Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

For all of you that are screaming more strict gun control laws, what exactly would you like to see put in place?
You are screaming gun control this, gun control that but aren't offering any soulutions.

Here's what i would like to be done. You can have the right to bear arms after you:
-Attend the mandatory 3 month training session.
-register every single gun you own with liability insurance
-pass a series of psychiatric exams over the course of a month (apart from the 3 month training session).
-you're given a thorough 8 hour long background check. not the 15 minute wait they have now.
-perform 24 hours worth of community service

After completing all the steps, congratulations you are now a licensed gun owner. After a year upon receiving your license your license will expire, and will continue to do so every 365 days your license is renewed. After which you'd have to re-register your guns, pass one or two psychiatric exams, and will be given another thorough background check. Failing to do so will result in your gun being deemed illegal and will result in there being a warrant for your arrest. If you feel, you won't be able to register before the 365 days, your local police station will hold your weapons for 90 days you until you're able to renew it. After which it will be handed to the fbi where it will be held for another 275 days. If after a year your license is not renewed you forfeit your guns.

That's what my law would look like if i were a law maker. I think it's pretty fair.
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It's pretty sad they have to assign a trooper to each family bc people can't be trusted to respect their privacy in this time
Here's what i would like to be done. You can have the right to bear arms after you:
-Attend the mandatory 3 month training session.
-register every single gun you own with liability insurance
-pass a series of psychiatric exams over the course of a month (apart from the 3 month training session).
-you're given a thorough 8 hour long background check. not the 15 minute wait they have now.
-perform 24 hours worth of community service
After completing all the steps, congratulations you are now a licensed gun owner. After a year upon receiving your license your license will expire, and will continue to do so every 365 days your license is renewed. After which you'd have to re-register your guns, pass one or two psychiatric exams, and will be given another thorough background check. Failing to do so will result in your gun being deemed illegal and will result in there being a warrant for your arrest. If you feel, you won't be able to register before the 365 days, your local police station will hold your weapons for 90 days you until you're able to renew it. After which it will be handed to the fbi where it will be held for another 275 days. If after a year your license is not renewed you forfeit your guns.
That's what my law would look like if i were a law maker. I think it's pretty fair.

I could mess with this, or something like it.
I really don't see the point in the 2nd amendment, other than don't change it since it's just always been that way and very rare occurrences that having someone who is concealed carry could possibly "might" help . Anyone care to drop some knowledge on me?

This woman needs the utmost recognition for what she did to save her students lives. I'm sitting here with chills knowing she took extreme measures to keep her students safe. Even went the length to ensure they were in fact policemen knocking at the door and not the gunmen fooling her :wow: .

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To be real this is starting to seem like an orchestrated attack on the 2nd amendment to disarm America and the world, so the new world order can take place with little to no resistance.  And I'm not talking orchestrated as in illuminate or whoever the conspiracy theorist think are behind this.  But orchestrated by an unseen force of evil(the devil).  I know a lot of you atheist are going to have a problem with me saying this, but look around.  These past few years just seem like it's been a push to upstage the last carnage act. 

I'm starting to think the 21st does have some significance to something going on in a unseen realm, and I'm sure the world is going to continue after the 21st.  But the level of carnage is going to continue to escalate to unforeseen levels after the 21st.  Like someone took the lid off a pandora's box. 

Some pretty heavy things are going down as we speak.  Vegas, Connecticut, Syria, Egypt, etc are just the tip of the iceberg.  I have no doubt that it's about to get even wilder, and there isn't a gun control bill out there that is going to stop these kinds of incidents.  You take away the guns and there just use bombs.  One things for sure 2012 has been killing season.  Almost 90 fatalities from massacres in one year
; something is going on. 

I know a few NTers may have a problem with this comment it is what it is, but I'll be praying for you all regardless.  Stay safe out there because things are getting real.  
You ain't fooling me with those crocodile tears Obama.
None the less, it was a sad day yesterday.

However, why don't you feel this way everyday? EVERYDAY our U.S. military kills innocent children and women in Afghanistan and Pakistan via Assault rifles, bombs and even more sickening, DRONES.
Wake the **** up. This isn't a gun control issue. It's a mental health issue and that's it.

There's a reason why the second amendment is in place and it aint for the right to hunt deer, its to protect us from our own government.

Learn history. Rise up.
You ain't fooling me with those crocodile tears Obama.
None the less, it was a sad day yesterday.
However, why don't you feel this way everyday? EVERYDAY our U.S. military kills innocent children and women in Afghanistan and Pakistan via Assault rifles, bombs and even more sickening, DRONES.
Wake the **** up. This isn't a gun control issue. It's a mental health issue and that's it.
There's a reason why the second amendment is in place and it aint for the right to hunt deer, its to protect us from our own government.
Learn history. Rise up.

