Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

I know it would be hard to get through to people on this type of website, but change is possible. I am that change.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world". It's not about trying to start a movement to get everyone change and overthrow the government. It's about changing yourself first. That's all you can do.


Ah, the viewpoint of a typical college kid. I remember those days when all the freshman read Marx for the first time, started being political and questioning everything around them--and then realized there were better things to do than to run around and broadcast their moronic views to other people who didn't care (like drink a lot of beer and party).

bruh, if you "a[re] that change," what are you doing on NT, telling people to stop being consumers?
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No way you can't watch that interview with that teacher above and not get emotional towards what she had to go through. I definitely can agree that it seems as though something has come over society as a whole in almost every aspect (humanity, mindset, behavior, action/reaction, judgement, etc).

As a mid-20s adult, I wonder all the time about the future of the world we live in and the future of my family/kids and what/how they will have to grow up. At the same time, I am sure that our grandparents/parents had these same feelings as the world evolved as they were coming of age.
Ah, the viewpoint of a typical college kid. I remember those days when all the freshman read Marx for the first time, started being political and questioning everything around them--and then realized there were better things to do than run around and broadcast their moronic views to other people who didn't care (like drink a lot of beer and party).

On point :lol:

This country is doomed regardless. Get yours and keep it stepping.

And FTR i couldnt care less about civilian causalties in Iraq and Afghanistan. **** happens. It sucks but thats the world. Been going on since forever.
that video someone posted about not showing the shootings made sense 

i feel like its the killers last hooray like "i told you so" or "you shouldnt have ****** with me"

its like these people are trying to outdo the next 

relliereloaded and i agree with you talking about all these mental illnesses happening now

i almost feel like its a cop out like oh we dont understand the mentally confused very well

that quote about the children saying they just want christmas and they want to live literally brings tears to my eyes. i get this vivid mental image of these children who think the world is perfect have it come crashing down on them. whats just as bad is the teachers who are probably more afraid then the children because they know more than likely what will actually happen to them but trying to keep calm so the children can remain a little calm. its a too sad.
After you continuously hear and see it; it becomes the new norm.  It desensitizes the population, and then life becomes cheap, and nobody cares about death anymore.  Then you start to get those that actually welcome death.  So yea I agree, but we're a blood thirsty nation always have been.  We don't won't to hear about outstanding charitable contributions anymore.  We want blood, and it's getting worst and worst; UFC for example.  Eventually we'll get to the point of watching literal death matches on pay per view.   
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I don't want to turn this into a religious rant, but something needs to be said for those people who feel God should be removed from our schools. Not because I'm overly religious or because I think one religion is better than the other, but rather for the values and virtues that religions teach followers. I'd much rather have a society believing in Christianity, Judaism, Islam and the like than just throwing up our hands and saying God isn't real. In a society like that, what values would parents teach their children? I understand you can have compassion and love without religion, but if you can't point to something to outline how one should act, how many people trust the next family to raise their children in a manner consistent with respect for another life?
It is helpful to look at extremes when dealing with mindless situations such as this shooting. If every single adult was carrying a gun in the school, certainly as many children would not have died. If we somehow abolished guns from earth, no one would have died from a gun, but maybe the scumbag uses a bomb..
But religion isn't the only way to instill values my man. No where near the only way. Removing religion has nothing to do with the downfall of our society. Values can and will exist without religion.

But I am sure you know this.
Care to be constructive...

Ok, I'll bite. We could bring back marksmanship clubs back to schools. Educate the populous about firearms instead of making it so we fear them. If we start at an early age on educating them about safely using firearms, come time when they're old enough to buy one it's already ingrained to to their heads. It's sad when the extent of someones knowledge of firearms comes from Hollywood.

