Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

It's funny how you single out this post, but you ignore my post about Mexico's strict gun laws and the effects that they have on the murder rate. If you don't want to own a gun, than that is fine, but don't make that decision for me. Just because you feel safe in your community doesn't mean I feel the same way.
I live in one of the richest counties in the U.S., and, yet, people are still getting murdered in their homes by criminals. Just last week a 21 year old kid I went to high school was murdered in his apartment by two gunmen who forced themselves in. So tell me again why I don't deserve the right to protect myself and my family?
Furthermore, I like guns for defensive and recreational purposes. I enjoy going to the gun range, skeet shooting, and eventually I want to get into hunting.
Anyway let me explain to you why socioeconomic background matters. If we start imposing classes, tests, and psych evaluations, than it is going to be expensive to own a gun for many people including myself.
I'm 23, married, I have a son, I own a home, I'm not on any type of government assistance and I consider myself middle class. Yet, all these propositions would make it difficult for someone like me to own a gun and protect my family.
lol Mexico gets all of its guns from the US.   Mexico also has a corrupt government and its country is run by drug cartels.   The US is not a 2nd world country like Mexico.     I see your point but it shouldnt cost much just to get a mental health evaluation.   I could go into a gun store right now and buy a AK or a AR 15 and all they would ask is to see my ID to make sure im 21.   Thats it lol any sicko could buy a gun and thats a problem that we need to fix. 
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no what i was saying is that like if someone robbed your house stole your guns and used them... how are you irresponsible?

How is it not easier when its almost 100 to 1 illegal gun owners to legal gun owners.. Your not factoring everyday/life situations... Ppl who are stressed etc.. plan to do harm are going to do any and everything to avoid the law and be inconspicous.... More often then not a erson playing a robbery a murder etc... is going to stay out of the public eye/sight... And whats more discreet, a meeting in a dark alley... or wally world?

And 200 deaths is a big deal... but considering a very very small percentage of that 200 is the result of the actually gun owner... we talking into the 10's of ppl. So in terms of gran scheme we are as a nation would be spending tons millions on a concept that is based on to many uncontrollable variables... such as ppl guns being stole, ppl who wont despite stricter laws etc.. still will be somewhat irresponsible.

As far as from the illegal gun aspect is concerned... unrealistically for many reasons which i dont want to derail the thread... nothing i could do alone. But i will say that they could curb/reduce the amount of illegal guns etc... in our country, if they put the same amount of effort,resources,money they did to get the illegal guns etc... in this country in the first place.

Ahh i see. If you leave your weapon on the night table, hide it under your mattress, leave it hidden in your dresser beneath some clothes, or have it framed somewhere on the wall, you are being irresponsible. And often times when guns are stolen it's because the gun owner was yes, being irresponsible. If you're a responsible gun owner you'd keep it in a safe away from reach. and those 200 or more lives can be saved if gun owners were more responsible.That was my argument. Don't think just because it was stolen you aren't partially at fault. If you don't keep it in a safe, you're just asking for trouble.
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When is any instance of gun murder responsible? What is a responsible murder?

it is relevant. You're saying it's so easy to buy again off the black market, when i'm telling you as a gun owner it is not. If guns were more difficult to obtain to begin with there would be less shooting from both illegal and legal guns.

I'm sorry is 200 deaths not a big deal to you? And i'm also sorry for not having an answer for you regarding the issue of illegal guns. Care to add to it, as i'm sure you also don't want guns being illegal sold. or do you? What would you do about our illegal gun problem?

And that's what my idea is solely about. deaths related to legal gun ownership. It wasn't about illegal gun owners. I'm no law maker and don't pretend to be one. Rather than trying to debate me, chime in. What would you do about all these illegal firearms?
no what i was saying is that like if someone robbed your house stole your guns and used them... how are you irresponsible?

How is it not easier when its almost 100 to 1 illegal gun owners to legal gun owners.. Your not factoring everyday/life situations... Ppl who are stressed etc.. plan to do harm are going to do any and everything to avoid the law and be inconspicous.... More often then not a erson playing a robbery a murder etc... is going to stay out of the public eye/sight... And whats more discreet, a meeting in a dark alley... or wally world?

