Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

Shooter was a father of a student...he is dead, body in classroom.

I don't understand

Because MF's are crazy and there ain't enough mental institutions in this country to hold em all.

RIP to everybody who died though, especially the children.

Outside of 9/11 and the OKC bombing this is the sickest thing that's happened in this country since I been alive. Got me with the :frown: face right now man. Damn
this is disgusting. having lived through the cleveland school massacre in the 80's this looks even more worse than that... terrible...:smh:
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Wr don't be that guy fam....

This is sad no matter where it happens or what type of arms control they enforce, 18 kids....how can this not get people emotional fam?...18 families lives ruined over NOTHING...there is no such thing as a logical motive in a situation like this
Right before Christmas for these little ones. All they wanna do is color and play on the playground all day, now this. :frown: :smh:

I seriously want to go home and pick up my daughter from school and I'm 3,000 miles away from Connecticut. |I
CNN is reporting as many as 20 may be dead...WTH?!?! What is wrong with people...We really need to do something about the state of mental health in this world today. This is something that is severely under addressed...
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18 kids that did nothing to this man. My condifence in humanity continues to drop. Makes no since to kill 18 children with all the potential in the world. My heart goes out to those families!
Did you not hear about the Norway shooting or it doesn't matter because it wasn't US?
This has happened before and in greater numbers.

First thing I thought was that Norway shooting and how in the world can we prevent that from happening here in the US and here we are today with this... :smh:

We can prevent that my making it damn near impossible for anyone to own and carry firearms (cops included).

Allowing everyone to carry a weapon, concealed or not, IS NOT THE ANSWER. If anything, a liberal access to firearms will further exacerbate the problem of gun violence against the innocent.

Where did I say I wasn't sad about this.

I'm very upset.

I'm even more upset that this type of stuff motivates people and they think they can get famous or carry out some agenda of their own by sacrificing innocent people. Whether you are crazy, or radical it's the same thing.

You ever see Boondock Saints?

The end game for these folks is making it to the news to inspire others.

All of you that are so vehemently hurt over this will only research the problem as far as tv will tell you and you will be on to the next pop culture item shortly.

Making a tweet or a status about how hurt you are is nothing. NOTHING.

You people are not interested in solutions. You are just interested in appearing sad for validation from others. And your herd mentality will make you attack and ostracize any alternative view of these situations that are outside of sensational journalism. Get real.
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Reuters Top News‏@Reuters

FLASH: One entire classroom of students unaccounted for after Connecticut school shooting, @HartfordCourant reports citing sources
UPDATE: Sources tell @ABC's @ChrisCuomo that one shooter was 24 years old, armed with four weapons and wearing a bulletproof vest.
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**** a conspiracy...dudes trying to craft reasons as to why you have psychopaths out here...there is no justification for ignorance. 

I've heard of false flag events...but to do something that involves children is beyond deplorable. 
I step out for 40 minutes and find out now 18 children have died (25+ in total victims)?

My God.
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