Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

what the **** are you gonna do against a tyrannical government?

i wanna know how you plan on defeating this pretend oppressive regime who already has better weapons, training, and resources than a bunch of random americans with guns

you cant reason with people on his level; the old "the government is a tyrant let's just allow people to do whatever they want and create anarchy" folk
Truth is tough to handle, huh?
Oh, yeah, I forgot. It's over there, not here, so it doesn't matter. America wouldn't do something like that. We're the greatest country in the world. All about freedom of choice and equal rights and fixing the worlds problems.

what is tough to handle some joker on NT with extreme opinions? my day hasn't changed because of your post
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A super emotional day yesterday, those families were in my prayers. 

Have you guys even thought that something imaginary could influence reality, such as video games to cause an act like this?  
Is it really happening more or is it because we are adults now to hear, see, and remember each and every tragedy that happens while we are adults?
Yea it's happening more and the fatalities are growing with the incidents.  We're almost at a 100 killed in this year alone when it comes to mass shootings like this.
what the **** are you gonna do against a tyrannical government?

i wanna know how you plan on defeating this pretend oppressive regime who already has better weapons, training, and resources than a bunch of random americans with guns

How did America secede from Britain?

How the hell did they rally up 1 million people for the million man march? Without the internet, without cell phones.

The power has always been with the people. We vastly out number them. Regardless of what they try to sell you.

This need to have a "daddy" like figure, whoever that may be, the President, God etc. Is nonsense. Only you can change you and only you can save you.

The problem with your idea of defeating tyranny and a fascist government is that you assume you must call to arms to do so.

They have the game set up, and YOU are the one choosing to play the game. So what's the answer? Don't play the game.

You see with the Occupy movement, flawed and unorganized, that the people of this nation can come together to make a change. The problem with that, though, was that you had the "99%" against the "1", but in reality the "99%' strive to be the "1%" everyday.

I know it would be hard to get through to people on this type of website, but change is possible. I am that change.


"Be the change you wish to see in the world". It's not about trying to start a movement to get everyone change and overthrow the government. It's about changing yourself first. That's all you can do.
A super emotional day yesterday, those families were in my prayers. 

Have you guys even thought that something imaginary could influence reality, such as video games to cause an act like this?  
crazy is crazy. I don't buy that videogames, books, and movies cause these tragedies 

I do think it adds to the gun culture violence we have here. you can show a guy's head blown off but not a set of **** on television. That's an issue. People are way to comftorbale and used to gun violence here.

But people been killing each other for many many years. Way before videogames and marylin manson
Is it really happening more or is it because we are adults now to hear, see, and remember each and every tragedy that happens while we are adults?

I read somewhere the majority of the deadly mass shootings in this country have all occurred in the last 20 years.

If I can find the link I'll post it.
I will leave you all to bicker, argue and debate.

"Divide and Conquer" is a wonderful tool, isn't it?


Do it for the lulz.
But why the huge influx of mental illness manifesting itself this way within the past 10 years?  And it just seems to be getting worst by the incident.  It's not like server mental illness is something new.  Nobodies asking that question though.   

There's a stigma attached to mental illness. For example, would you feel more comfortable telling someone you were at the hospital last night or that you went to see your therapist? Over the years this stigma has been disappearing and it's becoming more acceptable, but there's still a long way to go.
This is isn't about guns in any rational sense. This would be if the weapons themselves were catalysts for the violence but they're not. It's the individual or group that is the catalyst and then tools are acquired in order to carry out the violence. 

Whether this mentally ill individual would have killed 5 children with a knife,  10 with a pipe bomb, 26 with a gun, or 200 with a car bomb is beside the point.

I hate to say this but when we talk about policy we can't get emotions involved. In a country of 300MM and a world of ~7 billion, +/-26 people isn't statistically significant.

