Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

This whole situation is beyond sad..but that goes without saying. What I want to know is why a Kindergarten teacher / asst. is doing with a registered assault rifle?! Let alone the other 2 handguns.
How does her occupation play into her owning guns?  And couldn't that be said for a good deal of professions, if not the majority?
I started working at an elementary school this week (temporary. for my 100 hours of experience). And within a couple days, kids at these ages will melt your heart. They are so polite, always have fun no matter what it is, and enjoy life the way it is. They truly live life the way it is supposed to be lived.

I heard about this as I was leaving their school today.

I kept thinking about it, and all the kids I met in just 1 week, and how awesome it has been.

I normally am emotionless to things that don't change my everyday life, but just thinking about the kids I met and knowing there were kids at the school in Newtown probably just like the ones in the school I'm in. I couldn't control it and sobbed uncontrollably..
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^ Strong post to location ratio
How does her occupation play into her owning guns?  And couldn't that be said for a good deal of professions, if not the majority?

Well you're right, in all actuality it really doesn't play a part...it just sounds terrible on the surface. I can't speak to the woman's hobbies or how she spent her casual time, maybe she had a justified reason to own that gun...but for some reason I doubt it. My point is I just want some sort of explanation on that aspect.
I started working at an elementary school this week (temporary. for my 100 hours of experience). And within a couple days, kids at these ages will melt your heart. They are so polite, always have fun no matter what it is, and enjoy life the way it is. They truly live life the way it is supposed to be lived.
I heard about this as I was leaving their school today.
I kept thinking about it, and all the kids I met in just 1 week, and how awesome it has been.
I normally am emotionless to things that don't change my everyday life, but just thinking about the kids I met and knowing there were kids at the school in Newtown probably just like the ones in the school I'm in. I couldn't control it and sobbed uncontrollably..

This is so true.

I sobbed like crazy in my car.
This is heartbreaking.
Correct me but didn't the shooter go into one classroom only? He must of been saying something to the kids if they were writing farewell letters. RIP to the victims
I hate today's psychos. They rarely live past their heinous acts...always offing themselves like cowards. Today's psychos take their crazy to the grave and whoever they choose to take with them. So cowardly. No justice or peace in that.


Today...I am disgusted.
i get upset since columbine when there is a shooting and we make the shooter famous.......can we please start a movement to get these losers no coverage at all
RIP to all those lost
agreed 1,000%

these dudes were bullied or ignored their whole life, they love the negative attention and these fools give it to them so the next one follows suit.
Agree. How many times do you hear the "dressed in all black" description. It serves no practical purpose anymore, they do it for the fame and symbolism. These things turn these bums into celebrities. Don't release shooter's name.
I hate today's psychos. They rarely live past their heinous acts...always offing themselves like cowards. Today's psychos take their crazy to the grave and whoever they choose to take with them. So cowardly. No justice or peace in that.

Today...I am disgusted.
He's dead.  What more "justice" and "peace" do you want?

So as expected, everyone is pushing for stricter gun control right?

I know it is probably not the time for "conspiracy" talk, but would you all put it past "them" to use this as another scare tactic to get everyone to buy into more strict gun control.
Not on innocent kids man . . .
Personally, I would have liked to see him suffer.
A quick death is too easy.
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Correct me but didn't the shooter go into one classroom only? He must of been saying something to the kids if they were writing farewell letters. RIP to the victims

I heard he went to the office first. And shot during morning announcements.. And they were played on the PA system
Personally, I would have liked to see him suffer.
A quick death is too easy.

Comments like these and the notion that his death was "too easy of a punishment" really makes me hate the mob mentality and hysteria that comes along with these tragedies.

It's an absolutely horrible event, but he's dead and that's all the police could do to help the situation.  People wishing for a sadistic punishment reflects poorly on society as a whole.

Control yourselves.
Considering that he has made it clear that he wanted to kill himself he has been suffering for quiet a while. No sane being ever thinks about killing themselves.
Everything happened on his time and terms without anyone understanding why. There's not much justice or peace in that.
You can't control the fact that everything was done on his time and terms, and while no one understands why he did it yet it's still way too early to draw any solid conclusions. Hopefully the pieces of the puzzle will start to come together from information given by those close to the shooter and his family.
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