And 200 deaths is a big deal... but considering a very very small percentage of that 200 is the result of the actually gun owner... we talking into the 10's of ppl. So in terms of gran scheme we are as a nation would be spending tons millions on a concept that is based on to many uncontrollable variables... such as ppl guns being stole, ppl who wont despite stricter laws etc.. still will be somewhat irresponsible.

As far as from the illegal gun aspect is concerned... unrealistically for many reasons which i dont want to derail the thread... nothing i could do alone. But i will say that they could curb/reduce the amount of illegal guns etc... in our country, if they put the same amount of effort,resources,money they did to get the illegal guns etc... in this country in the first place.

Its gotta be done in stages, you cant deal with the complex issue on one accord....stage one can be making the process more lengthy and include many more checks and balances in legal gun ownership here....then you can begin to address the issue of illegal guns on the streets and policy for being caught with an illegal weapon...someone said earlier, you get caught owning or in possession of an illegal weapon used in a crime then you get 10-15 yrs no questions asked....cuz you're putting everyone at risk by trying to avert the standard policy of following the previously implemented rules on obtaining a weapon. Have drives to turn in illegal guns no questions asked, hell even give people tickets or a little cash as incentive...oor make them trade in their illegal weapon and offer to cover all fees associated with the mental health and written examination testing, You can steadily address this issue, and its obviously much more complicated than I'm saying but these would be good steps imo...

They do similar stuff with heroin addicts, handing out clean needles to them in effort to curb the spread of Hepititis and other deadly illnesses. So if you have an illegal weapon, you can drop it off to the local police or some other designated location, and have them pay for all fees for taking the legal route to getting a weapon. They need to be more lax on people carrying a little pot and worry more about people having illegal weapons on them without ANY training or knowledge about the repercussions of using it.
Classy move by Durant last night.


NY Giants & Jets will be wearing special decals on their helmets for their games this week.
It's funny how you single out this post, but you ignore my post about Mexico's strict gun laws and the effects that they have on the murder rate .

I purposely ignored your Mexico post because I thought it was a really stupid argument, but if you must:

I thought it was common knowledge that Mexico's strict gun laws are being severely undermined by the U.S.'s ridiculously lax gun laws. The Mexican government has repeatedly pleaded and called for the U.S. to tighten up their ship and stop the inflow of guns from Texas into Mexico. In this sense, not only would gun control help our own country, but it'd help out Mexico too. If you want to make the argument that "oh, that means that it doesn't matter if we stop gun control, they'll just get them elsewhere"--you're right, if our country wasn't so irresponsible in basically handing out guns to everyone, then that wouldn't be the case.

Secondly, your comparison of the United States to a developing country where much violence and many deaths of which are cartel-related, doesn't make sense. The U.S. doesn't have a problem of lead, organized crime unit killing everyone. Those people will find ways to acquire guns, but that's true of any crime syndicate in any country, much like the Mexican cartels.

We're addressing mass shooting sprees committed by ordinary citizens, I don't know why you found it relevant to bring up an example of a problem that's highly correlated to Mexico's drug cartels--why not bring up guerrilla groups in third world countries that are killing people too?
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What's truly sad is that this will only be relevant for a finite amount of time before any actual change can occur.
I understand the joker quote reference. Whether it is the right time for it is a matter of opinion, but there was a lot of truth to what Ben said.
Less than 48 hours after the Connecticut school shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, which took place on Dec. 14, the Westboro Baptist Church is already making plans to picket. The Westboro Baptist Church is known for picketing and protesting at funerals across the country.

“Westboro will picket Sandy Hook Elementary School to sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment,” Shirley Phelps-Roper tweeted on Dec. 15.


I honestly can't believe this. :smh:

Emotions will be at an all-time high and this has the potential to get extremely ugly.

This group is no better than the KKK or any other hate-mongering association. Why????!!????
I honestly can't believe this. :smh:
Emotions will be at an all-time high and this has the potential to get extremely ugly.
This group is no better than the KKK or any other hate-mongering association. Why????!!????

Pathetic. :smh:
Less than 48 hours after the Connecticut school shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, which took place on Dec. 14, the Westboro Baptist Church is already making plans to picket. The Westboro Baptist Church is known for picketing and protesting at funerals across the country.

“Westboro will picket Sandy Hook Elementary School to sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment,” Shirley Phelps-Roper tweeted on Dec. 15.


I honestly can't believe this. :smh:

Emotions will be at an all-time high and this has the potential to get extremely ugly.