Of course to the families who had members killed it's of the ultimate significance but it's irrational to look at it from that point of view when setting national policy.  
Big ben you sound like some freshmen who took a intro to political science class and thinks nobody has the intellect to question the gov't. yeah everyone is a sheepp. BAAAAA. 

sounds like you got everything figured out

stop being a consumer and wake up 
 awesome advice
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what is tough to handle some joker on NT with extreme opinions? my day hasn't changed because of your post
Extreme Opinion?  But it's the truth.  All dude is saying we Americans cheer on the murders of Innocent child in Iraq and Afghanistan with 'support our troops", and there fighting for our freedom propaganda.  But when it happens here it's a sad day, and the killer is all types of expletives.  It's selective compassion.  

It's some unbelievable stuff going on over there being committed at the command of our military.

I never bought into that there fighting for my freedom nonsense, because the only one I see oppressing my freedom are men in blue uniforms with bronze badges.  And there is nothing that I can do about it, but let it be known to those like you and others that fail to see whats real.  
There's a stigma attached to mental illness. For example, would you feel more comfortable telling someone you were at the hospital last night or that you went to see your therapist? Over the years this stigma has been disappearing and it's becoming more acceptable, but there's still a long way to go.
Again, this explanation doesn't make sense.

If the above were true back in the day then it would have be evident via 2 factors; higher suicide rates among the young and a higher incidence of random violence. However, neither of these hold true. School shootings by teenagers/young adults are a fairly recent phenomenon and the suicide rate for teens/young adults wasn't significantly higher in the past. 


Suicide rates have fallen for older Americans but this isn't the group which tends to commit this type of violence. 
Here's what i would like to be done. You can have the right to bear arms after you:
-Attend the mandatory 3 month training session.
-register every single gun you own with liability insurance
-pass a series of psychiatric exams over the course of a month (apart from the 3 month training session).
-you're given a thorough 8 hour long background check. not the 15 minute wait they have now.
-perform 24 hours worth of community service
After completing all the steps, congratulations you are now a licensed gun owner. After a year upon receiving your license your license will expire, and will continue to do so every 365 days your license is renewed. After which you'd have to re-register your guns, pass one or two psychiatric exams, and will be given another thorough background check. Failing to do so will result in your gun being deemed illegal and will result in there being a warrant for your arrest. If you feel, you won't be able to register before the 365 days, your local police station will hold your weapons for 90 days you until you're able to renew it. After which it will be handed to the fbi where it will be held for another 275 days. If after a year your license is not renewed you forfeit your guns.
That's what my law would look like if i were a law maker. I think it's pretty fair.

Not fair at all. What if you're a deployed military member or a contractor? Deployments can last any where to 18 months. So it's ok for the government to violate their 4th amendment rights just because they're out of the country?

You're also saying unless you are wealthy you cannot own a firearm. What about lower income people who live in a bad area who just want a shotgun to protect their home. Do you really think they're going to have the time and money to do all that you listed. Who'd going to be paying for these classes and training?

Also gun registration fails at every level, just ask Canada who just repealed their gun registration laws.

You basically just legislated more power and control to the upper elite of this country, good job.
what the **** are you gonna do against a tyrannical government?

i wanna know how you plan on defeating this pretend oppressive regime who already has better weapons, training, and resources than a bunch of random americans with guns

How did America secede from Britain?

How the hell did they rally up 1 million people for the million man march? Without the internet, without cell phones.

The power has always been with the people. We vastly out number them. Regardless of what they try to sell you.

This need to have a "daddy" like figure, whoever that may be, the President, God etc. Is nonsense. Only you can change you and only you can save you.

The problem with your idea of defeating tyranny and a fascist government is that you assume you must call to arms to do so.

They have the game set up, and YOU are the one choosing to play the game. So what's the answer? Don't play the game.

You see with the Occupy movement, flawed and unorganized, that the people of this nation can come together to make a change. The problem with that, though, was that you had the "99%" against the "1", but in reality the "99%' strive to be the "1%" everyday.

I know it would be hard to get through to people on this type of website, but change is possible. I am that change.


"Be the change you wish to see in the world". It's not about trying to start a movement to get everyone change and overthrow the government. It's about changing yourself first. That's all you can do.

Brah we fought a long bloody war to get independence, With guns

The problem is not that too many people choose to play the "game" it is that not enough people do.

