Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

Gotta be shopped.​

If true, feds about to be watching /b/.​

Didn't something similar happen with the Aurora case?​

yeah this is what I was talking about. it's not a shop apparently. this isn't the first time someone made a claim on bee and followed through with it.

feds been watching bee for a while, it increased heavily when that one dude claimed he was going to bomb the Superbowl.

people are using this to demonize bee yet again. not everyone there is like this..
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Comments like these and the notion that his death was "too easy of a punishment" really makes me hate the mob mentality and hysteria that comes along with these tragedies.

It's an absolutely horrible event, but he's dead and that's all the police could do to help the situation. People wishing for a sadistic punishment reflects poorly on society as a whole.

Control yourselves.

Please don't attach my views to society's. There's no mob mentality involved with what I said.
There was no justice delivered here. His death came at the hands of his own.
Death ≠ Justice.
Please don't attach my views to society's. There's no mob mentality involved with what I said.
There was no justice delivered here. His death came at the hands of his own.
Death ≠ Justice.
State your definition of "justice" within the context of this situation.
anybody hear what Rick Ross just did as a "tribute" to the dead children @ Cali Christmas?

dude said "I want to give a shout out to all the kids that lost they motherf***'n lives in Connecticut. Put yo hands up if you gonna ride for em" then went into "Stay Schemin" :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:
anybody hear what Rick Ross just did as a "tribute" to the dead children @ Cali Christmas?
dude said "I want to give a shout out to all the kids that lost they motherf***'n lives in Connecticut. Put yo hands up if you gonna ride for em" then went into "Stay Schemin"
Please don't attach my views to society's. There's no mob mentality involved with what I said.
There was no justice delivered here. His death came at the hands of his own.
Death ≠ Justice.

State your definition of "justice" within the context of this situation.

jus·tice [juhs-tis] Show IPA
1. the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness: to uphold the justice of a cause.

This man took the lives of over 20 children and 7 adults.
Those families will forever be affected and their pain will forever be with them.
Not to mention, the hundreds of kids he damaged. They lost a part of their childhood today.
Once again, a quick death was too easy. I wish he had been apprehended and suffered miserably in jail, just as those families and kids are suffering. That would have been justice. This dude got the outcome he desired and everyone will eventually die so essentially, what punishment did he receive? How is that justice?
jus·tice [juhs-tis] Show IPA
1. the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness: to uphold the justice of a cause.
This man took the lives of over 20 children and 7 adults.
Those families will forever be affected and their pain will forever be with them.
Not to mention, the hundreds of kids he damaged. They lost a part of their childhood today.
Once again, a quick death was too easy. I wish he had been apprehended and suffered miserably in jail, just as those families and kids are suffering. That would have been justice. This dude got the outcome he desired and everyone will eventually die so essentially, what punishment did he receive? How is that justice?
One could say that not being able to see another day is the ultimate punishment.  And how does him suffering while alive make the what happened any better?  If anything, I feel like he did the best thing possible by killing himself.  No painful/extremely emotional trial for the families, and no tax dollars wasted supporting his sorry *** in jail.
I've been to two midnight showing movies tonight (TDKR and Hobbit) and woke up both mornings to news like this.

So, so sad. I'm not a father yet, but things like this make me scared to be one. My parents lost my sister when she was two to a drowning incident and I've always had this fear in the back of my mind of losing one of my own children.

I cannot imagine their pain and their heartbreak.

God be with them and let's send some good thoughts their way.
another shooting in Las Vegas? :x

but theres always shootings everywhere,

theres a shooting in Houston, Atlanta, New Orleans, Chicago and New York within the last 6 hours....

The story of the kids has everyone uptight....

This killer.....as all killers.....are selfish....because their actions affect thousands of people at a time... :smh:
This is so sad. Why would someone do this to children. My heart goes out to the parents of
These children. RIP
One could say that not being able to see another day is the ultimate punishment.  And how does him suffering while alive make the what happened any better?  If anything, I feel like he did the best thing possible by killing himself.  No painful/extremely emotional trial for the families, and no tax dollars wasted supporting his sorry *** in jail.

Some might say that but I 'm not one of them. I believe he should have remained on this earth and been tortured for the rest of his life. Literally.
Not one ounce of sympathy from me. He killed kids. Innocent kids who didn't deserve to die.
Who's to say one of those kids wasn't the next Steve Jobs or Barack Obama? Potentially those kids could have affected millions and we'll never know.
He should feel the same pain those families are feeling. Only thing I agree with is avoiding trial for the families involved.
Why do you think these killers take their own lives? In order to avoid repercussions.
Death ≠ Justice.
I hope these families can get through this. With it being 11 days away from Christmas, these families will be reminded with every gift under the tree.
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Don't know if this is the time.. so if I'm.being insensitive, please correct me...
But he killed himself, right? What's to stop someone else who has suicide on their mind to do the same thing? I don't know how it could get any more innocent that some kids, but what if someone decides to go harder, cuz they know all they have to do is turn the gun on themselces and end it...
It seems like these mass shootings always end in them taking their own lives... so that means they've contemplated taking their own lives and wanted to take others down with them... what can gun laws do about that?
This seems more like a psychological issue that needs to be addressed... cuz cats nowadays feeling like offing themselves PLUS others...
:nerd: :nerd:
anybody hear what Rick Ross just did as a "tribute" to the dead children @ Cali Christmas?
dude said "I want to give a shout out to all the kids that lost they motherf***'n lives in Connecticut. Put yo hands up if you gonna ride for em" then went into "Stay Schemin" :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:

Never liked that fat fart
man I'ma keep it 100 real quick.

From an emotional standpoint I wish dude was alive he could get beat senseless for what he's done, but I know that's not the answer. America has a violent culture and despite the horrific **** he's done, talking about the violent things we'd do to him is only going to trickle down to the next generation and create more violent people like him. As a culture we're desensitized there's violence on the news, in the books are kids read, in the music, TV, Movies, Video Games, heck even in Religion (yeah, I said it.) Somebody said earlier why the kids interviewed seemed so calm, it's not because they don't KNOW what happened its because even though they're somewhat sheltered suburban children they're already somewhat desensitized to violence.

Until our country really addresses the issue of violence within American culture, (not just specific incidents but the nature of our culture as a whole) nothing's going to change. No amount of gun control, police officers, counselors, whatever are going to be able to put a dent in anything. Especially with the amount of media children are being bombarded with on a daily basis now. It's a crazy world we live in, sad, but crazy.

I'm not trying to start a long debate or anything, just putting in my 2 cents.
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There's a big difference between having emotions and being hysterical/wishing for a sadistic punishment. Please don't try to act as if I don't feel terrible about what happened. 

welp we all react different, sorry my reaction conflicts with yours.
anybody hear what Rick Ross just did as a "tribute" to the dead children @ Cali Christmas?
dude said "I want to give a shout out to all the kids that lost they motherf***'n lives in Connecticut. Put yo hands up if you gonna ride for em" then went into "Stay Schemin" :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:

What do you expect from a dude with no talent.
I'm hearing the 4chan posting is also fake.

We are very susceptible to memes, chain letters, and garbage right now in our hysteria.
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