We could also do something with the mental healthcare system and the reporting procedures of mentally unstable people. If someone has a severe mental defect and that doctor never informs anyone, what good are any of these laws that should prevent them from owning weapons going to do?
well here in (Tulsa) Oklahoma we passed the concealed carry law and so far its been to dumbasses(women...no deaths) that shot each other at one of the casinos and no other problems. i see the law helping but also hurting, being you may have a bunch of badasses out there trying to prove too much because of the right to carry vs. waitng for a needed time to use their gun.
Very sad situation.. as other members have stated, I usually don't take things in with emotion either

but yesterday's events for some reason did |I

Reading that note, real or fake, brought tears to my eyes man...
These were kids man, kids.
I don't want to turn this into a religious rant, but something needs to be said for those people who feel God should be removed from our schools. Not because I'm overly religious or because I think one religion is better than the other, but rather for the values and virtues that religions teach followers. I'd much rather have a society believing in Christianity, Judaism, Islam and the like than just throwing up our hands and saying God isn't real. In a society like that, what values would parents teach their children? I understand you can have compassion and love without religion, but if you can't point to something to outline how one should act, how many people trust the next family to raise their children in a manner consistent with respect for another life?
If you're in a public school, "God" is already removed from the school. Secondly, Christianity, Judaism and Islam has already resulted in far more casualties in the world than would otherwise result from what you anticipate would be chaos because there's no "outline" for teaching one's children. Morality in society is already there, and much of it has been indirectly codified in common law or statutory law. Alternatively, speaking solely on issues of moral character, if you want to be a **** to everyone, then you're probably going to be a ****, regardless of whether a holy text has guided your parents in teaching you not to be one. If you need (or think other people need) a holy text to teach you to teach your kids not be a **** to people, or lie to people, or cheat on your wife, you probably shouldn't have kids.

If we somehow abolished guns from earth, no one would have died from a gun, but maybe the scumbag uses a bomb.
Isn't that exactly the point? No one would have died from a gun. If he does use a bomb, then he uses a bomb--what does that have to do with the fact that he used guns? Are you suggesting that we should then legalize less dangerous explosives because we fear that he might use a dirty bomb or a nuclear weapon?

It is the beginning of the end, if you will. I just don't have faith in our world.

Cool story, bro. Making hyperbolic statements really hammers your points across.
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Ah, the viewpoint of a typical college kid. I remember those days when all the freshman read Marx for the first time, started being political and questioning everything around them--and then realized there were better things to do than run around and broadcast their moronic views to other people who didn't care (like drink a lot of beer and party).

On point :lol:

This country is doomed regardless. Get yours and keep it stepping.

And FTR i couldnt care less about civilian causalties in Iraq and Afghanistan. **** happens. It sucks but thats the world. Been going on since forever.

What a bunch of idiotic viewpoints by the both of you.

While it's clearly hipsterish of you to spew talking points of your just newly opened eyes from a college class, it's equally hipsterish of someone to put those people down because "hey, i've been there and said that already and look where it got me....I just give myself rep points to justify my existence and make me feel better".

You cats are jaded as **** that you can't see past how your putting down others trying to say something, even though said a million times.

This idea of having your cake and eating it too is what's gonna keep everyone down. People gotta realize that you can't get a piece unless everybody gets a piece too as far as the welfare of everyone in this country is concerned.

Wishful thinking can actually become reality if people would take their heads out of their ***** and think of their fellows from time to time.
Please fam i do more than my fair share when it comes to helping others and paying it forward within my community. Thats all anyone can ask. If you want to stand in front of the white house and protest foreign policy and such then go right ahead. It will do nothing.

But some dude on NT General talking about taking up arms to revolt against a tyrannical government because he disagrees with how theyve handled the conflicts in the middle east is laughable. Dude is downplaying a bunch of elemntary school children being gunned down in cold blood bc civilians in iraq got bodied by the us government. People in the middle east dont care about Americans. Matter of fact they wish us death. while i wish no one death, I'll take the same stance when it comes to caring about them or their well-being. I dont.

And yes, dude is a clown and is sayig stuff that has indeed been said millions of times and is basically passing it off as an original idea; trying toget propers on his viewpoints in a thread that has nothing to do with the garbage he is spewing.