People don't vote enough, don't contact their reps enough, don't peacefully protest enough, and don't compromise with each other enough. They just follow what their parents/priest/friends tell them and then let back and complain about the system. Without ever using the tools in place to fix it

If we did, politicians would know they would have to answer to us. Corporations and special interest would not be able to buy elections. All accomplished by taking part in the "game"

People like you act as if the government/system is beyond saving, so lets revolt, and replace the government with ............................what? a new government? anarchy?. Sounds like your plan is missing the pretty important part brah

Instead of looking hundreds of years in the past to solve our problems, how about we look around the world and see how other people/governments solve problems. Identify the best practices and see what we can implement.

Not horde guns in case of the day **** "ever gets real"
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that video someone posted about not showing the shootings made sense 

i feel like its the killers last hooray like "i told you so" or "you shouldnt have ****** with me"

its like these people are trying to outdo the next 

relliereloaded and i agree with you talking about all these mental illnesses happening now

i almost feel like its a cop out like oh we dont understand the mentally confused very well

that quote about the children saying they just want christmas and they want to live literally brings tears to my eyes. i get this vivid mental image of these children who think the world is perfect have it come crashing down on them. whats just as bad is the teachers who are probably more afraid then the children because they know more than likely what will actually happen to them but trying to keep calm so the children can remain a little calm. its a too sad.
After a day to think about this horrific tragedy, there needs to be a SIGNIFICANT push towards mental health awareness. This coward was nothing more than a looney tune. He had no business mixing with society in any type of normal capacity.

I blame the society that we live in today. A society that desensitizes people with social networks. There's a rising number of children growing up today who don't know the meaning of family or the value of human life.

I don't want to turn this into a religious rant, but something needs to be said for those people who feel God should be removed from our schools. Not because I'm overly religious or because I think one religion is better than the other, but rather for the values and virtues that religions teach followers. I'd much rather have a society believing in Christianity, Judaism, Islam and the like than just throwing up our hands and saying God isn't real. In a society like that, what values would parents teach their children? I understand you can have compassion and love without religion, but if you can't point to something to outline how one should act, how many people trust the next family to raise their children in a manner consistent with respect for another life?

It is helpful to look at extremes when dealing with mindless situations such as this shooting. If every single adult was carrying a gun in the school, certainly as many children would not have died. If we somehow abolished guns from earth, no one would have died from a gun, but maybe the scumbag uses a bomb.

This country may have reached the point of no return. Many people are talking about 12/21/12 like the world will just be zapped out of existence and everyone will expire. I believe this incident was the first in a series of events that will change the way our society lives. It is the beginning of the end, if you will. I just don't have faith in our world.
Not fair at all. What if you're a deployed military member or a contractor? Deployments can last any where to 18 months. So it's ok for the government to violate their 4th amendment rights just because they're out of the country?
You're also saying unless you are wealthy you cannot own a firearm. What about lower income people who live in a bad area who just want a shotgun to protect their home. Do you really think they're going to have the time and money to do all that you listed. Who'd going to be paying for these classes and training?
Also gun registration fails at every level, just ask Canada who just repealed their gun registration laws.
You basically just legislated more power and control to the upper elite of this country, good job.
You do know that was only written in like 3 minutes off the top of my head right? Not all perimeters were taken into consideration. That's why it's a rough assessment. Not really meant to be taken literally, but allowed to be built upon.

but to entertain the conversation.
If you were a soldier deployed for 18 months, gun will be stored in the police station or with the fbi until you return where you'd be able to pick it up. License can be transferable only if your wife or other members of your family are also a licensed registered gun owner.

I would argue it should be more costly, but to say it should be only for the wealthy is a far stretch. Lower income families who live in bad areas areas should not be exempted. If you can't afford the training i'm sure there can me some sort of installment system than can be applied.

And i'de rather have an attempt at gun registration than not have any attempt.