Here we go
Here we go

Truth is tough to handle, huh?

Oh, yeah, I forgot. It's over there, not here, so it doesn't matter. America wouldn't do something like that. We're the greatest country in the world. All about freedom of choice and equal rights and fixing the worlds problems.


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If it's a mental health issue, regarding guns... It is a gun control issue, as much as it is one of mental health..
If it's a mental health issue, regarding guns... It is a gun control issue, as much as it is one of mental health..

So then it's okay for the military and police to have guns, but not us?

Because it's impossible for a cop or someone in the military to have mental health issues, right?

Big Ben,

People don't like hearing logical talk during emotional situations man. Let them be. I feel EVERYTHING you are saying though.
This whole thing is just chilling :smh:

RIP to all the innocent lives lost |I

Terrible that this would happen to such young kids |I

Best wishes to all the parents & family involved.
Ok this dude had nobody. That excuses him killing innocent people?
Millions of people are depressed and they don't go on rampage shootings.
This dude was a coward. Period. Depressed or not, this dude knew what he was doing.
Honestly though, why are you telling me this?
Because I believe in an eye for an eye punishment, people go on rampage shootings?
You don't know me, nor what I do outside of NT. I actually have a roommate in AA right now and I've sworn off drinking around him until he feel's comfortable again.
I will fully support anyone that WANTS help. This dude could have spoke to a psychiatrist if he really felt some kind of way.
However, AFTER a crime like this is committed, there's no going back.
He knew exactly what he was doing. Depressed or not.
I wish he were alive and being tortured right now..
Call me sadistic, insensitive, or sick. IDC because I'd never do these things to innocent people or animals.
My prayers go out to everyone involved.

View media item 172101
You have to realize how devastating a mental illness can be. It severely impairs a person thoughts and behaviors. What you may think is illogical and irrational to them it's not.
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I really hate situations like this because all of a sudden everyone has a damn heart. Like Big Ben said, our country kills how many innocent people every year? Do we care? Nah. We only care when it happens here. I understand though, nobody cares if stuff doesn't happen in their face/home/country. I get that, but we can't have knee-jerk reactions.

And to you dudes that are disrespecting people with mental health issues, STOP. We are lucky to be able to function on a "normal" level. We can't hold other people too the same mental standards because we aren't on the same levels. It isn't right. It isn't fair. And it is disrespectful.

Just stop please.
the psych evaluation argument doesn't even work because someone else who resides in the house can just take the gun from the "responsible gun owner"

Plus the people who get guns and eventually become elderly. The guns stay where they are or get passed down to the next kid. People get dementia, alzhiemers. you going to keep giving them a psych evaluation every year?

we need to research other 1st world countries and see how they were able to curb gun violence.

you can't protect yourself from some mythical oppressive government. you have guns? They have drones. If they really want to "oppress" you you have no chance of succesfully overthrowing this pretend government. 

Founders were walking around with muskets. They couldn't comprehend the advanced weaponry we have to day.You want a little crappy gun that takes minutes to reload? fine go for it. Don't tell me they were sitting around and wanted citizens easy access to thousands of rounds and ammunition and semi automatic guns

The founders didn't think that blacks or women should have a right to vote. They weren't perfect. They were a product of their time and times have changed
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Big Ben,
People don't like hearing logical talk during emotional situations man. Let them be. I feel EVERYTHING you are saying though.

I understand that, trust me.

In order to have rational thought, be capable of critical thinking and use logic, you must overcome emotion.

I'm not trying to discount what has happened, but just like any event, if Justin Bieber tweets about, its the hot topic; Kony, Colorado and now Mass.

But the real issues remain in the dark, purposely.

So if you are going to show compassion, don't pick and choose where you show it. Show it to everyone.

Show it to all 160,000+ CIVILIAN CASUALTIES in IRAQ by to THE US MILITARY.

Show it to all 12,000+ CIVILIAN CASUALTIES in Afghanistan by the US MILITARY.

Show it to the 250,000 Indian farmers who have committed suicide the last 16 years to date because of our governments enforcement of GMO seeds.

Place whatever label you'd like to place, it doesn't bother me. It doesn't change the truth.
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You have to realize how devastating a mental illness can be. It severely impairs a person thoughts and behaviors. What you may think is illogical and irrational to them it's not.
But why the huge influx of mental illness manifesting itself this way within the past 10 years?  And it just seems to be getting worst by the incident.  It's not like server mental illness is something new.  It's not like guns became much easier to acquire within the last 10 years.  Nobodies asking that question though.   
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But why the huge influx of mental illness manifesting itself this way within the past 10 years?  And it just seems to be getting worst by the incident.  It's not like server mental illness is something new.  Nobodies asking that question though.   
Is it really happening more or is it because we are adults now to hear, see, and remember each and every tragedy that happens while we are adults?
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