Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

Ok, now do research how many times a police department is shot up compared to a school, and get back to me. You can have complete gun control and it still wont prevent gun violence, take a look at Chicago.
Okay, i see you, like other gun totting thugs are insinuating that i oppose the the 2dn amendment. As i stated earlier i own an ak-47 and a archery bow. bought legally from ***** sporting goods. I love going to the range and have been going since i was a child. What are you getting at?

i'm not arguing complete gun guntrol. I'm arguing that the idea that more guns will solve these issues is a fallacy that is heavily flawed. Stay focused
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All those parents who never got to say goodbye to their children. I have never been one to be affected by stuff like this but I'm absolutely heartbroken and fighting tears. 

As a country we need to do something about gun violence.
damn i guess those two wasnt playing, they wanted to make history... i hope atleast one is alive so he can get ****** in jail all night long
This is F'N terrible! 
 what is wrong with people. poor kids 
**** so sad...people are so ****** up...killing innocent adults is sickening but children? god damn .....I can't imagine what the parents are going through


being a father now, my biggest fear is outliving my child...I would never wish that on a parent 
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CNN says shooter is dead and that they found 2 handguns. Looks like it just may be one shooter.
All these shootings just don't feel right man.

I can't be the only one feeling like all these events are by design to do away with the 2nd Amendment.

Too many shock and awe type shootings have happened lately.

*Double flame suit ready*


Last minute contender for dumbest **** said on NT in 2012 ever

The bodies ain't even at the hospital yet and guns are already defensive about their guns.

-What's even worst is that these shooting happen in bunches because the media gives them so much attention. Another loon will want to get his shine and do some other crazy ****

Lil Kids :smh:. Feel like Huey Freeman on the hill top. The world can't be like this|I
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CT born and raised, Newtown is just a jump down 84 for me, can't comprehend what would make someone do something like this...

At least 14 youth have been shot and killed ........ I am insanely sick and disgusted right now!
So there's 2 shooters or what? 1 still on the loose?
2 shooters?? I hope to God this isn't true. Where'd u hear that?
The Hartford Courant and ABC News are both reporting there were two shooters. It’s unclear at this time if that’s true, or if the second shooter is at large or in police custody.
Read more at http://hypervocal.com/news/2012/sandy-hook-shooting/#VCLZQpA5Fa6GL2v5.99
It hasnt been confirmed

Looks like they got the second guy according to CBS
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