Critique all you want, it's meant to be critiqued and built upon. I only ask if you're going to critique make it constructive. Who knows maybe niketalk can come up with some good stuff.
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Brah we fought a long bloody war to get independence, With guns
The problem is not that too many people choose to play the "game" it is that not enough people do.
People don't vote enough, don't contact their reps enough, don't peacefully protest enough, and don't compromise with each other enough. They just follow what their parents/priest/friends tell them and then let back and complain about the system. Without ever using the tools in place to fix it
If we did, politicians would know they would have to answer to us. Corporations and special interest would not be able to buy elections. All accomplished by taking part in the "game"
People like you act as if the government/system is beyond saving, so lets revolt, and replace the government with ............................what? a new government? anarchy?. Sounds like your plan is missing the pretty important part brah
Instead of looking hundreds of years in the past to solve our problems, how about we look around the world and see how other people/governments solve problems. Identify the best practices and see what we can implement.
Not horde guns in case of the day **** "ever gets real"

My stance is with a peaceful revolution. NOBODY should have guns. However, at this moment, if our government has these weapons, we should as well.

My point was, change is possible within the people.

I'm not saying I know the future or have the plan to start a new regime.

But I can tell you it isn't with voting. The problem with voting, aside from it being completely rigged and just there for the illusion of choice, is that even if it did make a difference.. dumb people get to vote, too. And the problem with dumb people is, they don't know they are dumb.

Quit falling victim to these "rah rah rah america" bull **** speeches. They aren't saying anything, EVER. And they are full of ****.

I'll leave with these; maybe the answers you are looking for are in here..
You do know that was only written in like 3 minutes off the top of my head right? Not all perimeters were taken into consideration. That's why it's a rough assessment. Not really meant to be taken literally, but allowed to be built upon.

And so was my response. It didn't take much for me to realize how bad of an idea laws like would be.
Here's what i would like to be done. You can have the right to bear arms after you:
-Attend the mandatory 3 month training session.
-register every single gun you own with liability insurance
-pass a series of psychiatric exams over the course of a month (apart from the 3 month training session).
-you're given a thorough 8 hour long background check. not the 15 minute wait they have now.
-perform 24 hours worth of community service
After completing all the steps, congratulations you are now a licensed gun owner. After a year upon receiving your license your license will expire, and will continue to do so every 365 days your license is renewed. After which you'd have to re-register your guns, pass one or two psychiatric exams, and will be given another thorough background check. Failing to do so will result in your gun being deemed illegal and will result in there being a warrant for your arrest. If you feel, you won't be able to register before the 365 days, your local police station will hold your weapons for 90 days you until you're able to renew it. After which it will be handed to the fbi where it will be held for another 275 days. If after a year your license is not renewed you forfeit your guns.
That's what my law would look like if i were a law maker. I think it's pretty fair.
This is insanity. 

It's a semi automatic gun/rifle. Not an MLRS. 
There's a stigma attached to mental illness. For example, would you feel more comfortable telling someone you were at the hospital last night or that you went to see your therapist? Over the years this stigma has been disappearing and it's becoming more acceptable, but there's still a long way to go.
So.....the sudden influx of mass murder committed by the mentally ill within the past 10 years is because being mentally ill is coming more acceptable in society?  I don't get that.

You don't believe in good and evil, and I except that.  So I'll give it to you in a pill you can swallow, and I'm going to say that the problem lies with the medication prescribed by doctors to these people with mental issues.  Which is one part of science I have a problem with, but that's another conversation.  But these meds alter brain activity and body chemistry permanently, and if not taken continuously can cause adverse effects.  Like the NTer that recently made the thread about ambien or xanax; I forgot which one.  

Of course I think it's a good and evil thing, but some aren't willing to except that; you being one of them.  But I believe that the more popular prescribed meds are a tool for wicked.  Like the that commercial for that 1.65% stuff that makes your hair grow back.  It kills your testosterone, and they knew that before they bottled it up and put a label on it.  Because to much testosterone is what creates male baldness, and if I knew that you think those scientist that created that stuff  didn't know.  It's all about profit over people, and they don't care who gets hurt in the long run.

I would like to see the toxicology reports of these killers; if there are any.  I'm sure we'll find a common denominator with all of them besides mental illness. 
This is insanity. 

It's a semi automatic gun/rifle. Not an MLRS. 

It's deadly machinery that many gun owners don't know how to use. Many of you are not the sharp shooters you think you are.

I don't see how the appropriate training and proper insurance would do more harm than good.
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