooter.
- There's 26 victims at the school. 20 of which are believed to be children

What we don't know:
- How Ryan Lanza was updating his facebook status while he was in police questioning.
- Who the guy was in a black jacket and fatigues that was put in handcuffs on the SCENE of the crime. (Obviously it wasn't Ryan Lanza because he was at his house.)
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i'm hearing his girlfriend is missing as well 
Aight..time for a recap.
What we know:
- The shooter is ADAM Lanza, 20, who is dead. It's suspected he committed suicide because SWAT fired no bullets inside the school.
- Adam Lanza's mother was a Teacher's aid at the school.
- The Mother was killed at her house by Adam Lanza before he went to the school. 3 weapons used were also registered to her :x :smh:
- Ryan Lanza (the guy who's photo was getting plastered everywhere) is Adam Lanza's older brother. He lives in NJ in an apt. with 2 roommates. He was brought into questioning however he was NOT at the scene of the crime.
- Adam Lanza was carrying his brother's (Ryan Lanza) ID at the time of the shooting. Hence the initial reports that Ryan was the shooter.
- There's 26 victims at the school. 20 of which are believed to be children
What we don't know:
- How Ryan Lanza was updating his facebook status while he was in police questioning.
- Who the guy was in a black jacket and fatigues that was put in handcuffs on the SCENE of the crime. (Obviously it wasn't Ryan Lanza because he was at his house.)

My man. Props to you on this insight for posters who are just getting familiar with this.
It's seems there might be a 3rd brother if reports are another brother was killed from earlier
Reading about it is one thing. Actually seeing/hearing the pain in the voices is another. I've been away from the TV for most of the day and decided to watch some CNN when I got home from work. I could only take about 20 minutes of it before I had to shut it off. I cried for the kids and families affected. I cried for my daughter, for who has to grow up in this increasingly violent world. It just sucks all around. These were just kids. KIDS.
Are there all of a sudden more mentally ill people in the US (on a % basis) than 50 years ago?

The difference today is the widespread closure of mental institutions and high prescription rate of psychoactives/ antidepressants among teens/young adults.

Furthermore, a lot of middle class and upper middle class kids are coddled nowadays. There's no discipline in the household on the one hand the child doesn't learn how to cope with stressful situations on the other (instances of discipline for children are stressful situations).

Fast forward and not only do these kids have zero discipline but they don't know how to react if something doesn't go their way. Mix in some prescription psychoactives and you have a very unstable person. 

However, all we'll have is talk of guns, guns, guns in the media because the gun industry is not a significant source of revenue for the media. When's the last time you saw a gun ad on TV? On the other hand there'll be little to no discussion of Big Pharma because of the ad revenue that they bring in for the media industry. 

-Yeah, if you take a look at the DSM-I that was published in 1952, it started out with 40 diagnosable disorders. Now with the DSM-IV-TR it has over 400 diagnosable disorders. More people can now be treated which weren't able to be treated before. Is creating more disorder a bad thing? Yes and no.

-Well that's because you don't have to see a Psychiatrist anymore. You can go to your GP and tell him you're feeling anxious and depressed and he'll prescribe you anxiolytics and antidepressants.

- It happens to everyone. Everyone handles stress differently, some have better coping mechanism than others. Some are predisposed and can be easily affected by stressors. Spoiling your children is not allows the case you can spoil them in a positive way with love and care. There are many factors that play into how an individual turns out, personality plays a huge role, just as genetics and environment.

-Lack of judgement with poor insight.
This fool Ryan needs to also be arrested and see a psychiatrist because if his twitter posts are any indication, he is also dangerous. Dude is a ticking time bomb. Lock him up.
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Aight..time for a recap.

What we know:
- The shooter is ADAM Lanza, 20, who is dead. It's suspected he committed suicide because SWAT fired no bullets inside the school.
- Adam Lanza's mother was a Teacher's aid at the school.
- The Mother was killed at her house by Adam Lanza before he went to the school. 3 weapons used were also registered to her :x :smh:
- Ryan Lanza (the guy who's photo was getting plastered everywhere) is Adam Lanza's older brother. He lives in NJ in an apt. with 2 roommates. He was brought into questioning however he was NOT at the scene of the crime.
- Adam Lanza was carrying his brother's (Ryan Lanza) ID at the time of the shooting. Hence the initial reports that Ryan was the shooter.
- There's 26 victims at the school. 20 of which are believed to be children

What we don't know:
- How Ryan Lanza was updating his facebook status while he was in police questioning.
- Who the guy was in a black jacket and fatigues that was put in handcuffs on the SCENE of the crime. (Obviously it wasn't Ryan Lanza because he was at his house.)