This group is no better than the KKK or any other hate-mongering association. Why????!!????

Good lord those people are degenerates....and they sue anyone who comes to confront or uses physicality to remove them from the premises, hope they all have special seats reserved in hell. The disrespect is unfathomable, they protest soldiers funerals and now innocent children?!?! :x :smh: :smh:
I honestly can't believe this. :smh:
Emotions will be at an all-time high and this has the potential to get extremely ugly.
This group is no better than the KKK or any other hate-mongering association. Why????!!????

they are all talk; they just want the attention and their name to be put out there
Medical Examiner: Adam Lanza's rifle rigged to reload quickly; Sandy Hook autopsies 'worst I've seen'

Dr. H. Wayne Carver said the victims at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown died Friday morning from "a very devastating set of injuries."

Carver said of the seven autopsies he personally performed, the victims had "three to 11 wounds apiece" and were shot "all over, everywhere. Extremities, trunk, and head" -- two of them at close range.

Carver said the shooter was able to reload so quickly because he had taped two magazines together, a process Carver called "jungle taping."

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They released the name of the victims today.

Going down the list reading their names and seeing their ages 6, 7, 8 years old was heartwrenching.
I am so Angry at what that ************ did .... I hope there is a special place in hell for him if there is one ...

Props to the teacher that hid the kids in the cabinet and told him they were at gym ... RIP

They released the name of the victims today.

Going down the list reading their names and seeing their ages 6, 7, 8 years old was heartwrenching.
Do you have a list. One of the teachers that survived I had as teacher in junior high. She saved 15 children I believe. 
Do you have a list. One of the teachers that survived I had as teacher in junior high. She saved 15 children I believe. 

The children were identified as Charlotte Bacon, 6; Daniel Barden, 7; Olivia Engel, 6; Josephine Gay, 7; Ana M. Marquez-Greene, 6; Dylan Hockley, 6; Madeleine F. Hsu, 6; Catherine V. Hubbard, 6; Chase Kowalski, 7; Jesse Lewis, 6; James Mattioli, 6; Grace McDonnell, 7; Emilie Parker, 6; Jack Pinto, 6; Noah Pozner, 6; Caroline Previdi, 6; Jessica Rekos, 6; Avielle Richman, 6; Benjamin Wheeler, 6; and Allison N. Wyatt, 6.

The adult victims were identified as Hochsprung, 47; Mary Sherlach, 56; Victoria Soto, 27; Anne Marie Murphy, 52; Lauren Rousseau, 30; and Rachel Davino, 29.
Do you have a list. One of the teachers that survived I had as teacher in junior high. She saved 15 children I believe. 

The children were identified as Charlotte Bacon, 6; Daniel Barden, 7; Olivia Engel, 6; Josephine Gay, 7; Ana M. Marquez-Greene, 6; Dylan Hockley, 6; Madeleine F. Hsu, 6; Catherine V. Hubbard, 6; Chase Kowalski, 7; Jesse Lewis, 6; James Mattioli, 6; Grace McDonnell, 7; Emilie Parker, 6; Jack Pinto, 6; Noah Pozner, 6; Caroline Previdi, 6; Jessica Rekos, 6; Avielle Richman, 6; Benjamin Wheeler, 6; and Allison N. Wyatt, 6.

The adult victims were identified as Hochsprung, 47; Mary Sherlach, 56; Victoria Soto, 27; Anne Marie Murphy, 52; Lauren Rousseau, 30; and Rachel Davino, 29.
 So young too. 
CNN also reported Saturday that Adam Lanza tried to buy a gun in the area Tuesday before the shooting, a law enforcement source said. The Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said it is contacting shooting ranges and gun stores in the area to try to establish whether Lanza sought to purchase guns or practice using them, CNN reported.
I honestly can't believe this. :smh:
Emotions will be at an all-time high and this has the potential to get extremely ugly.
This group is no better than the KKK or any other hate-mongering association. Why????!!????

Wow. Im about to bring the choppa out
Jeannie Pasacreta, 55, a Newtown resident and psychologist who was on her way to volunteer as a grief counselor at a local high school, said her son had been in Adam Lanza's graduating class.

He had described Lanza as "very introverted" and said he "used to dress in military clothing, black clothing. He would carry a laptop around . . . and when people would speak to him he wouldn't answer."
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