Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

Kids are killed and you guys are talking about what race the killer is??? My lord, some of you guys are complete idiots,my goodness
The mental health of the citizens in this country needs to be addressed. That is the big picture. It is easy for us to wonder how the hell could someone do that, well obviously they weren't all there from a mental standpoint.
But yea man, all of those parents having to put their kids to rest. Wow man

I agree 110%, you can't blame guns on people with mental disabilities

It's sad bc I'm watching Home Alone right now and it seems like a whole different world back them when I was 7
We all know majority of mass murderers are white...aight, it's said, it's done, lets move on. This isn't the place to be debating how the media portrays people of different races. Start another thread for that.
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I haven't been around all day but what was the motive? Why was dude so pissed off at his mother and the kids?
Just found out last week, a local private high school, a gun was found on the campus. They had a lockdown. Then less than a 200 miles away, this happens. 

So as expected, everyone is pushing for stricter gun control right?

I know it is probably not the time for "conspiracy" talk, but would you all put it past "them" to use this as another scare tactic to get everyone to buy into more strict gun control.
This was crazy and still pisses me off. I have a 6 year old in elementary and I can't imagine what they are going through. To say good he to your hold and have to deal with the daily grind of work and then to hear that something went down and your kindergarden child was shot and killed. I get pissed and emotional without any connection.

I'm not on any side with the anti gun thing but I do think that individuals getting guns should have themselves and family members undergo some process to check mental stability and other things
I wish I was clueless about this. This makes me smh so hard. Rip to the children and I don't care what y'all think, people owning guns just ain't right..
I have NO sympathy for a coward who could honestly look at a 5 year old child, a child that can barely spell their own name and knows their ABCs, and decides he can murder them.
I hope this son of a b***h burns in the deepest, hottest, most unbearable form of hell :smh:

We're on the same page.
I was literally going to type I hope this !@#$^ burns in hell but knowing NT, it would turn into a religious debate.
I've been imagining being locked in a room with this #@$%*$ all day. I would love the opportunity to beat the $^ out of this dude.
Completely ruined my day. These kids were so innocent. :smh:
Got me tearing up and *#&$.
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So as expected, everyone is pushing for stricter gun control right?
I know it is probably not the time for "conspiracy" talk, but would you all put it past "them" to use this as another scare tactic to get everyone to buy into more strict gun control.

Don't think it was.

Why can't it just be crazy people are crazy though? The type of stuff ppl say on social networks is proof there's a LOT of sick and twisted people in this world. As unfortunate as this situation is, almost nothing surprises me anymore.
Besides the unfortunate souls who were killed at the elementary school, were there any other victims? I know his mom was killed at her house but I've heard something about a missing ex girlfriend or another possible linked murder. 
wow, just seeing those 2 little boys on CBS, thinking they're hiding from a fox got me.

They're all just so innocent...
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man i've been avoiding this thread and news because only the headline made me sick to my stomach. but i couldn't ignore it anymore. hope all the victims are in a peaceful, eternal state and experience limitless of love for all eternity. My heart goes out to the parents, i couldn't even with a lifetime imagine the pain and suffering they must be going through right now, the sad part is that everything that happend is another case of senseless killing and no justice will ever be served.

R.I.P. to everyone, especially the children, so ****** sad man 
Drugs are not guns. You don't buy drugs to commit mass murders. How man drug dealers are going to really jump into the gun business? 1. They would not be as in demand as drugs. 2. They aren't as easy to move as drugs.
We really cannot stop the production of drugs, nor even slow it down. We can significantly decrease the production of guns.
I'd take my chances with these nuts trying to build pipe bombs than just being able to pull out a gun and start spraying.
That's just as bad imo. If you are a responsible gun owner you wouldn't let people have access to your guns. You don't deserve to own guns if you can't take care of them.
this can be said in many instances... for many things... And how would you gauge this exactly....? When obtaining a liscence and or going to purchase a gun... what sort of gauge/grading scale could be used to see how responsible a person is? Or to see whether or not a person may accidently forget to lock gun cabinet.....or the myraid of other situations/scenarios in which ppl who are responsible and are gun owners have someone use their weapon to commit crimes?

I mean look at cars... you cant even prevent it in those situations... hell computers... prescription drugs etc... and they have a more thorough check and balance system then you could ever have with guns...

Hell and bombs... really at least as bad as it may sound a person is less dangerous with a gun as oppose to a BOMB... If ole dude who committed this crime had a bomb... things would be far worse.. and there would definetly be more deaths... and the crazy thing is moreso then likely wouldnt have been caught and could potentially have reaked havoc elsewhere.

So as expected, everyone is pushing for stricter gun control right?

I know it is probably not the time for "conspiracy" talk, but would you all put it past "them" to use this as another scare tactic to get everyone to buy into more strict gun control.
Too soon.
Edit: Too soon doesnt fit. That angle just feels inappropriate altogether
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This whole situation is beyond sad..but that goes without saying. What I want to know is why a Kindergarten teacher / asst. is doing with a registered assault rifle?! Let alone the other 2 handguns.
Don't know if this is the time.. so if I'm.being insensitive, please correct me...

But he killed himself, right? What's to stop someone else who has suicide on their mind to do the same thing? I don't know how it could get any more innocent that some kids, but what if someone decides to go harder, cuz they know all they have to do is turn the gun on themselces and end it...

It seems like these mass shootings always end in them taking their own lives... so that means they've contemplated taking their own lives and wanted to take others down with them... what can gun laws do about that?

This seems more like a psychological issue that needs to be addressed... cuz cats nowadays feeling like offing themselves PLUS others...
We're on the same page.
I was literally going to type I hope this !@#$^ burns in hell but knowing NT, it would turn into a religious debate.
I've been imagining being locked in a room with this #@$%*$ all day. I would love the opportunity to beat the $^ out of this dude.
Completely ruined my day. These kids were so innocent. :smh:
Got me tearing up and *#&$.

Yeah it completely ruined my day too. Its crazy how Christmas will forever be ruined for those families. Instead of having warm memories of their kids being happy that they got the toys they wanted, the only thing these families will remember will be this tragedy.

I don't wish for many things in life, but I hope that S.O.B is facing torture that this world can't even comprehend. If I was locked in a room with this guy, he would have begged for death by the time that I got done with him. I don't say this often but the killer is one of the worst human beings ever created. Not only to take the life of the mother who gave birth to you, but to also murder someone children who can't even process what death is.

Now im on the verge of tears...
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