Thanks for this update. I had only heard fraction of this while on break.

I'm sensitive to people who commit suicide, cause you really don't know what they were going through...but never to scums like this who would take out others just to have some dramatic sendoff.
Couldn't imagine this happening close to home :smh:
Appreciate that recap. Heard bits and pieces all day and only had time to skim this thread and cnn at work.
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All weapons should be banned except for those used by law enforcement, point blank period.

There should be very strict punishment for anyone caught buying, selling or carrying a firearm, who isnt a licensed or trained to do so.
Screw all guys with mental health problems if you're thinking of killing others too. Just off yourselves damn it! Waste of life...
Screw all guys with mental health problems if you're thinking of killing others too. Just off yourselves damn it! Waste of life...

And while we're at it, let's get rid of plea of insanity too. **** all those mental headcases. No light sentences should be allowed. Death penalty for all mental fools in prison. 
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Not necessarily, it was just under-diagnosed due to negative stigma and shame from being thought of as weak-minded.  Similar situation with autism.  It's not that vaccines are causing an increased rate, it's just that today's person with autism used to be the slow/weird kid in class.  

I really don't understand blaming psychotropic drugs either.  For every one tragedy that (possibly) occurs as a result of their use, there's millions of people that benefit from them.  SSRIs are the most commonly prescribed class of pharmaceuticals nowadays.  Zoloft worked wonders for me.
If psychiatric illnesses were under-diagnosed 50 years ago then wouldn't it stand to reason that incidents like this would have happened more often back then? 

50 years ago, the US was awash in guns as well. 

All evidence points to big pharma pushing physicians to over diagnose psychiatric illnesses. Whereas back in the day, some would be told to man up and deal with it (b/c at the end of the day, every human being is screwed up in  one way or another; we're an evolving species and aren't perfect), nowadays they just hand out a cornucopia of psychoactive drugs.

I have been diagnosed with mild Asperger's. Before I was diagnosed I never felt that there was something wrong with me or that I was held back by something. Someone brought it up to me and I went to get tested out of curiosity. When the physician diagnosed me, she made it seem like it was a major problem. lol 

There's an entire industry reliant upon telling people that they're ****** up when in reality it is nothing more than variance in our genetic makeup. It is evolution at work. If we were all exactly the same, the human species wouldn't have much redundancy in case something went wrong. Just like some are short and some are tall and other are this or that, we all have differing psychological make-ups. 

Of course, some are truly psychologically ****** up and they need treatment in the form of meds. However, it is a lot less than the industry (physicians + pharma) would have you believe. A lot of people buy into it because medications appear as an easy  "solution". 
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If psychiatric illnesses were under-diagnosed 50 years ago then wouldn't it stand to reason that incidents like this would have happened more often back then? 

50 years ago, the US was awash in guns as well. 

All evidence points to big pharma pushing physicians to over diagnose psychiatric illnesses. Whereas back in the day, some would be told to man up and deal with it (b/c at the end of the day, every human being is screwed up in  one way or another; we're an evolving species and aren't perfect), nowadays they just hand out a cornucopia of psychoactive drugs.

I have been diagnosed with mild Asperger's. Before I was diagnosed I never felt that there was something wrong with me or that I was held back by something. Someone brought it up to me and I went to get tested out of curiosity. When the physician diagnosed me, she made it seem like it was a major problem. lol 

There's an entire industry reliant upon telling people that they're ****** up when in reality it is nothing more than variance in our genetic makeup. It is evolution at work. If we were all exactly the same, the human species wouldn't have much redundancy in case something went wrong. Just like some are short and some are tall and other are this or that, we all have differing psychological make-ups. 

Of course, some are truly psychologically ****** up and they need treatment in the form of meds. However, it is a lot less than the industry (physicians + pharma) would have you believe. 
salute, gospel truth 
i get upset since columbine when there is a shooting and we make the shooter famous.......can we please start a movement to get these losers no coverage at all.....why can't we just say crazed gunman, son of teachers aid kills kids......why can't the reporters say hey folks we know who the loser is but we won't give him what he wants, he wanted to have his name forever be known for this evil act but we won't let them win......stop putting a name to these sick people. i know we live in a age where we want to know every detail but it really made me sick to find out his name....

RIP to all those lost
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