Innocent people have BEEN dying since the beginning of civlization. That doesnt mean you shouldnt feel a little extra something when it happens in your country and so close to home. I live in Massachusetts and have fam in CT. That could have been a cousin or a nephew. So ya it hits hard and it has no correlation to innocents losing their lives in Afghanistan.
What a bunch of idiotic viewpoints by the both of you.
While it's clearly hipsterish of you to spew talking points of your just newly opened eyes from a college class, it's equally hipsterish of someone to put those people down because "hey, i've been there and said that already and look where it got me....I just give myself rep points to justify my existence and make me feel better".
You cats are jaded as **** that you can't see past how your putting down others trying to say something, even though said a million times.
This idea of having your cake and eating it too is what's gonna keep everyone down. People gotta realize that you can't get a piece unless everybody gets a piece too as far as the welfare of everyone in this country is concerned.
Wishful thinking can actually become reality if people would take their heads out of their ***** and think of their fellows from time to time.

Wait, did you just call my argument idiotic and then type this long rant about:

something about arguments being made by hipsters, and having cake and eating it, people being held down by other people eating cake, and people getting a piece of the pie, and other people getting pieces of this pie, and wishful thinking and reality, and people with heads in their *****, and then about how all citizens have to come together to look out for their fellow man.

You just lumped a bunch of expressions together.
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Apparently being realistic is hard ? Look at the world around us and all of the terrible things happening. Thats how the world is and its not changing. But its been like that. however, With technology how it is today, all of the things are front and center. with that being said, now everyone has an opinion on everything and knows whats best for everybody. All you can do is try to better yourself and help those around you. Some of yall are real quick to try to drop knowledge on how to better the world but are doing nothing about it yourselves.

Most of the people saying things like Ben Rapelisberger have no real world experience . They think their second hand knowledge equates to real life and how it really is, but it really doesnt.

Be easy helping out your "fellows" because if u help out too much theyll catch you slipping and end your life. Look out for yourself, friends, and family first, and look out for random people half way across the world last.
Apparently being realistic is hard ? Look at the world around us and all of the terrible things happening. Thats how the world is and its not changing. But its been like that. however, With technology how it is today, all of the things are front and center. with that being said, now everyone has an opinion on everything and knows whats best for everybody. All you can do is try to better yourself and help those around you. Some of yall are real quick to try to drop knowledge on how to better the world but are doing nothing about it yourselves.
Most of the people saying things like Ben Rapelisberger have no real world experience . They think their second hand knowledge equates to real life and how it really is, but it really doesnt.
Be easy helping out your "fellows" because if u help out too much theyll catch you slipping and end your life. Look out for yourself, friends, and family first, and look out for random people half way across the world last.
That was Ben Rapelisbergers whole statement though. If we change ourselves then it changes the country.

No one is reading anything.

Secondly, aren't the "fellows" of the world the ones that walk into random places and kill other random "fellows"

We're all connected, stop thinking youre different from anyone else.
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the thing that pisses me off is that americans think the problem is gun control. Every country in the world people own guns yet the death toll by guns is low compared to us. Maybe americans are just a violent group of people. If the right to bear arms is taken from us then what is to stop the government from pulling a hallucuast type event to there own citizens.
. If the right to bear arms is taken from us then what is to stop the government from pulling a hallucuast type event to there own citizens.

You're kidding, right? Do you really think that gun ownership is what's currently preventing a "hallucuast" from happening? And if the government and military were actually to engage in a "hallucuast type event" that random, unorganized, Joe Schmoes with a few guns are going to stop them?
If the right to bear arms is taken from us then what is to stop the government from pulling a holocaust type event to there own citizens.

Not trying to debate you here... but they can do that NOW if they wanted to WITHOUT removing firearms from the citizens of this country.

Think about it.

RIP to those that lost their lives.
For all of you that are screaming more strict gun control laws, what exactly would you like to see put in place?
You are screaming gun control this, gun control that but aren't offering any soulutions.

Here's what i would like to be done. You can have the right to bear arms after you:
-Attend the mandatory 3 month training session.
-register every single gun you own with liability insurance
-pass a series of psychiatric exams over the course of a month (apart from the 3 month training session).
-you're given a thorough 8 hour long background check. not the 15 minute wait they have now.
-perform 24 hours worth of community service

After completing all the steps, congratulations you are now a licensed gun owner. After a year upon receiving your license your license will expire, and will continue to do so every 365 days your license is renewed. After which you'd have to re-register your guns, pass one or two psychiatric exams, and will be given another thorough background check. Failing to do so will result in your gun being deemed illegal and will result in there being a warrant for your arrest. If you feel, you won't be able to register before the 365 days, your local police station will hold your weapons for 90 days you until you're able to renew it. After which it will be handed to the fbi where it will be held for another 275 days. If after a year your license is not renewed you forfeit your guns.

That's what my law would look like if i were a law maker. I think it's pretty fair.
I agree with this plus a huge gun tax and even larger ammo tax.
That was Ben Rapelisbergers whole statement though. If we change ourselves then it changes the country.

No one is reading anything.

Secondly, aren't the "fellows" of the world the ones that walk into random places and kill other random "fellows"
We're all connected, stop thinking youre different from anyone else.

First, the notion that everyone can change and thus change the country will change is sadly, unrealistic. Its not going to happen. The U.S. will never be the same. Im sorry, but thats reality.

Secondly, we are NOT all connected. Dudes spending their grocery store paychecks to cop the latest foamposites are in no way connected to people in poverty stricken nations who are starving to death. The only connection is that they both happen to be human beings. But in the grand scheme of things, that means nothing. Humans have been slaughtering and conniving (sp) each other since forever . But now that we have youtube and such everyone thinks they know everything. Unless youre sacrificing your own well-being to support others, you have no right to call others cynical becUse theyre taking a realistic stance on the world. While there are a lot of good people in the world, most are not.

The notion that we are all connected is false. No one living outside of North America feels connected to Americans. Trust that there are millions of people across the globe who REJOICED when they heard the news that a bunch of American kids were gunned down for no reason. Its harsh but thats the world. If youre looking for a utopia you will be dissapointed. No one who posts on Niketalk has the ability or the resources to change the world. Thats just keeping it real

I was mainly focusing on dudes comments comparing what happened in connecticut to whats happening in the middle east in regards to the u.s. military. While what he is sayig is true, it doesnt mean that we as Americans cant feel sad and distraught over what happened

Newsflash to a lot of yall; the world hates America and most are happy to see the coutry crumbling. I hope the U.S. goes back to the way it once was, but a quick look around NT General will surely confirm that it will not. We have topics on 2chainz footwear choices, kanye west's wardrobe, etc. thats what the U.S. is now; infatuation with celebrities and not a damn given about the state of our country. While i do not agree with nor take part in that nonsense, im not on some type of high horse claiming that things will change "if only everyone would be nice to each other"... Its going to take a lot more than that.
I've been staying away from this, it's heart wrenching. I'm genuinely sad and angry.
I agree im more angry then sad now after it has set in for a day.  As a nation we are gonna have to figure out how we can stop these types of acts of violence from happening.  this is the 15th mass shooting that has happened this year to go along with all the murders from guns in our inner cities acrossed our country everyday.   We need to change our culture as a nation.  We are too violent.  I was commenting about this tragic story on a hip hop site and people under the story were commenting about how gangsta they were and how they were gonna shoot other bloggers. smh they were going back and forth tryin to internet gang bang.   smh it was disgusting for the lack of respect for the vitcims and it was showing how ignorant our youth has become.   
what the **** are you gonna do against a tyrannical government?

i wanna know how you plan on defeating this pretend oppressive regime who already has better weapons, training, and resources than a bunch of random americans with guns
How did America secede from Britain?

How the hell did they rally up 1 million people for the million man march? Without the internet, without cell phones.

The power has always been with the people. We vastly out number them. Regardless of what they try to sell you.

This need to have a "daddy" like figure, whoever that may be, the President, God etc. Is nonsense. Only you can change you and only you can save you.

The problem with your idea of defeating tyranny and a fascist government is that you assume you must call to arms to do so.

They have the game set up, and YOU are the one choosing to play the game. So what's the answer? Don't play the game.

You see with the Occupy movement, flawed and unorganized, that the people of this nation can come together to make a change. The problem with that, though, was that you had the "99%" against the "1", but in reality the "99%' strive to be the "1%" everyday.

I know it would be hard to get through to people on this type of website, but change is possible. I am that change.


"Be the change you wish to see in the world". It's not about trying to start a movement to get everyone change and overthrow the government. It's about changing yourself first. That's all you can do.
How do dudes like this end up on a website dedicated to sneakers
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